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Get Ya’ Game Face On!

WOD's up everyone. Who's ready to kill it today? The past few weeks Friday has been a day for some seriously heavy lifting..However, today....will be no different. I'm DEAD(lift) serious wink

What a treat we have in store for you as well. Here's a little piece we like to call..
And the nominees are..

Mark Iorio for the "I'm Still Holding" Game Face..

Nicky Lacerenza for the "I can still get it up...and over my head" Game Face..

Ken Ripple for the "Why the hell do I need a barbell when I lunge" Game Face..

And Jess Kenna and Kelley Lorusso for the "Please God, Just let me get this rep up" Game Face.

The Nominees are in Ladies and Gentlemen Vote for your favorite Game Face in the comments sections below.. The winner will be announced MONDAY!

(Quick reminder for all you Strongman/woman folks, Daylight Savings is Sunday morning. Don't be late!)

And now a bit of wisdom from the Deadlift Guru himself- Mark Rippetoe:
"The deadlift is more functional in that it's very hard to imagine a more useful application of strength than picking heavy s**t up off the ground."
Well said.

Deadlift 3RM

8 Min AMRAP:
1 Deadlift (315/275)
Max Pull-Ups
2 Deadlifts
Max Pull-Ups
3 Deadlifts
Max Pull-Ups...

Score=Total number of Pull-ups.

Speaking of Game Faces, I hope all of you that are competing in tonight's 3rd Sectional WOD "GET YA GAME FACE ON!". Same as the past 2 weeks: Get here by 7:30pm- 1st heat starts at 8:00pm. Expect an e-mail later on today with official heat times. Spectators come on down and show these CFLI badasses some support!

A little video to help you with 12.3

post by Fogs

Workout for Fri, March 09, 2012

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