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Nasty Girls

It's Mondayyyyy! In case you didn't know, we love Mondays here cause it means we have a full week of WODs lined up and ready for crushing. So hopefully you woke up with a bad case of "The Mondays" this morning, cause we need go-getters only for this WOD today!

Yesterday kicked off our "Strongman/Strongman Woman Sundays" class. These bad-aces showed up full force ready to try something new and challenging. It was a hell of a morning/afternoon and everyone had a blast! And we still have 5 more weeks of fun planned! CAN'T WAIT!

Here is a classic WOD demo from the original CF box, CF Santa Cruz. This WOD got it's name from these 3 ladies. Make sure you check out the last 2-3 minutes for an awesome display of CF spirit and true guts.

Workout for Mon, February 27, 2012

"Nasty Girls"

3 Rounds for Time:
50 Squats
7 Muscle-ups
10 Hang Cleans (135/95)

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