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Time for Some Awards!

Hey gang..
Just wanted to say what a great job during our Fall Season. Everyone kicked some major butt during those 10 weeks and as a coach I couldn't be more proud. Nothing went unnoticed which is why come the very last day we had a little award ceremony in both our Kids & Teens class. Let's give some major props to everyone!
Kids Class group shot..big round of a applause for these guys and gals! Some great awards went out to these young and tough guys and girls and they sure did deserve it!

Teens Class..
"Most Improved" Award.. None other than Pat Dellecave.. Pat has been here since day 1 of the Fall Season always looking to raise his game each time. Whether it's making sure he has the right form or just keeping those extra 5 pound plates on the bar during a grueling WOD Pat has shown some serious dedication and determination..and it has shown big time! Way to go Pat keep up the goos work!

"Coaches Award". For the Coaches Award I was looking for a student who demonstrated competence in everything that is CrossFit.. not just getting here every class and going through the motions, but really striving for those big PR's, making sure every single rep in a WOD counts, and making sure form is perfect in every single movement that is done. Molly Grube was well deserving of this award demonstrating all of these in every time she walked into the gym. This showed big time half way through the season when she more than doubled her Front Squat from the beginning of the season from 55lbs to 115lbs..Holy smokes! Dominating ever since and continuing to do so here on her week off from school during our Christmas Break Special I couldn't think of a more deserving student for this award. Awesome job Molly!

Workout for Tue, December 27, 2011