CrossFitKids LongIsland Logo

Wednesday 2.1.2012

Today is the first day of February! WOW January went quick. Was January a success for you? How are your New Year's Resolutions holding up? Hopefully your exceeding your goals and staying right on track.

The details of the Strongman class have been announced! You DO NOT want to miss this! Click the link for the deetz. Official registration info coming soon to our "Events" page!

2012 CF Games Open:

Registration opens TODAY! Meeting Friday night at 7:30pm. Email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) right now if you plan on attending. If you are unsure of whether or not you are competing, you can still attend the meeting to learn more about the competition.

Gettin' Jack'd:

Registration deadline is tomorrow! Get involved and have some fun!


Hey Tribe, don't forget about our meeting Friday night if you are interested in trying the Open (7:30pm). I know not all of you were around last year when it was going on so you might be on the fence a little. That's fine! Come to the meeting anyway and learn a little more about the way it's going to go down. Just email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) and tell him you are coming, but not sure if you'll be participating yet. Chances are, if you're on the fence, you're probably ready for it but just lacking the confidence.

I have talked to some other CF Box owners in the area about teaming up and hosting the Open WODs each week. I do want to wait and see how many of our own CFLers are interested though, because if we have enough, we may host it for our members only. These type of things will be discussed at the meeting.


1) "Jack'd" Registration has been extended to Thursday. To clear up some confusion about the Burpee-a-thon, you register now but you have until the day of the event to gather sponsorship money. You gotta do it!

2) Paleo Kits are now on sale in the Pro-Shop. They might not look too appetizing in those packages, but trust me they are great. Portions of the proceeds for all sales go to "Steve's Club", helping at-risk youth use CF to help their lives. Check out the video below for more info.

Example of some Snatch Work

Monday Funday

What's up all you die-hard CrossFitter's. It's Monday which means we're back in action and ready to roll. Let's get it done!

Box jumps from your knees?..yupppp!

For anyone interested in our Fundraiser "Getting Jack'd" check out last weeks post for all the info. Going to be a great experience!

Posted this Vid last Season..but for all you newbies check it out. And for you that have seen it....well take a look again!

Max Monday

Fresh week! Lots of hard work ahead of us this week... who's up for it?!?

Lots to talk about....

1) "Gettin' Jack'd"

The registration deadline for the the fundraiser has been extended to Thursday Feb 1st. Get involved! Scroll down to last week's posts for more info.

2) "All Hail the Queen"

Congratulations to our CFLI girls who competed in the "All Hail the Queen" competition in Queens this weekend! Brianne, Taylor, Jess R, Kelley, Beth, and Nicole threw their hats in the ring of a very fun and exciting competition. The girls battled through some tough WODs and represented very well. In the end, both Brianne and Taylor made it to the Final Heat of the top 6 women. In the end, Brianne finished 4th and Taylor finished 6th overall with impressive performances throughout the day. All the girls brought their A game and I am very proud of them for bustin' their butts through some really tough WODs.

3) 2012 CrossFit Games Open Qualifier

Well folks, its that time of year. Time for the CrossFit Games season to begin! This is a very exciting time of year and I am looking forward to training, competing and coaching over the next several months. We will be having a mandatory meeting this Friday at 7:30pm for anyone who is interested in competing in the open. If you will be giving the "Open" a shot this year, you must email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) by Thursday at midnight, and then attend the meeting on Friday.

Not sure if you are ready for the Open? Don't stress, this isn't going to be what you saw on ESPN last month. The Open WODs are very inclusive and try to incorporate much more than just the super-elite. We have done several of last years WODs over the past month or so, so hopefully you've been gauging your abilities based of these. In order to compete, you should be competent in things like pull-ups, push-ups, double-unders (or working on them!), etc. You should also be able to do the majority of our workouts with the prescribed weight, and very comfortable with all the barbell movements and variations. That being said, just because you can't picture yourself making the trip to California this summer for the World Championships, doesn't mean you should sit it out. Still not sure? Ask a coach.

Nicole Brianne
Beth Taylor
Kelley Jess

School’s Out, CrossFit’s In!

If you're reading this that means it's Friday! Hope you had a good week at school and are ready for the weekend. Better yet, I hope you're ready for tomorrow! We have Kiddies, Kids, and Teens back-2-back-2-back for a Saturday afternoon of nothing but fun and hard work..I"M SO EXCITED! cheese

So here's whats going on around here at the Box. We have an awesome event coming up that I want all of you to think about doing. No pressure, just a great opportunity to get down here for a good cause and get a great work-out in. It's called "Getting Jack'd" on February 19th.
Jack Dono is the nephew of CFLI die-hard, Dianna Wittenhagen. Jack is a wonderful 9-year old boy who is diagnosed with Menkes Disease, a rare genetic disorder that affects the body’s ability to absorb copper. Jack is in need of a new in-home adaptive chair. Unfortunately this chair is not covered under insurance. All proceeds from this event will go towards Jack’s new chair with any additional proceeds going to his school. Let’s help this amazing boy get his new chair!

Everyone who registers will be participating in 10 minute version of the Hero WOD "Jack", as well as receive a FREE t-shirt, and plenty of food and drinks.
Shoot me an e-mail (.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)) or tell me in class if you're in!

Friday Already!?

Here it is folks..the home stretch of a tough week of WOD'n out. Get down here and finish strong!

3 very short, but very instructional videos..

Learning the Clean & Jerk:

Step 1. ThePower Clean

Step 2. The Push Jerk

Step 3. THE CLEAN AND JERK Make Sense?

(Note: Splitting the feet is optional. See Push Jerk)

"Getting Jack'd" registration ends tomorrow.. If your not a Saturday morning wodder then today's the day! Closing in on 30 members registered..turning out to be a big event..Let's do it!

10 Minutes to Find:
Clean & Jerk 3 RM

For Time:
800M Run
30 Clean & Jerks (155/105)
800M Run

post by Ian

Get Jack’d!

Keep on truckin' folks...this tough week isn't slowing down yet!

Gettin Jack'd

Registration for our upcoming fundraiser is filling up quick! It thrills me to see the CFLI community reaching out and helping such a great cause. Just to remind you....

Jack Dono is the nephew of CFLI die-hard, Dianna Wittenhagen. Jack is a wonderful 9-year old boy who is diagnosed with Menkes Disease, a rare genetic disorder that affects the body’s ability to absorb copper. Jack is in need of a new in-home adaptive chair. Unfortunately this chair is not covered under insurance. All proceeds from this event will go towards Jack’s new chair with any additional proceeds going to his school. Let’s help this amazing boy get his new chair!

Everyone who registers will be participating in 10 minute version of the Hero WOD "Jack", as well as receive a FREE t-shirt, and plenty of food and drinks.

There will also be an option to participate in the "Burpee-a-thon" that will follow the WOD. This will require you to raise at least $20 to participate, similar to our Fight Gone Bad fundraiser. You can ask friends, family, co-workers, etc to sponsor you by donating $5, $10, or however much they please. As long as you raise atleast $20, you can participate in the Burpee-a-thon. You will have 10 minutes to complete as many burpees as possible (sounds like fun, right? But it's for a good cause). For every burpee you complete, CFLI will donate 10 cents to the fund.

This format will help us raise money in a few different ways. For example:

Roger Deadliftington registers for Gettin Jack'd...


Roger gathers small donations from co-workers and family over the next few weeks accumulating....


Roger than completes 140 burpees during the 10 min period. On his behalf, CFLI donates...


So for a few fun hours, filled with food, friends, and lots of sweat, Roger raises...

$109 for a great cause!

When: Sunday February 19th
Time: 11am
Where: CFLI
Cost: $40 (must raise an additional $20 to compete in Burpee-a-thon)
Registration deadline: Saturday January 28th

Let's rally the troops and knock this out of the park! Of course there will be scaling options for the Hero WOD and everyone is encouraged to participate! If you cannot make it that day, donations will be excepted at any time, and every little bit helps.

WOD’s Up Wednesday!

Hey there kiddos, kiddies, boys and gals.. Just want to say you all continue to impress me. Teens pushed it to the max Monday night with the WOD "Death by Thrusters" and yesterday Kids showed a great performance with their sumo-deadlift high-pulls and front squats! A lot of sweat, a lot of determination, and like always a lot of fun! Teens come with your game face on tonight and Kids we'll see you tomorrow! Be ready!
Let's take a little recap with some pics..

Tabata Something Else

Wrist Wraps are in! come and get them. Say goodbye to wrist pain.

People have already started to register for "Getting Jack'd" but don't forget this Saturday, January 28th is the registration deadline. Its for a good cause and you get a free "Getting Jack'd" T-Shirt what more could you want? If you plan on participating in the "Burpee-a-thon" too, we should have the fundraising sheet out shortly. Event is on February 19th at 11am.
(Scroll down to later posts for more information)




Hey Tribe, way to survive the deadly Thrusters yesterday.....ouch. Let's shake it off and get back at it!

Strongman Class / Running Clinic

We have been getting a lot of questions regarding the specialty programs mentioned in last weeks posts. We have delayed the announcement temporarily due to a minor scheduling conflict. At first thought, we predicted most would be choosing between one course or the other, if they did choose to participate. Because of this we had the classes meeting at the same time on one day, which would cause a conflict because it seems that many may be interested in doing BOTH. This enthusiasm is great but we need some time to make sure we can work it all out. Stay tuned!

Gettin' Jack'd

CFLI is throwing down a rockin fundraiser on Sunday February 19th! Scroll down to yesterdays post to learn all about it. Get registered right away!


What a weekend! We finally got to see some snow this winter and more importantly....THE GIANTS WON!
We're going to the Superbowl! The game was definitely a nail biter but the G-Men dug it out and won a very close and very tough game. Wearing Blue is highly encouraged this week for classes!
Back to the you all know classes were canceled this past Saturday because the weather wasn't to great. But not to worry, we will be making it up towards the end of the season. Keep your eyes peeled for an official date!

Teens tonight..since we missed Saturday I think tonight is a great night to go heavy..reallllll heavy wink
Kids- I'll see you all tomorrow but be ready to move! Great WOD for you planned as well.

Hopefully the anticipation for classes will make you just as excited as Weatherford was last night..

Death by Thruster

They did it! The Giants won! Congratulations to all you Giants fans out there, Super Bowl in 2 weeks? CAN'T WAIT! As for you Jet fans, well, you've brought this upon yourself. You can make the switch at any time. smile


"Gettin' Jack'd"

If you haven't heard yet, CFLI Women's Bootcamp is organizing a fundraiser to be held here on Sunday February 19th at 11:00am. All proceeds of this event will go towards the family of Jack Dono, nephew of CFLI die-hard Dianna Wittenhagen. Jack has a rare genetic disorder known as Menkes Disease, which effects his ability to absorb copper. Jack is in need of a specialized in-home adaptive chair, that is quite expensive, and not covered by his insurance. We have decided to use the unmatched strength of the CFLI community to team up and raise money for the chair! This event will be not only fun, and a great workout, but it will be benefiting a great cause as well!

We will be doing the Hero WOD "Jack" (10 min version), as well as a "Burpee-a-thon" to follow (10 minutes as well). Everyone will participate in the Hero WOD as part of their registration, and we will be doing an optional "Burpee-a-thon" afterwards as well. In order to participate in the Burpee-a-thon, you must raise at least $20 in sponsorship's (like the FGB fundraiser), but of course you can raise more. You will than have 10 minutes to do as many burpees as possible on the day of the event. FOR EACH BURPEE PERFORMED IN THOSE 10 MINUTES, CROSSFIT LONG ISLAND WILL DONATE AN ADDITIONAL 10cents TO THE FUND. (i.e. if we complete 5,000 burpees as team, the donation will be $500).

Registration Deadline: Saturday, January 28th (this Saturday)
Cost: $40 (Includes "Jack" WOD, food, drinks, raffles, and FREE T-Shirt!)

Register right away!


If you haven't picked up your apparel that you pre-ordered, it is now officially for sale. Sorry, you snooze you lose! We can't let this great gear sit on the shelves un-rocked.

The highest score on today's WOD will receive 2 tickets the super bowl and an all-expense paid round trip*!!

*Not really



Build an Igloo For Time:


Hey folks, it's 7:30am on Saturday morning and at this moment classes are going to run as scheduled. I just made a round-trp to the gym and the roads are not great, so PLEASE use your best judgement and understand that just because classes are on, doesn't mean you should come if you do not feel comfortable driving in this. There will be plenty more WODs in the future.

If you do attend....

1) Be VERY careful in the parking lot. It has not been plowed yet and there is a layer of ice underneath the snow. Watch your step!!

2) Please wear different footwear than you will be working out in. It would help keep our floors safe and clean if everyone brought a change of shoes.

3) Again, please use your best judgement before getting on the road.

Kids Classes:


Build an Igloo For Time:

Finally Friday!

It's finally Friday and you know what that means...I get to see Kiddies, Kids, and the Teens tomorrow! I love Fridays just because it's 1 day closer to an awesome Saturday morning! Great job this week and I'll see you all tomorrow!

Real quick check out this great video I found..This is for all you female athletes. Fellas take a look too, pretty intense stuff!


We are getting some serious WODs in this week folks! Who thinks this stuff up anyway?

So I know everyone is anxious about the new CFLI specialty programs coming up towards the end of the Winter, but the full details are still being worked out. Trust me, you will all be well aware when dates/times/fees are finalized and registration begins. Til then, just getchaself excited!! (Check yesterdays post for the announcements).

The best part about todays workout is that I get to post my favorite instructional video of all time. Muscle-ups with Mango! Some of you old-timers may have seen this posted in the past, but it's always worth a second look. Even though it's quite humorous, the instruction is actually good too. Enjoy!

WOD demo with Ian..


Hey Tribe, we have a few cool classes coming up for late winter/early spring. Why not take on a new challenge and crush it?!

CFLI Running and Endurance

Ever dream about running your first 5K? 10K? Half Marathon? FULL MARATHON?!? Well if any of these choices sound like something you'd like to do, we have a program in the works thats going to help you accomplish that goal on May 5th or 6th at the Long Island Marathon/Festival of Races! We are putting the finishing touches on a Running and Endurance program to be taken in addition to your regular CF schedule, that will take place throughout March and April to get you geared up for your big venture. We will have the full details out soon!

CFLI Strongman / Strongwoman Sunday School

Not big into the running scene? Well let not your heart be troubled, we have something fun planned for the opposite end of the spectrum as well! Scheduled to start in late February, CFLI will host it's first ever Strongman/Woman Sunday School. This will be a 6 week class, with a 1.5 hour session every Sunday dedicated strictly to Strongman style WODs (with a little CF flavor mixed in of course). Come learn how to master movements involving tire flips, atlas stones, yokes, kegs, prowlers and anything HEAVY! We are planning to have separate classes for Men and Women, and of course ALL ABILITY levels are welcome. This class will be open to CFLI members and non-CFLI members alike, and will be capped to the first 15 men and 15 women who register, so you aren't going to want to wait. Full details coming soon!

Still not convinced ANYBODY can CrossFit? Check out the pictures below of 6yr old Aiden from our Kiddies program, Autumn from our Kids class, their mom Vickie and Uncle Kenny from the adult class, and their Grandma Pat in our adult class as well! 3 generations of CFLIers! What a fit family!

Gettin’ It Done

Wow..Both Teens and Kids had a tough chipper WOD to start off the week and everyone went 110%.
As the season progresses and workouts get a bit tougher I want you all to remember one thing..
The one thing that makes CrossFit what it is..
The one thing that makes CrossFit for EVERYONE.. Kids Adults both young and old..
That one thing is......
Scale a WOD if you have to. If 100 reps of something is too hard cut it in half. If that barbell is a little to heavy knock down the weight. Now it shouldn't be easy, but I'd rather see you cut all the reps in half and do it with everything you got rather than "missing" reps.. Kapeesh? Good. Hope you're ready for the rest of this week cause it's going to be a doozieeee grin


Two great videos demonstrating CrossFit. The beauty is that they showcase athletes on opposite ends of the spectrum, but they are all doing CF and they are all pushing themselves the same way we all do everyday. Enjoy!

"Poor form in the gym is caused by insufficient yelling" -Mark Rippetoe
Jack/Pat Yelling

For any outsiders, this photo was staged. We're actually nice people smile

Make sure you check out our latest additions to the "Hall Of Fame" section!

Festivus II

Run for the Sun 5k

Smith Point 5k


Best on Long Island

Tuesday 1.17.2011

Hey Tribe, if you haven't picked up your pre-ordered CFLI gear yet, come get it right away! We have some new members and other members salivating over the sweet threads and if you don't pick them up soon, we are going to give them to someone else.

Here's a demo of today's main movement:

Big Things This Week!

Thanks to everyone who came to CrossFit Long Island's first ever CrossFit Kids Open House!! We had a great turnout and a couple of last minute newbies join the team just in time to get this Winter Season going! It's going to be great!!

Check out some Pics from Saturday..

.>And incase you missed it during the Giants game, check out this awesome commercial that aired during it!


Monday - MLK Day

"Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent."

-Martin Luther King, Jr.

Welcome back from a great weekend folks! We are going to be running a normal schedule today, so get down here and get yourself going!

"The Sport of Fitness Has Arrived -- And It Just Might Save Us All" from CrossFit West Santa Cruz (CA)


CF Kiddies, Kids & Teens Open House TOMORROW! Come on down for a free trial and see what it's all about!

Kiddies (ages 4-6) - 12:15pm
Kids (ages 7-12) - 1:15pm
Teens (ages 13-17) - 2:15pm

Food and refreshments for the dedicated parents!

(For more info see yesterdays post down below)


Hey Tribe, happy Friday!

We have re-stocked on PurePharma Omega-3 Fish Oil, get em while they're hot!


Check Tuesdays post for the full details and email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) right now to let him know you'll be attending and how many youngsters you'll be bringing with you. The class is a FREE trial and there will be food and refreshments for the dedicated parents!

Demo of the today's movements: (Don't worry they will be explained a lot better in class)

What A Night!

Teens Killed it last night! Heavy Front Squats and a brutal 12 min AMRAP din't stop anyone from going hard!
Kids be ready today because we might just be going heavy as well..
I'm "Dead"ly serious tongue wink

Two quick, but IMPORTANT things..

1. Open House this Saturday..Scroll down and check the last post for all the details.. Going to be a blast!

2. New York Giants + CrossFit? YEP! Reebok has announced they will be airing a CrossFit commercial sometime during the Giants Game this Sunday! WHOA.. you guys are becoming part of something that is going global with no signs of stopping..out of control! And this gives all you Jets fans a good reason to check out the game now too wink
Check out this article about it..Pretty darn cool

Last nights Teens Class..

Thursday 1/12/2011

Everyone is kicking the New Year off with aggression and tackling these WODs like warriors! Very impressed with everyone's efforts so far on this weeks WODs. Got another good one for you today!

Don't forget about the CFLI Kids/Teens Open House this weekend! Check Tuesday's post for full deetz! And get in touch with Ian@cflongisland ASAP!

WOD Demo with Chris Spealler

Pumped about the GIANTS game this weekend?!? Well now you have one more reason to watch! Check out this article about whats going on at Reebok HQ and what you can plan on seeing during the game this weekend...

Winter Season In Full Swing!!

1 Teens Class and 1 Kids Class already in the Books!! Looks like the start of a great new season and we didn't even have our Open House yet!!
Speaking of Open House, here's all the details..

CFLI Kiddies/Kids/Teens Open House:

This Saturday will be the first time in history that the Kiddies class, Kids class, and Teens class go back-2-back-2-back!!

So we have decided to make this a celebration! We have turned it into a "Open House" meaning it's a FREE trial class for any Kids interested. Come on down and see what this program is all about. Coaching CrossFit to kids is a lot different than working with adults, and should be left to the professionals. Program Direct Ian Fogarty and Program Owner Brian Costello are both NYS Certified Physical Education teachers with Degrees from SUNY Cortland, the nation's premier Phys Ed program. Come see how why this program is taking off and how CFLI is sending Kids of all ages into a life of health and success. Come one come all! (click the Kids button or contact .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) for more detials)


Kiddies (ages 4-6) - 12:15pm
Kids (ages 7-12) - 1:15pm
Teens (ages 13-17) - 2:15pm

Food and refreshments for the dedicated parents!

Come Check It Out!


Hey folks, quick announcement about the bathroom sitch. I'm sure many of you noticed last night that we were having a few plumbing issues, and we are working on it tirelessly. It ain't pretty, but I think we have it figured out. If you plan on attending the 9:30am class today, just make sure you do your business ahead of time, because there is no guarantee that it will be fully functional by that time. It should be fine by the afternoon/evening sessions (fingers crossed). A true CrossFitter doesn't let a little toilet problem keep them from their WOD.
Big thanks to John Socko for coming in to help us with the problem.

Plumber who CrossFits

joe the plumber
Plumber who needs to CrossFit

Tuesday 1.10.2011

Oh man we're definitely gonna have some sore legs after that one yesterday. Well nothing to do about it except come get some more!

Remember: 8:30pm sessions have been changed slightly and now look like this:

Monday - Teens
Tuesday - All Levels
Wednesday - Teens
Thursday - All Levels
Friday - No Session

CFLI Kids/Teens Open House:

With the growing popularity of the CFLI Kids/Teens program, we have made some added additional training sessions for them on Saturday's. This Saturday will be the first time in history that the Kiddies class, Kids class, and Teens class go back-2-back-2-back!!

So we have decided to make this a celebration! We have turned it into a "Open House" meaning it's a FREE trial class for any Kids interested. Come on down and see what this program is all about. Coaching CrossFit to kids is a lot different than working with adults, and should be left to the professionals. Program Direct Ian Fogarty and Program Owner Brian Costello are both NYS Certified Physical Education teachers with Degrees from SUNY Cortland, the nation's premier Phys Ed program. Come see how why this program is taking off and how CFLI is sending Kids of all ages into a life of health and success. Come one come all! (click the Kids button or contact .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) for more detials)


Kiddies (ages 4-6) - 12:15pm
Kids (ages 7-12) - 1:15pm
Teens (ages 13-17) - 2:15pm

Food and refreshments for the dedicated parents!


Annnndddd We're Back!

First Day of Teens Winter Season Starts Today (8:30pm)

Kids Winter Season Starts Tomorrow (4:30pm)

I hope you're all super excited to be back in action.. I know I am! I hope you all kept moving over our break 'cause we're going to be hitting it hard rigt off the bat! (but I know it's nothing you won't be able to handle wink)

Special Announcement
This Saturday, January 14th CrossFit Long Island will be hosting it's first ever CrossFit Kids Open House!
Kiddies- 12:15pm (ages 4-6)
Kids- 1:15pm (7-12)
Teens- 2:15pm (13-17)

That's Right..this Saturday will be the first time ever all 3 youth programs will be going back-2-back-2-back..
With Kiddies, Kids, and Teens right in a row this is a perfect opportunity to get a glimpse at the entire program for our regularly scheduled classes. So for all you newbies who are thinking about getting their feet wet come on down for a free class and give it a try. We want nothing but a ton of energy and a lot of enthusiasm!!!

Food and Refreshments will be served for all you dedicated parents cheese

Monday 1.9.2011

Hey folks, don't forget today starts a new schedule for the 8:30pm time slot. If you have any conflicts, please let us know right away so we can work out a plan.

Starting TODAY, the 8:30pm time slot will look like this:

Monday - Teens
Tuesday - All Levels
Wednesday - Teens
Thursday - All Levels
Friday - No Session

Check out these 2 awesome videos of CrossFit Hall of Famer and one of my all time favorite athletes, Speal.


Wow this week is really flying by! Another tough WOD planned for today, make sure you get in some extra ice/heat and mobility before coming in today if your feeling a little banged up.

Schedule change:

Starting next week, the 8:30 time slot will look like this:

Monday - Teens
Tuesday - All Levels
Wednesday - Teens
Thursday - All Levels
Friday - No Session

If this screws up your training schedule majorly, please email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) right away to get things straightened out.

Check out this video our friend Carrie edited of CFLI! She did an interview and took some footage for her journalism project and I think it came out great! I might sound like a dumb dumb during some parts, but it was my first live interview grin


Hey tribe, don't forget that the 3:30 P1 today is moved to 4:30. Tomorrow's 3:30 P1 will run as scheduled and we are back to normal next week, cause the Kids are comin' back! Don't forget to email Ian if you have or know someone under the age of 17 who's interested in this great program....LIKE NOW!

Today's WOD is taken from last years CrossFit Open Sectionals. It was the first workout of the competition, and became simply known as "WOD 1". Those that participated remember it well, as well as the excitement and anxiety that went along with it.

If you haven't heard, this year's Open Qualifier will begin on February 22nd, and registration begins on Feb 1. We will be having a meeting shortly to discuss how we will be running the competition this year for all who are interested. The date and time will be announced shortly. Check the video below to get pumped....

Why Don’t We Stay Inside Today

WOD's up boys and girls!? Not only was yesterday the coldest day of the year having to accumulate a total of 1 mile during the WOD, but it may have in fact been a record number of people down here in a single day..Check out that whiteboard! you're all a bunch of troopers! 2012 already shaping up to be a year of pure BEAST MODE.

Let's hit it hard again today, but why don't we stay inside for this one..

Don't Forget..Kiddies, Kids, & Teens Classes Start Next Week!

"There are only two options regarding commitment;
you're either in or you're out.
There's no such thing as life in-between."

-Pat Riley

post by Ian

Winter Season Update!

WOD's up everyone?

Sorry for the lack of posts lately I've been a bit under the weather sick Have no fear though I'm back at the Box and gearing up for our Winter Season that Starts NEXT WEEK!!! So, after a bunch of final adjustments we've updated our schedule and made it so you guys and gals have the option of getting down here up to 3 times a week. I sent an e-mail laying out everything nice and clear, but if you happened to not receive it give me a shout at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) and say "GIVE ME THAT E-MAIL!". I'll see it, you'll get it, bing bang boom everythings fine and dandy. That goes for all of you who are just checking out the site and are interested or have someone interested..yeah that means you! wink

It's in the e-mail but here's the breakdown:
Teens Schedule- (Ages 13-17) -Monday@ 8:30pm, Wednesday @ 8:30pm, Saturday @ 2:15pm
Kids Schedule- (Ages 7-12) -Tuesday@ 4:30pm, Thursday @ 4:30pm, Saturday @ 1:15pm
Kiddies- Ages (4-6) -Saturdays @ 12:15pm

See ya there!!!

Squat a Ton and Run

Just a reminder: The Tuesday (today) and Thursday 3:30 class will be pushed back to 4:30. Friday will run on regular schedule.

The new gear is in and looking good! Come and get it if you haven't already. Otherwise I'm sending this guy after you:


Post by Brianne

Happy New Year!

This is the first post of the year 2012, which is sure to be the greatest year in CFLI history! (until 2013, of course).

Few things:

1) CFLI Kids/Teens

Our amazing Kid/Teen program is getting set to kick off the Winter Season next week! Just like before, we have classes from ages 4 all the way to 17, and any athletic ability is welcome. Keep checking the "Kids" link at the top left for more updates (I know you do this everyday anyway, right?). Email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) right away for more information or to get started!

2) Schedule Changes:

Starting next week there will be a few slight schedule changes. Nothing major, but check back later in the week for the updates.