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Start of a fresh week, let's crushit! (not a typo)

Weekend Recap:

Frostbite 2012, CrossFit Long Island City:

Busy weekend for many members of the CFLI tribe. Let's start off by giving a shout out to the brave men who took on the outdoor challenge of Frostbite 2012 at CF Long Island City. This event was entirely outdoors in the frigged cold, but the boys showed up to play. In the Rx'd division we had Kenny Lamb, Blake Perez, and Mark Iorio finish up in 21, 22, and 24 respectively in what looks like a tough field with some killer WODs. Over on the scaled side, CFLI fills the majority of the podium with Marty Accardi taking 3rd, and Dan Salazar bringing home the gold! Amazing effort by all who competed. I was not in attendance to get the full stories yet, but based off pictures and FB updates, I can see the men crushed!

CRCF Classic, CrossFit Charles River, MA

Up north a little, in a small town outside Boston, Brian, Brianne, Pat, and Nicole LoMeli participated in an event known as the Charles River Classic. This was a partner competition with the teams consisting of 1 male and 1 female. The event consisted of a max effort lift in the Snatch as event 1, a max effort lift in the Clean and Jerk as event 2, and a traditional CF style metcon as the third event. The crew represented very well in an extremely talented field. The crew PR'd or tied their PR on 7 out of the 8 lifts, and finished very strong on the brutal partner WOD. Here is the breakdown of the totals:

Nicole - Snatch 90 (tie PR), C&J 130 (PR)
Pat- Snatch 185 (tie PR, had 195 at the buzzer but just ran out of time!) C&J 240 (PR)
Nicole/Pat metcon- (still waiting for result)

Brianne- Snatch 135 (PR) C&J 200 (PR)
Brian- Snatch 215, C&J 300 (PR)
Brian/Brianne metcon - 3rd (unofficial)
Overall- 4th

To say the field was tough is an understatement. We saw many of the same faces we saw on the grounds of Reebok HQ last June for Regionals, several of which ended up in LA for the Affiliate Cup. If you take a second to crunch the numbers you see listed above, and then look at the overall place finish, you can get an idea of what we were up against. We represented very well though and had a lot of fun doing it!

Today we will be doing a Hero WOD to kick off the week:


U.S. FBI Supervisory Special Agent Gregory J. Rahoi, 38, of Brookfield, Wisconsin, assigned to the Hostage Rescue Team, based in Quantico, Virginia, was killed on December 6, 2006, during a live-fire tactical training exercise at Fort A.P. Hill, near Bowling Green, Virginia. He is survived by his parents, Natalie and Richard, sister Teri, and fiancee Paula Paulk.

Workout for Mon, February 13, 2012


P1: Pull-up Clinic
P2: 3 x (max rep weighted pu's, max strict pu's, max kipping pu's)



Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes of:
12 Box Jumps (24/20)
6 Thrusters (95/65)
6 Bar-facing burpees

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