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Gettin’ It Done

Wow..Both Teens and Kids had a tough chipper WOD to start off the week and everyone went 110%.
As the season progresses and workouts get a bit tougher I want you all to remember one thing..
The one thing that makes CrossFit what it is..
The one thing that makes CrossFit for EVERYONE.. Kids Adults both young and old..
That one thing is......
Scale a WOD if you have to. If 100 reps of something is too hard cut it in half. If that barbell is a little to heavy knock down the weight. Now it shouldn't be easy, but I'd rather see you cut all the reps in half and do it with everything you got rather than "missing" reps.. Kapeesh? Good. Hope you're ready for the rest of this week cause it's going to be a doozieeee grin

Workout for Wed, January 18, 2012

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