CrossFitKids LongIsland Logo

Hangin’ in There

Hey team, the work week is winding down but the intensity is just warming up! Get in for a fun WOD today to kick the weekend off right!

CF Games Competitors:

If you were not at the meeting on Wednesday, and plan on competing in next week's in-house try out, send me and email ASAP at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). On the other hand, if anyone who has committed to the event, but cannot make it for some reason, also email ASAP. We need to get heats prepared. Last minute no-shows will be shunned for life.


Here is a demo of today's main movement with NY Jets QB Mark Sanchez:

Mark has a bit of an over-exaggerated foot stomp, but other than that looks pretty solid with his technique. As we all know, if Mark was a CFLI student he wouldn't have this bad habit. At the same time, he would also have a lot more weight on that bar and would be a lot better at throwing a football, but that's a topic for another discussion.


Hey Tribe, let's keep motoring through this week and tackle another toughy.

WOD demo w/ Brian:

Hump Day

I'm sure those of you who came both Monday and yesterday are a little banged up but today will be the perfect day to loosen those muscles.

Below is a great article on technique for the Press by Mark Rippetoe. There is a lot of information to take in but I highly suggest reading/skimming trough it if you want to lift heavy weight properly. Positioning is key.

Here are some pictures from yesterdays rowing session:

Coach Pat instructing the rower (Before)

Take off for the 2K row (During)

After row
The side effect of rowing. (After)

Test Day Tuesday

Yeeee-haaa strap up those shoes and get ready to test yourself today boys and girls!

We are going to be hitting two benchmark's today. Although not CrossFit workouts per se, they are both very commonly used in CF to test endurance. Each one will be performed separately with about 10-15 minutes of recovery time in between. Regardless of which one you do first, don't hold back thinking about the next one, focus on the task at hand!

The mental battle....

Games Competitors:

Meeting tomorrow night at 8:30pm. I know everyone is begging to get the details on the try-out format and things like that, but it will all be discussed at the meeting.


Hey folks welcome back to a fresh new week to make changes in your health and fitness. The seasons are changing and we are keeping things fresh and fun as always. Let's hit this week hard!

CF Games Open WOD:

Well folks, the open has finally come to an end. After 5 weeks of tough workouts and hard work, the results are in. CrossFit Long Island has finished 13th overall out of an initial 170 teams in the very tough Northeast Region. As some of you may have heard, the CFLI team of competitors decided this week that we are all going to put our individual goals aside for this year's competition and join forces to compete as an official Team in the Team Competition.

This is something we are very excited about and we plan on leaving it all out there to see what we got against the big guns. Only the top 3 teams in the region qualify to go to the CF Games World Finals in July, but you never know. We are not the favorites to reach the podium by any means, but we have a strong, well rounded team. With A LOT of hard work, some extra skill practice, and maybe even a little luck, you could see us battling it out with the best down to the last minute. We are about as likely to make the podium as the Giants were to win the Super Bowl this year. That didn't seem to bother them though did it? Everything changes once the competition starts, it's like the playoffs. The Open is just a thing of the past now, it's time to see how we do when it counts.

The date for Regionals is May 25-27th, at Reebok World Headquarters in Canton, Massachusetts. We are kicking the door down and bursting in guns-a-blazin! All are welcome to come cheer us on!


We will be having a mandatory meeting on Wednesday night at 8:30pm for all those interested in competing on the team, or participating in team training sessions. In order to be eligible for either of these, you must have completed and submitted a valid score for all 5 Open WODs. You must also be ready to work the hardest you have ever worked in your life and be willing to make this your number 1 priority from now until competition time. Come to the meeting for full details.

Fantastic Friday!

Between today's WOD, this weather, and the last Workout of the CrossFit Games Open it really is a Fantastic Friday!
No B-S'n Today let's get straight to the point.


15 Min Amrap:
40 Double Unders
30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)
20 Pull-Ups
10 Ring Dips know what time it is...
Franki Dove with the "This barbell just gave me 14 different muscle spasms" Game Face

Jen Young with the "Wow..this really is some heavy s**t" Game Face

Kenny Lamb with the "I'm not trying to monkey around but I do anyway" Game Face

And the First ever Father-Son Combo on Game Face Day..
Kent Strickland with the "Oh yeahh that's the spot" Game Face

And his Son Jason Strickland with the "The prowlers outside but my legs are back in the gym" Game Face

Great Job to all of you pushing it and showing us some great Game Faces!

da da da dum..da da dada dumm. da da da dum..dadada..
This is it boys and girls. The last WOD of the 2012 CF Games Open right here tonight at 7:30pm. You know the deal-here at 7:30pm 1st heat kicks off at 8pm. Expect an e-mail later today whit official heat times. Nothing but intensity tonight. Spectators come on down and show your support! There's nothing like the fun, intense, and motivational atmosphere we've been having here on Friday nights...See you there.

Athlete's, hope this puts a pep in your step.

Post by Fogs


Hey dudes and dudettes, we are moving through this gorgeous Spring week with tons of energy and enthusiasm. Nothing like some natural sunlight to light a fire under everyone! Keep on rockin....

"I Have to Get in Shape before I start CrossFit..." by CPM Fitness (the last paragraph nails it)

WOD demo w/ Chris Spealler from 2008 CF Games


This Friday is the Last night of the Open WODs. So if you were planning on coming down and cheering for your friends but just haven't had the chance yet, this week's your last opportunity!

(Coach Fogs teaching the Snatch)

(Ruby Snatching heavy weight)

(Bill's got his "Game Face" on)

Tuesday 3/20/2012

Hey Tribe, we have a fun WOD in store for you today. For you newbies, the movements may seem technical and a little confusing at first, but fear not, we're here to show you the way.

It's time to announce this weeks Game Changer!

CF Games 2012 Games Changer of the Week

The week 4 game changer for WOD 12.4 goes to Taylor Kelly! Taylor showed up in total #crushmode for this WOD. Having mastered Wall-Balls a long time ago, perfected her double-unders over the past year, and recently adding efficient muscle-ups to her arsenal, 12.4 never stood a chance. After banging out 6 muscle-ups in the final few minutes, Taylor landed herself a top 30 finish (28th) out of nearly 2,000 female competitors in the Northeast. Great job Taylor!

Side note: CFLI was 1 of just a small handful of teams to have 3 females complete at least 1 muscle up during the workout. In addition to Taylor, Brianne and Jess Ragazzi also conquered the rings at least once. Nice job girls!

WOD Demo w/ Brian from May, 2011


The third Monday of MEGA MARCH is here! Who's ready to blast through the week and make it happen? Let's get it....

CF Games Open Update:

CFLI throws it down on WOD 12.4 with a 6th place finish overall in the Northeast Region! The team was in full blown #crushmode for this one and we now sit in 12th place overall out of 170 teams. One more WOD left, if all goes well we'll hopefully still be in the top 30 and headed to Reebok World HQ for Regionals in May! We'll be hitting it hard right here on Friday night at 8pm for all who want to come cheer us there!

12.4….AND 12.3! Wait What?

Well howdy there homies. Today we have a very special treat for you.. It's called "12.3" aka "The Chupacabra"
For those of you following the World Wide CrossFit Games Open, you may have gone weak in the knees when you saw "12.3" come up. RELAX.. It's not that baddd. For those of you who aren't follwoing the Games, 12.3 was last weeks workout where a handful of our members met here Friday night to battle it out and put up the highest score possible to compare themselves to the rest of the world. Although today we're not going to be comparing ourselves to the world (you can take that huge sigh of relief now) we're still going to come in today, battle it out, and put up the highest score you possibly can (nothing changes there). So here it is..Who's ready to dominate?

18 Min AMRAP:
15 Box Jumps
12 Push Press
9 Toes-2-Bar

Get After it!

And now Ladies and Gents, Joy Caputo throwing up some heavy weight..

This was 1 lift! Check out the progressions of a good Power Clean. Awesome job Joy great form!

Drum Roll Please....Let's "GET YA GAME FACE ON!"

Ginine Lucirello with the "Wow this is a lot heavier than I thought" Game Face

Brad Reed with the "No Kip, Keep it Strict" Game Face

Steve Anselmo with the "Sombody please get me some water my mouth is so dry" Game Face

Kevin Scribner with the "I'd rather watch a Rangers Game than do 1 more of these" Game Face

And Joshua Dubois (Tabatha's Son) with the "Nah I'm good I'll try the adult weight" Game Face

Great job and great game faces..Keep it up!
Post comments below for your favorite Game Face!

..Okay so here's 12.4 (bet you were wondering about that title still) Tonight, at 7:30pm all the folks currently competing in the CrossFit Open will hit the new workout-12.4. This is our second to last WOD of sectionals and it appears to be the toughest one yet. Please be on time and come prepared with 1. Your Game Face, 2. Eye of the tiger, and 3. A S**t ton of intensity...oh yeah and don't forget your jump rope. See ya then! All of you who aren't doing the WOD feel free to come down and support.. We're going to need all the help we can get!

"This WOD is going to be a test of the efficiency of your mechanics" -K Starr
Kelly Starrett talks about 12.4 prep work.

Post by Coach Fogs


How about that weather yesterday huh? Nothing like a couple 800s in the Spring air...I look forward to many more over the next few months.

So WOD 12.4 is up and it looks like a doozy. Remember, we will be meeting tomorrow night at 7:30 to kick off our heats. 1st heat will go at 8pm and all CFLI members and friends are welcome to come cheer everyone on! The intensity is going to be CA-RAY-ZEE!!

Wednesday WODday!

Open WOD is released today... what will it be?

Because of the beautiful weather predictions, we will be enjoying the fresh air in today's WOD! Or should I say we'll be sucking in as much air as possible.

Overhead RUN


This Is It!

Final week of our Kiddies, Kids, and Teens Winter Season!
First and foremost please give your e-mails a check! Very important info went out last night about the end of the season and what's to come for Spring.
But like I said...This is it for the Winter Season. You all have been doing an outstanding job this entire season so it's time to have fun...and of course go HEAVY! Teens got a taste of what it would feel like to be in a "Strongman" Competition last night and for you kiddos today it's not going to be much different. Just like Kiddies got a strong when they pushed the prowlers last week! Holy Moley! Let's take a look..


Hey Tribe, it's time to announce the Game Changer award for last week's CF Games Open WOD. It was a tough call this week with so many people stepping up and throwing down some big scores. It was a very tough workout, but CFLI finished in the top 20 again.

WOD 12.3 Game-Changer: Ian Fogarty aka Coach Fogs

Coach Fogs stepped up and brought his A-Game this week as the highest overall score for the Males. Ian maintained a strong pace throughout, but turned up the juice to complete a full round in the last minute of the workout to score an even 10 rounds total. This final kick boosted him up on the Worldwide Leaderboard and to #1 on the CFLI Leaderboard for the week. Nice job Coach! Crush another one this week!

Handstand Push-Up Tips:

Mega March Monday #2

A big thank you to everyone who came down on Friday night to cheer on the CF Games Competitors in open WOD #3. CFLI crushed as usual and we are currently in 15th place in the Northeast Region out of 170 teams. There are 2 more workouts remaining and we don't plan on slowing down now!

Get Ya’ Game Face On!

WOD's up everyone. Who's ready to kill it today? The past few weeks Friday has been a day for some seriously heavy lifting..However, today....will be no different. I'm DEAD(lift) serious wink

What a treat we have in store for you as well. Here's a little piece we like to call..
And the nominees are..

Mark Iorio for the "I'm Still Holding" Game Face..

Nicky Lacerenza for the "I can still get it up...and over my head" Game Face..

Ken Ripple for the "Why the hell do I need a barbell when I lunge" Game Face..

And Jess Kenna and Kelley Lorusso for the "Please God, Just let me get this rep up" Game Face.

The Nominees are in Ladies and Gentlemen Vote for your favorite Game Face in the comments sections below.. The winner will be announced MONDAY!

(Quick reminder for all you Strongman/woman folks, Daylight Savings is Sunday morning. Don't be late!)

And now a bit of wisdom from the Deadlift Guru himself- Mark Rippetoe:
"The deadlift is more functional in that it's very hard to imagine a more useful application of strength than picking heavy s**t up off the ground."
Well said.

Deadlift 3RM

8 Min AMRAP:
1 Deadlift (315/275)
Max Pull-Ups
2 Deadlifts
Max Pull-Ups
3 Deadlifts
Max Pull-Ups...

Score=Total number of Pull-ups.

Speaking of Game Faces, I hope all of you that are competing in tonight's 3rd Sectional WOD "GET YA GAME FACE ON!". Same as the past 2 weeks: Get here by 7:30pm- 1st heat starts at 8:00pm. Expect an e-mail later on today with official heat times. Spectators come on down and show these CFLI badasses some support!

A little video to help you with 12.3

post by Fogs

Get Low then Get Movin!

Hey folks, it's supposed to be nice and warm today so let's take this opportunity to get outside and hit the pavement! But not before we get down on some heavy back squats.

WOD 12.3 is out and it's a doozy. Let us know right away if you cannot make it on Friday. Because the workout is 18 minutes we are going to try and condense the heats as much as possible. Let's stay in a good spot on that leaderboard!

Winter Season Update!

Winter Season? It's more like Spring today!
Quick update kiddos.. this is the second-to-last week of the Winter Season! Time flies when you're having fun! Official end date is Saturday, March 17th.
With that said, I want you all gearing up for next week because we're going to have some tough workouts and some heavy strength! Be prepared! Also, stay tuned for the official announcement for the start date of our Spring Season.

Ahhh Push it..

Congrats to everyone hitting PR's on yesterdays WOD. "Fran" is a sneaky one, sure knows how to make you sweat!

WOD 12.3 is announced tonight, any predictions? I know we all can't wait to find out whats next.


And now here's some motivation:


Did you get butterflies in your stomach just reading the title? If not, you've probably never done this workout before. That's ok though because you get to do it today!

Check out this WOD demo wih Mel Ockerby from CF New England at the CF Games last year. The crowd won't be as big today but the intensity will be just as high! Be ready!

Running and Endurance:

Hey R&E peeps, don't forget class continues today at 6pm at the box. You will be getting an email later today that will be especially important to those who were not here on Saturday. Get ready to run!

Game Changer:

Today we are going to announce a little something called the "Game Changer" award. This "award" is going to be a way to recognize a member of the CFLI Games Team (participating in the Open), who stepped up big time and turned some heads during the Open WOD for that week. Since we are two weeks in, we will be announcing the Game Changers for Week 1 and Week 2 today. Like, right now.

CF Games Workout 12.1 Game Changer: Nicole LoMeli

This pocket-sized firebreather stepped up big time in week 1. With 7 minutes of torture, I mean burpees, as the WOD, Nicole knew her combination of small frame and lightning speed, mixed with incredible endurance and determination would give her a chance to excel. At the end of 7 minutes Nicole had completed 120 burpees, putting her right near the top of the leaderboard of over 1300+ women in the Northeast, and helping CFLI finish with a stronger than expected team score for the week. Great job Nicole!

CF Games Workout 12.2 Game Changer: Erik Gorman

Gormo came to play. Known for posting some big numbers on his lifts, Erik had his sights set on a big score for this WOD. The thing is, strength alone isn't enough for a 10 min WOD with that many reps. That's ok though, cause Gormo ain't no one-trick pony. The man is a machine and repped through each weight like a possessed robot for the entire 10 minutes, demonstrating the strength of a man twice his size and the endurance of a man half his size. In the end, he posted a score of 72 reps, also jolting CFLI up in the leaderboard to another strong team finish. Nice work Gormo!

Who will step up and be the Game Changer next week? Post your predictions below...


Welcome to a fresh week folks! Today kicks off the first week of what will now be known as MEGA MARCH! Why is it so MEGA? Cause everything we do is going to be OFF THE HOOK! As you probably know, our Strongman Sundays class and our Running and Endurance class are in full swing and off to a great start. At the same time, the CF Games 2012 Open is also 2 weeks deep and CFLI is kicking some serious ace. We are currently ranked 18th out of 170 teams total, getting us off to a good start on our road to Regionals.


Friday Fun

It's the Freakin' Weekend Let's have some fun!..Well, almost the weekend-but close enough..

Everyone making it down to the Box today we have a fun treat in store for you.. You guessed it, a chipper WOD.
What's a chipper WOD you asked? Well good question!
A "Chipper" is a WOD designed to be challenging by its sheer volume and variety of movements.Chippers tend to require individuals to reduce or pace themselves through each task so as to finish the full event.This requires a degree of metal determination as well as physical fitness.

The solution is to "Chip" away at the volume in small units that do not see you go to failure or deteriorate the technique of the movement.

Decide on a Rep scheme that you can achieve in good form

Set small timed breaks or "walk aways" between the designated reps.

Accumulate the reps until complete.

Don't Give Up

Start Chipping.

So here it is..Todays WOD

For Time:
25 Handstand Push-ups
50 Toes-2-Bar
800M Run
75 Push Press (75/45)
150 Double Unders


For all you gamers out there be sure to be here by 7:30pm tonight for WOD 12.2. But please, only come if you are ready to blow the roof off this place! I'm talking enough intensity and energy to start a small riot..yelling, screaming, lighting cars on fire, etc. All out, non-stop for each and every one of you. Non-competitors feel free to come down and route these athletes on as we make it to the second WOD of this 5 week series.

For everyone doing 12.2 later on what if I told you there was a 10 minute video that you can watch in the comfort of your own home and it will actually help you with tonight's workout..Something you'd be interested in?
Good cause' here it is...

post by Fogs

Games WOD

Hey there guys and gals..Couple of updates, couple of pics..
Teens hit the CrossFit Open Games WOD # 1 last part of their warm-up. 7 Minutes of all out intensity doing nothing but Burpees; and the numbers put up were phenomenal! Teens, for those of you who want to see how your numbers compared in our Region check out this site:
Just click "Leaderboard" and make sure the Region is "North East". You all did awesome!

Kids have been dominating as well as our season continues to progress. Don't believe me? Well here's a few things we've done in the past few weeks: Deadlifts, front squats, over-head squats, turkish get-ups, clean & jerk etc.. not to mention the ton of fun we're having down here! wink

Long Island Image" />

For even more pics go to CrossFit Long Island's Facebook Page and check out our newest album "Real Kids Sweat"


Hey folks, it's Thursday. That means the next WOD for the CF Games has been announced, and everyone is getting nervous, talking strategy, and laying in bed all night thinking about it. But try to keep your heads on straight until tomorrow night when we attack it!

Remember folks, the CF Games competitors will be meeting tomorrow night at 7:30 to tackle the Open WOD and all are welcome to come watch. The energy is going to be through the roof and we will need your help on this one! We are also working on organizing a coaches heat somehow, so we can get in on the action while the place is rockin! Come on down!

Don't forget to click on our "CFLI Kids" button on the left everyday to check out what these rock star kids are doing. You'll be impressed!