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Ann Kazaks

Today I climbed the rope to the top! I first tried when I got to class and got almost to the top but chickened out. I tried a few more times but each time was worse than the time before. I was really annoyed with myself! At the end of class, with the support of my friends and coaches at CF I got to the top!!!!! It was a great feeling. I looked at my goal sheets in my journal and saw that that was my goal for the YEAR! So after two months, I was already able to meet that goal, which is something I avoided my entire life (I would sneak to the back of the line in gym) and now here I am, at 49 years old, doing something I would never even attempt before. So, thank you to CF, especially Brian, Ian, Brianne and Pat for always pushing and encouraging me to do things I never would have thought I could do!

It is now 8 months later. I think I will add just a few notes… I have lost almost 25 pounds, have gained strength that I never imagined I would. I can do a hand stand (against the wall) a kipping pull up and a ring dip!! So much has changed for me both mentally and physically. I even wore a bikini in public at the beach all summer long (I have not owned one in over 20 years). So I will thank all the amazing coaches again, and all of the wonderful and inspiring people I get the pleasure of going to **** and back with every WOD! My CFLI women's boot camp ladies are the best group of women I have known. We are one!
Thank you! Go ahead, taste the kool aid, you will thank yourself over and over!
-Ann Kazaks
