CrossFitKids LongIsland Logo

Last post of 2011!

That's right folks, today's post will be the last of 2011. I hope you've enjoyed any time you've spent at CFLI in 2011, and if you enrolled with us this year, you will forever be able to look back at 2011 as the greatest year of your life! Ok, maybe that's a little bit of an exaggeration but it was definitely a good decision to get started here because 2012 is gonna be off the hoooooook!

Remember, no 3:30pm class today.


2011 Goal Crushing Extravaganza!!

Ok let's clear up some confusion. You have to choose 1 class to attend. In that class you will start working on skill based goals (ex: muscle-ups, pull-ups, double-unders, handstands, etc) for about 15-20 minutes. Then we will break off into groups and you will PICK between a PR attempt on a lift, or a benchmark WOD. One or the other. The choices are as follows:

9am- Front Squats, Back Squats, or Overhead lifts from the rack. WOD choices will be "Helen" or "The Baseline".

10am- Clean and Jerks, Snatches, or Atlas Stones. WOD choices will be "Jackie" or "Murph"

11am- Deadlifts. WOD choice will be Fran.

For the lifts, any goal is allowed (ex: 1RM Deadlift, 20RM Back Squat, 3RM front squat, etc.) Any variations of the lifts may be used as well (ex: 3RM Hang Clean, 1RM Behind the head split jerk).

Any running or rowing benchmark (including, but not limited to, 2k Row or 1 mile run) will be available at any of the time slots.

So, if your goal is to get 10 kipping pull-ups, and a bodyweight clean and jerk, you would come to the 10am. If you are hoping to get your first muscle-up and a sub-4:00 Fran, you would come at 11am. Make sense?

It's going to be A LOT of fun.

New Year's Day:

There will be a CrossFit Games marathon running on ESPN2 all friggin' day! (From 1pm-7pm) If you missed it the first time around, now is your chance to catch it again. It's also a great opportunity to introduce others to it without challenging them or making them feel uncomfortable (everybody is capable of watching TV). If you are a CFLI member, this is mandatory viewing!


Just about all the gear that was pre-ordered has arrived. You can begin to pay and pick-up on Monday!

A Little Recognition

WHOA! What a day yesterday. To say we got some public recognition would be an understatement. I'm not sure where to start, but here goes....

1) Best of Long Island

Well the results are in. Brian has been voted the Best Personal Trainer on Long Island! This is such a proud accomplishment. Unfortunately, we finished as Runner Up's in both Best Gym on Long Island and Best Bootcamp on Long Island. Although, I think we all know that we are still the best! Thank you to all who took the time to vote. It means the world to us that you would take time to help us be recognized. NEXT YEAR WE ARE SWEEPING ALL 3 CATEGORIES! We will be featured in the January 8th edition of the Long Island Press. More details will come when we get them.

2) Affiliate Page

Among all the commotion yesterday, I didn't even realize it, but CFLI was featured in the "Affiliate Snapshot" on the world-wide affiliate page. Many of you have checked it out and commented already, but if you haven't had the chance, head over to and let the world know how you feel about CFLI! What an honor!

3) Women of CrossFit = Strong

"Women of CrossFit = Strong" is a Facebook page with nearly 8,000 fans worldwide, the picture below of CFLI Women's Bootcamp was taken and used as the Profile Picture for the group, broadcasting our awesome group of ladies to other strong women all over the world. If you have FB check it out here

Thank you to all for voting for us, supporting us, and spreading the CFLI love everyday. We would not be where we are right now without our raving fans. To think that just 2 years ago this week I took the pictures below, and now we are an award winning facility. What an amazing feeling! 2012 is going to be an unbelievable year for everyone and a ton of fun. CAN'T WAIT!

Wednesday 12.28

Hey guys and gals, special announcement to make about classes this Saturday. We will not be running the usual class schedule. Actually the times will be the same but the format will be different. Instead, we will be holding the.....


You will choose the class you would like to attend based off of your goals. Each class will begin with about 20 minutes of "Open Skill" work, allowing you to conquer goals related to skill based exercises. Things like double-unders, pull-ups, muscle-ups, handstands, rope climbs, etc will all be attacked during this time. After that, we will target certain areas and start moving some weight, and hitting benchmark WODs.

The choices will be:

9am- Front Squats, Back Squats, or Overhead lifts from the rack. WOD choices will be "Helen" or "The Baseline".

10am- Clean and Jerks, Snatches, or Atlas Stones. WOD choices will be "Jackie" or "Murph"

11am- Deadlifts. WOD choice will be Fran.

Any running or rowing benchmark (including, but not limited to, 2k Row or 1 mile run) will be available at any of the time slots.

After the open skill time, you will have to decide between a lift or benchmark. You must choose 1 class only. For the lifts, any goal is allowed (ex: 1RM Deadlift, 20RM Back Squat, 3RM front squat, etc.) Any variations of the lifts may be used as well (ex: 3RM Hang Clean, 1RM Behind the head split jerk).

So, if your goal is to get 10 kipping pull-ups, and a bodyweight clean and jerk, you would come to the 10am. If you are hoping to get your first muscle-up and a sub-4:00 Fran, you would come at 11am. Make sense?

It's going to be A LOT of fun.

Time for Some Awards!

Hey gang..
Just wanted to say what a great job during our Fall Season. Everyone kicked some major butt during those 10 weeks and as a coach I couldn't be more proud. Nothing went unnoticed which is why come the very last day we had a little award ceremony in both our Kids & Teens class. Let's give some major props to everyone!
Kids Class group shot..big round of a applause for these guys and gals! Some great awards went out to these young and tough guys and girls and they sure did deserve it!

Teens Class..
"Most Improved" Award.. None other than Pat Dellecave.. Pat has been here since day 1 of the Fall Season always looking to raise his game each time. Whether it's making sure he has the right form or just keeping those extra 5 pound plates on the bar during a grueling WOD Pat has shown some serious dedication and determination..and it has shown big time! Way to go Pat keep up the goos work!

"Coaches Award". For the Coaches Award I was looking for a student who demonstrated competence in everything that is CrossFit.. not just getting here every class and going through the motions, but really striving for those big PR's, making sure every single rep in a WOD counts, and making sure form is perfect in every single movement that is done. Molly Grube was well deserving of this award demonstrating all of these in every time she walked into the gym. This showed big time half way through the season when she more than doubled her Front Squat from the beginning of the season from 55lbs to 115lbs..Holy smokes! Dominating ever since and continuing to do so here on her week off from school during our Christmas Break Special I couldn't think of a more deserving student for this award. Awesome job Molly!

Tuesday 12.27

Don't forget:

No 3:30pm classes this week. The 3:30 P1 class on Tuesday and Thursday has been pushed back until 4:30, and Friday's session has been cancelled. I apologize for any inconvenience.

CrossFit Long Island Kids/Teens:

The Winter season will be starting on Monday January 9th! Our kids are totally pumped and the classes for all levels are starting to fill up. If you have a child or know a child who is interested, contact .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) RIGHT NOW to find out more info and/or reserve your spot. And make sure you check the "Kids" Page at the top everyday for updates on these future firebreathers.

Christmas Break Special Today!

Hey gang first day of our Christmas Break Special starts today. Get down here for some fun and great WOD's!
Kids @ 2:30- Teens @ 3:30

Special Announcement: Kiddies make-up class will be this Thursday @ 1:30pm and last day of classes will be the following Saturday at our usual time.

Merry Christmas!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and got a bunch of CrossFit related gear! Now it's time to get back to work....

Reminder: This week there will be no 3:30pm sessions. The P1 on T/Th will be pushed back to 4:30pm. It will be cancelled for Friday.

There will be just 2 training sessions today:

10am - P1

11am - P2

Make sure don't fall in a holiday slump!



Monday 12/26 we will be running a 10am P1 and an 11am P2 as the only sessions of the day. Enjoy the rest of the day off!


I'm sorry for the short notice but next week the 3:30 P1 class on T/Th will be moved to 4:30 for the week, and there will be no 3:30 class on Friday. We apologize for any inconvenience, please see a coach if you will need to make up a class because of this.

Guest Day Wrap-Up:

Over 30 guests came in and crushed WODs over the past 3 days! What a fun few days watching some "outsiders" get their first taste of CrossFit, and learning first hand that "it didn't look that bad on the board". I want to thank all of our enthusiastic members for bringing guests and for all the brave guests who gave it a shot....maybe we'll see you again soon!

Holiday Fun!

I know everyone is preparing for the holidays but before you sit down and eat all those paleo foods smile you might want to hit this intense WOD.

Guest Days were a hit once again. It is always a good feeling to share your passion with others. Even though they think we are a "cult" they can now understand why we are the way we are. hopefully they had as much fun as we did and I know they probably never want to hear the word burpee ever again. Thank you all for being so cooperative with our guests!

Guest Day1

Guest Day 2


La la la LAST DAY!

Last Day of the Fall Season!

Who's Ready to Kick Some Butt? Going to be a super fun class with some awesome games and maybe even a little surprise twist at the end..uh oh, what could it be?? smile

Reminder..Last day to register for the Christmas Break Week of WOD's is tomorrow..dont miss out

blast from the past..

Shout out to Andrew for his first class and killing it on Turkish Get-ups!

Guest Day #3

Monday 12/26 (Day after Christmas):

10am - P1
11am - P2

No evening sessions!

(We will be running a normal Saturday schedule this week for Christmas Eve)

Guest Day #2!


Monday 12/26 (day after Christmas) we will be having a 10am and 11am session only. The 10am will be a P1 and 11am will be P2.

Awesome day yesterday with a bunch of new faces coming in and giving CF a try! It's always fun to see someone live their first CF experience, especially when they get to do it with a friend.

Guest days will continue today and tomorrow, but if you don't have any brave buddies, don't worry you don't have to miss out. Just come down to your usual training session.

Finishing the Fall Season!

Today is the last Tuesday of the Fall time sure did fly! I don't know about you guys and girls but I'm super excited to finish this season up by having some fun and getting prepared for the Winter Season start in 3 weeks! WOOHOOO! only have till this Friday to register for our Christmas Break Special tongue wink

Guest Day #1

It's finally here! The 3-day extravaganza we've all been waiting for! We have nearly 30 guests signed up to come in and rock partner WODs with us this week...WHO'S PUMPED?!?!?

The pro-shop is stocked to the brim and you guys have already made a nice dent in our inventory. Grab yourself something nice before it's all gone, or grab a last minute gift.

Speaking of gifts, tomorrow is the last day to jump on our Christmas Promo. We've already given out a bunch but we got a few more up for grabs. Be the best Santa this year!


Last Week of Fall Season!

1 Class tomorrow and 1 Class Thursday..And that's that!

That means you better get ready to jump on our Christmas Break Special..
5 Days of no school = 5 Days of WOD's and FUN!
Again it's December 26th- December 30th at 2:30 for Kids and 3:30 for Teens. Reserve your spot soon registration ends this exceptions!

This will get us geared up for our Winter Season starting January 9th...But more to come on that later in the week so stay tuned.

Monday! 12.19.2011

We are ready to roll over here with a super busy week planned. I understand that Christmas and Hanukkah spirits are on full blast right now but that's no reason to neglect your health and fitness. We're hustling over here, you should be too!

Guest Days:

Tomorrow is the big kick-off! 3 action packed days or partner WODs and fun! If you have not registered your guest(s), email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) right away with the guest's name and email address, and which day/time they will be joining you. Today is the last day to register, we hate saying no to guests, but we hate late entries too!

Merchandise Updates:

Well we tried very hard, but the items you pre-ordered will not be here in time for Christmas. If we didn't have to stop our order mid-way with the first company and switch to a better company we would have had them weeks ago. The new peeps at Kotis Designs are legit but they can't pull off miracles, this stuff just takes time. All orders should be in the week following Christmas.

BUT WAIT! We just re-stocked on new thermals in both Men's and Women's styles, got bad-ass CFLI duffel bags, got T-Shirts arriving either today or tomorrow, and a fresh batch of grippies that all go on sale TOMORROW. Get 'em quick for either you or someone on your list!


Christmas Promotion:

If you haven't received the email about our recent (and awesome) Christmas Promo, email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) to be in the know. When you plan on using the promo, make sure you email the .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) with the person's name so we can customize it. You must give us at least 24 hours to get it ready so get your orders in now!

Weekend Re-Cap:

Several CFLI athletes and coaches competed over the weekend in a few different competitions, we are in the process of gathering up pics, vids, and (official) results. Let's just say CFLI tore it up. Full details coming later in the week.

"We don't stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing" -George Bernard

Christmas Break Special!

Check your e-mails! Just sent out an e-mail explaining what the Kids & Teens Programs will be doing over the Christmas Break!

For those of you who haven't seen it yet, and for those of you just popping by here's the rundown..
1. Monday, December 26th is the start date.
2. It will run everyday for the week at the following times:
Kids Class @ 2:30PM
Teens Class @ 3:30PM
3. Last day is Friday, December 30th., bang, boom. Easy right?

So, thats 5 full classes in a row (for those of you who think you can hang wink ) in 1 short, awesome week!
Great way for you athletes already involved to stay in shape over the break and a great way for you newbies to give it a good solid week to see what it's all about. It's a Win-Win! Registration has begun and will continue until December week from today. Don't hesitate and reserve your spot today! To reserve your spot give us a call here at the office: (631) 909-4849 or e-mail: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Last Call for Merchandise

Last day to get in your merchandise orders. We will be submitting the order today at 12:00pm so hurry up!

once again just reminding you there will no classes this Saturday. Come watch the CFLI coaches compete in the "King of Queens" competition at CF Queens! And good luck to those members going to the Winter comp in Connecticut, we know you will represent CFLI well.

Guest Days: Who's excited?!?

Make sure you register your guests for next week right away! We must have the guest's information emailed to us by Sunday in order for them to participate. We need to know the numbers so we can plan the WODs!

December 20th, 21st, and 22nd (Tues, Wed, Thurs). Grab a friend and bring 'em down! But first make sure you follow these few easy steps.

1) Contact your friend, make sure they are committed to the event
2) Email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) with the following information:
1) Friend's name
2) Friend's email address and phone number
3) Day and time you will be bringing this person to class.




Gee Willikers Kiddos only 3 classes left for the Fall Season! That means only 3 more WOD's! downer
I guess we better make them good ones!!! cheese

So here's what I want..
EVERYBODY go to (This first and original CrossFit Kids Site!)
I want you to search through "Workout Archives," "Exercises and Demos," "Glossary"..etc And I want you to all find 1 awesome movement that you want to try/do again for our FINAL WOD next Thursday. Submissions must be in by this Tuesday (not the last day of class!) so I can put it all together and we can all go out with 1 giant, awesome WOD! Capeesh??

Also, check out some of the pictures and kids from from the Kids site! They sure know how to push it!!

Since you were all asking about the CrossFit Games last week..why don't you check out this video and see what it's really about..

Last day to Vote!

Voting for "Best on Long Island" ends tonight at midnight!!! Do not forget to get in one more flood of votes today before it's too late! Click the link on the right...


No classes this Saturday. Come watch the CFLI coaches compete in the "King of Queens" competition at CF Queens!

Guest Days:

Make sure you register your guests for next week right away! We must have the guest's information emailed to us by Sunday in order for them to participate. We need to know the numbers so we can plan the WODs!

December 20th, 21st, and 22nd (Tues, Wed, Thurs). Grab a friend and bring 'em down! But first make sure you follow these few easy steps.

1) Contact your friend, make sure they are committed to the event
2) Email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) with the following information:
1) Friend's name
2) Friend's email address and phone number (not your's, knuckleheads, too many people did this last time)
3) Day and time you will be bringing this person to class. (Although we usually we only allow guests to P1 classes, during guest days you can bring a guest to any class you'd like)


Get your orders into .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) right away if you want in on the new threads!

Wednesday 12.14.2011

Hey tribe, by now you should have received an email with our new merchandise pre-order list. You guys are gonna be lookin' freshhhh, just make sure you get your orders in by Friday at 12pm! No exceptions, that's when we are putting the order in. If you did not receive the email, contact .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) asap.

Guest Days:

There back! December 20th, 21st, and 22nd (Tues, Wed, Thurs). Grab a friend and bring 'em down! But first make sure you follow these few easy steps.

1) Contact your friend, make sure they are committed to the event
2) Email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) with the following information:
1) Friend's name
2) Friend's email address and phone number (not your's, knuckleheads, too many people did this last time)
3) Day and time you will be bringing this person to class. (Although we usually we only allow guests to P1 classes, during guest days you can bring a guest to any class you'd like)


No classes on Saturday. We will be in Queens competing in the "King of Queens" CF competition.

The Final Countdown!

4 Classes Left! Who's ready to go out with a BANG! Big things coming up and today starts it all. Tough WOD's coming your way, but I know it's nothing you won't be able to handle.

Some important info published on yesterday's post be sure to scroll down and check it out if you missed it!

Let's sit back and have a little picture re-cap, whataya say?

Sad News

Hey folks, I write you today with some sad news. CrossFit Long Island has lost one of it's family members, Dave Dobson. Dave passed away early last week after suffering a stroke a few days after Thanksgiving.

When we realized Dave wasn't in class at all the week after Thanksgiving, we gave him a courtesy call to make sure everything was ok, but it went right to voicemail. While doing attendance again yesterday, we again realized Dave still hadn't been in, and gave him another call, still no answer. We then called the other contact number we had for him which happened to be his work number. They informed us of his passing and that unfortunately all services had already taken place. We are going to try and get in touch with the family to see if there is anything we can do, and hopefully do a WOD in his memory to try and raise money for his family.

I know most of you never had the pleasure of meeting Dave, being that he strictly attended the 9:30am class, and was just finishing the 1st month of his contract, but he was an extremely hard worker and a pleasure to have in the gym. Although Dave only attended 7-8 sessions in total, he made sure to stop in the office on the way out each day and let me know "you can't get a workout like this anywhere else....this stuff is great."

You will be missed Dave.

What A Week Coming Up!

Happy Monday! The start of another great week! A few important things to mention as our Fall Season is winding down..
1. Only 4 classes left for you Kids & Teens! That's right we are coming down to our last 2 weeks of the season! Be ready for some tough (yet fun) WOD's coming up!
2. Christmas Break is only right around the corner and I don't want you all sitting around after all that hard work you put in for the Fall Season! This is why from the December 26th (Monday) to December 30th (Friday) we will be having 1 Kids Class and 1 Teens Class per day! You heard it right, everyday for 5 days straight! Come to as many as you can make or all 5! Stay tuned for official times!
3.Kiddies Parents. This upcoming Saturday's class (the 17th) will be postponed until further notice! We're looking to make it up during the week of Winter Recess. Stay tuned for an official time and date. Expect an e-mail tomorrow to confirm!

Check this out.. I want to know if you guys think of CrossFit like Chris and Heather do. Listen carefully, watch closely, and repeat. 3,2,1...GO!


Hey folks welcome back to another week of awesomeness. We are going to kickoff the week with a "Hero" WOD called "Wood". How many rounds is it? What are the movements? What's the time cap? Stay tuned for all those details and more in just a moment, but first a word from our sponsors...


Holy shirt! We have a ton of new merchandise comin' in hot over the next week or save yourself a headache at the mall and wait patiently for the hottest threads to ever hit the streets. You'll be making heads roll everywhere you go with our new t-shirts, thermals, hoodies, sweat pants, tank tops, beanies and duffle bags. Some of these products have arrived, some are on their way, and some will be pre-ordered. We are working on sending out an email by later today or tomorrow with some of the pre-order products. Please email us right away if you are interested in anything and what size you would like. We are cutting it close, but if we finalize the order by the end of this week, we should get it all by Christmas.

Guest Days:

There back! December 20th, 21st, and 22nd (Tues, Wed, Thurs). Grab a friend and bring 'em down! But first make sure you follow these few easy steps.

1) Contact your friend, make sure they are committed to the event
2) Email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) with the following information:
1) Friend's name
2) Friend's email address and phone number (not your's, knuckleheads, too many people did this last time)
3) Day and time you will be bringing this person to class. (Although we usually we only allow guests to P1 classes, during guest days you can bring a guest to any class you'd like)


There will be no classes this Saturday. We will be in Astoria at CrossFit Queens, participating in the King of Queens challenge all day. Wish us luck!


Australian Army Sergeant Brett Wood, 32, of Ferntree Gully, Victoria, assigned to the 2nd Commando Regiment, based in Sydney, New South Wales, died on May 23, 2011, in Helmand province, Afghanistan, after insurgents attacked him with an improvised explosive device. He is survived by his wife Elvi, his mother Allison, and his father David. Donations can be made in his name to the Commando Welfare Trust.

Friday Night Heights

Who's ready to get some height in the gym tonight?

Box Jumps:

Just a little insight as to why we do Box jumps. Like everything else in CrossFit, box jumps are a "functional movement." Functional movements are multi-modal/joint movements that you perform every day. As crazy as it may seem, with a box jump, you are not only using your legs but it is a complete core to extremity movement. Your hips are used for explosion and height, you swing your arms for momentum, and your legs are used as a spring to get you up and down from the box. Tightening (stabilizing) your midline allows stability otherwise you would simply fall over and collapse. Once you are competent in a box jump, other agility based tasks will be easy. Whether its stepping up and down off a curb or climbing a fence, getting out of a chair, or jumping over an object moving towards you, box jumps will increase your reaction time to complete each task. Crazy? Or common sense?

Just wanted you to see a different perspective of a simple movement. There is always a method to our madness smile

Now what the heck is an Over-the-Box Jump?!?!?! (We just like to mess with your head)

Check out our Morning Glory's getting height.




WOD demo with Brian and Ian from 2/16/2011

Post by Brianne

Stay On Your Heels!

Found some good info for all you kiddos who like to come to your toes during a SQUAT!
Read, Absorb, Learn!


Guest days comin' up! That's right folks, everyone's favorite 3-day extravaganza is here again. Mark your calendar for December 20th, 21st, and 22nd (Tues, Wed, Thurs) and start contacting your good-time buddies about taking a class at CFLI. Registration will begin on Monday and last all of next week. Please register your guests ahead of time so we can plan the partner WODs accordingly. Gonna be siiiiick!

Saturday 12/17: No classes

All of CFLI male coaches will be competing in a competition at CrossFit Queens called "The King of Queens", and Brianne will be out of state. If you aren't busy come down and cheer us on! If this interferes with your normal training schedule, please see a coach about making up a class.

There is only 1 week left to vote for the Best Gym on Long Island (aka CFLI)! Get your votes right away and don't skimp out on the quantity, there's no limit!

Check out the Kids button on the left to watch the video of these little firebreathers take on Fight Gone Bad! UNBELIEVABLE!

You’re All Movie Stars!

Well not really..But check out this video!


Good Job Guys & Gals!!

Are you Tight?


Are you tight?
Does your flexibility hold you back? Do you walk around with poor posture? Do you feel like you're an old person because you are tight? If you answered yes to any of these questions then I have a solution for you. The first thing we have to do is admit that we have a problem. Once we are consciously aware that we have an issue with our flexibility, then we can move forward. Most of us try to neglect our flexibility issues or even worse, just accept it. I hear it all the time, "I'm just tight, it's just me." No it isn't just you, it's your habits. The only way to quit bad habits are to replace it with good habits. Here is my solution for you to become strong and flexible.

Daily Habits To Incorporate: 3 easy steps to improve flexiblity (being flexible improves performance dramatically, helps prevent injuries, and improves quality of life, feel like your age!)

1.Squat and Deadlift everyday - Air Squat slowly through the full ROM (range of motion). Make sure to send the hips back to lengthen and strengthen your "tight" muscles. Also focus on pushing the knees out and arms straight over head. Deadlift with a PVC, broomstick, golf club, just your hands, etc. Maintain a perfect "lumbar curve" through the full ROM. Move the hips back as far as possible to engage and lengthen your "tight" hamstrings. Focus on form, ROM, and technique. Your muscles get tight because you don't mobilize them daily to keep them limber.

2.Mobility WOD - Find MWODs that attack your limitations.(MobilityWOD website) Perform them everyday. The best times to do them are after your squat and deadlifts and/or after your WOD.

3.Sit and Stand with Proper Posture - This will be the most beneficial because this is what causes you to be "tight" in the first place. Through years of siting and walking around with piss poor posture has caused you to become super tight. This will also be the hardest to adhere to. Just think of the hollow log position when you walk and sit. Shoulders back, engage the midsection, flex down your sternum, and tighten up your butt cheeks. Do this while you walk or sit ALL the time!

Make sure to squat and deadlift throughout the day. Do them any and ever where all times of the day. Why? Because if you keep moving the muscles and joints through the full ROM, then it won't be so damn tight. Don't worry these are unweighted movements so you can do it everyday.

Mobility WODs are easy and convienient. Here is one you can do all the time without changing your schedule. Do the squat MWOD while you shower and wash your hair. Or you can do the chair stretch while you watch TV or read. There are a ton of MWODs you can do while doing everyday task.

Sit, Stand, Walk Around with Perfect Posture. Just keep trying to focus on it all day everyday. This is going to take some getting used to. You can either set or leave reminders to tell you to work on it throughout the day. Or if you catch yourself not doing it, perform a few burpees.

I know its hard but whats more important then your health? Make these your new habits instead of making daily EXCUSES!

Totally Terrific Tuesday!

Trivia question of the day:
What is the standard weight for the barbells normally used in "Fight Gone Bad"?

Speaking of "Fight Gone Bad"...

Check out some sweet Pics from last weeks FGB!

Check out this awesome vid from CFLI's first ever big event where all our members completed the workout "Fran"!
..hmmm I wonder what we're doing today?!?

Tuesday 12.6.2011

Yo yo yo, no time to chat, time to CRUSH!

WOD demo w/ Brian (March 10, 2011)

Another Great Week Coming Your Way!

Check out Saturday's Kiddie's and Athlete's hittin' it hard!!!


YES! A fresh new week to kick some arse. Hopefully you have you're gears set to "Crush" mode this week because we got a bunch of fun WODs lined up.

Paleo peeps:

If you didn't get you before and after pics emailed to you just yet (or got the wrong ones...oops!) please email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) and let her know. We had some issues while sending them out but we want to get them to you right away.

WOD Demo w/ Brian, Brianne, and Chris from May 23, 2011

Friday Fun!

Just want to let everyone know that we will be ordering merchandise for this up-coming winter season. Sweatshirts, Sweatpants, zip-up hoodies, tanks etc. If you are interested in ordering any of the following we will have a pre-order list out soon. Hope everyone's as excited as we are about the new gear.

Here is a video of today's movement:

Squat Clean Thrusters from Train To Hunt on Vimeo.

Who’s ready to go heavy!?

Strength Day Today! We'll be hittin' up some heavy deadlifts so I hope your ready! Who's going to PR!?

I know you've all been checkin out everything that is CrossFit online..but if you haven't found this one yet take 10 mins and do so..This is what we do!

The Evolution of CrossFit

31 days

31 days left in the year 2011. Take a look at the goal board, have you reached your goals? Almost there? Got a lot of work to do? You have 31 days to make it happen. As CrossFitters we don't just throw goals up on the board and hope for the best. We chase them, and crush them. Take a good hard look at the board today and decide what it's going to take over the next 31 days to accomplish what you put on up there 3 months ago. 3..2..1..GO!