CrossFitKids LongIsland Logo


Annnndddd We're Back!

First Day of Teens Winter Season Starts Today (8:30pm)

Kids Winter Season Starts Tomorrow (4:30pm)

I hope you're all super excited to be back in action.. I know I am! I hope you all kept moving over our break 'cause we're going to be hitting it hard rigt off the bat! (but I know it's nothing you won't be able to handle wink)

Special Announcement
This Saturday, January 14th CrossFit Long Island will be hosting it's first ever CrossFit Kids Open House!
Kiddies- 12:15pm (ages 4-6)
Kids- 1:15pm (7-12)
Teens- 2:15pm (13-17)

That's Right..this Saturday will be the first time ever all 3 youth programs will be going back-2-back-2-back..
With Kiddies, Kids, and Teens right in a row this is a perfect opportunity to get a glimpse at the entire program for our regularly scheduled classes. So for all you newbies who are thinking about getting their feet wet come on down for a free class and give it a try. We want nothing but a ton of energy and a lot of enthusiasm!!!

Food and Refreshments will be served for all you dedicated parents cheese

Workout for Mon, January 09, 2012