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Let’s Talk About Rest Baby

Hey Tribe, time for a quick chat about a little something known as rest. I'm going to keep it short and sweet, but please don't blow this off.

I've been hearing more than a few people mention feeling "banged up" and noticed some hobbling around over the past few days, yesterday especially. Just remember, you are accountable for yourself. We are all adults and just be cause the WOD looks cool doesn't mean you should skip your rest day and come in to train. You'll start to realize after a while that they are all pretty damn cool and if you miss one, well, there will probably be another badass one up on the board tomorrow.

This week we didn't have our built-in Rest Day on Sunday because of the fundraiser. In fact, most of us did 2 workouts that day. Mix that in with the 100 Pull-ups and push-ups on Saturday and the Bear Complex yesterday, and thats a killer 3-day cycle right there. But let's not forget that many of you came on Thursday as well, if not Wednesday and Tuesday leading in.

Because we all have different training schedules, we do not program any other Rest Days besides Sunday. As much as I love you guys, I do not expect to see your smiling faces every single day. Even if you are a "Gold" member. Unlimited training does not mean come everyday and hope your body survives. If anything, as a Gold member you need to completely in-tune to whats going on with your body and making responsible decisions more than ever.

I do not program the WODs to beat your body into oblivion and see who can survive. That's dumb. I program constantly varied, functional movements, performed at high intensity. I aim them towards adults who I feel confident will make the best decisions before entering the gym and will make the best decisions outside of the gym.

Eat, sleep, recover. If something in your life is inhibiting you from doing one of those 3 things, a day off from the gym might be the best thing to help you get back on track. When you are dialed in with your nutrition and recovery, then you get back to crushing WODs.

Last Call!:

There are still a few spots remaining for The Strongman/Woman classes and the Running & Endurance class for anyone interested. Contact us by the end of the week at the absolute latest!!

Workout for Tue, February 21, 2012

10 Rounds for Time:

5 Burpees
10 Jumping Lunges
15 Air Squats
20 Double Unders