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We are getting some serious WODs in this week folks! Who thinks this stuff up anyway?

So I know everyone is anxious about the new CFLI specialty programs coming up towards the end of the Winter, but the full details are still being worked out. Trust me, you will all be well aware when dates/times/fees are finalized and registration begins. Til then, just getchaself excited!! (Check yesterdays post for the announcements).

The best part about todays workout is that I get to post my favorite instructional video of all time. Muscle-ups with Mango! Some of you old-timers may have seen this posted in the past, but it's always worth a second look. Even though it's quite humorous, the instruction is actually good too. Enjoy!

WOD demo with Ian..

Workout for Fri, January 20, 2012


Push Jerk 5-5-3-3-1-1-1


12 Min AMRAP:
5 Push Jerks (155/105)
3 Bar Muscle-ups