CrossFitKids LongIsland Logo

School’s Out, CrossFit’s In!

If you're reading this that means it's Friday! Hope you had a good week at school and are ready for the weekend. Better yet, I hope you're ready for tomorrow! We have Kiddies, Kids, and Teens back-2-back-2-back for a Saturday afternoon of nothing but fun and hard work..I"M SO EXCITED! cheese

So here's whats going on around here at the Box. We have an awesome event coming up that I want all of you to think about doing. No pressure, just a great opportunity to get down here for a good cause and get a great work-out in. It's called "Getting Jack'd" on February 19th.
Jack Dono is the nephew of CFLI die-hard, Dianna Wittenhagen. Jack is a wonderful 9-year old boy who is diagnosed with Menkes Disease, a rare genetic disorder that affects the body’s ability to absorb copper. Jack is in need of a new in-home adaptive chair. Unfortunately this chair is not covered under insurance. All proceeds from this event will go towards Jack’s new chair with any additional proceeds going to his school. Let’s help this amazing boy get his new chair!

Everyone who registers will be participating in 10 minute version of the Hero WOD "Jack", as well as receive a FREE t-shirt, and plenty of food and drinks.
Shoot me an e-mail (.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)) or tell me in class if you're in!

Workout for Fri, January 27, 2012