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Oh Yeah…It’s For You Too!

CrossFit is for you. We sometimes forget that people have all different levels of obstacles in their lives that they have to overcome on a daily basis. Let’s take a step back today and reflect on a few people that have allowed CrossFit to open the door to a new life for them. We have presented success stories before, but each of these are so different that, when viewed together, they truly illustrate the vast range of people that our sport of fitness can influence. View some or all of these stories to help you to not lose sight of the power that our global CrossFit community and our very own passion can both produce.

You may see a young man that chooses to fend off poor choices and turn his life around in an area where undesirable temptations are plentiful. Perhaps you will learn about a young girl with a medical condition that made her feel like an outcast at one time. A family on the brink of losing everything after a major financial adjustment might catch your eye. You might just become fascinated with one man’s comeback from losing his leg.

We are naturally social beings and we are innately kind-hearted. However, somewhere along the way, as civilization has made us more self-reliant, we have lost sight of what is important. Yet, in our community, we have reintroduced what is important in life. It’s not wealth. It’s not popularity. It’s the happiness of ours and those around us. I prefer to think that we are all unique, but through CrossFit, we can all unite!

It’s for everyone: Have Some Extra Reading Material

Contemporary Cavers
Here is Another Paleo Link

Workout for Tue, May 21, 2013

P1/P2) Deadlift Review
P3) 5RM

5 Rounds For Time:
10 Deadlifts (225/155)
10 Burpee Over the Box Jumps (24/20)
100m Run

Post by Erik


Ok folks we are rockin' and rollin' into a big week! Here are a few quick things:

1) FREE sports massage!

Tomorrow afternoon/evening (Tuesday) there will be a chance to get a free sports massage either before or after your workout. Come down to the Gold Gym between 4:30pm and 8:30pm to get a free 20-minute sample of a sport massage by Gretchen, a local massage therapist who works with CrossFitters.

2) FREE Beach Workout!!

MDW is this weekend! It might not feel like it just yet, but that means the unofficial kickoff of summer. So what better way to kickoff Summer than a hard WOD on the sand? Ohhh yeahhhh, hard bodies meet hot sand at Smith Point Beach this Saturday at 8am sharp for a fun beach workout. This class is "All Levels", FREE for everyone (doesn't count towards your weekly training sessions), and will be in place of the normal Saturday morning schedule. Award for best CFLI wardrobe! Ok so let's repeat:

1 - Class STARTS at 8am, be there by 7:45am please (class will be 1hr 15m - 1.5 hrs)
2 - This class is completely free and DOES NOT count towards your usual membership
3 - There will be no regularly scheduled Saturday morning classes
4 - We will meet at Smith Point Beach in Shirley (home of the world famous Smith Point Lifeguards)
5 - Optional dip in the water afterwards (it's effin cold!)
6 - There is no limit on class size, let's flood the beach! (Members only please)
7 - Best CFLI themed wardrobe wins a prize (be creative!), members of the running clinic are also eligible for the prize!

Between the running clinic and the beach class, I think CFLI can get 100 people on that beach on Saturday....that's a challenge!

Workout for Mon, May 20, 2013


Double Unders


Back Squat


Hey Gang,
Regionals are upon us! This weekend when you're chilling out maxin and relaxin all cool why don't you flip on the laptop outside by the pool. Then you'd be able to check out some of the baddest mofo's in the NorthEast compete for the opening week of Regionals. It will be streaming live on the Games Site. be there or be square!
Northeast is Live!

Speaking of Regionals...Did you know that today's WOD is a take on one of the Individual Events? chyup. Let's see what you got. 3,2,1...GO!

Paleo Peeps: I hope your feeling refreshed and maybe even started your summertime glow with that last challenge. Getting more sleep and spending time outdoors!? Sounds like a fun one! Although difficult, we recommend trying to keep a similar system as you continue the challenge and your everyday go-abouts. Get some sun and get some sleep. Next weeks challenge is making it's way out by the end of today so stay tuned and good luck.

CF 101- Next class meets this Monday, May 20th. See you then!

The Good Ol' Days-2012 Regionals

Workout for Fri, May 17, 2013

For Time:
100 Double Unders
40 T-2-b
20 Clean & Jerks (155/105)
100M Walking Lunge

Post by Foghat

Strike a Pose!

It’s a great day to be outside. So, we’re hitting the road and working out in the sun today. Extra vitamin D can’t be a bad thing. Maybe you are a paleo competitor that wants to work out how nature intended. Perhaps you are in Coach Pat’s running and endurance clinic and you want to apply what you have learned into a general class. You may just be sick of being cooped up inside for most of the spring. In any case, today’s workout is great for everyone! Everyone can improve their endurance, because even the world’s best runners still train hard to get better.

If you aren’t in the running and endurance clinic, here is one small pose running sample that you may be missing out on.

But wait...There’s more! It’s another classic fitness movement that we can always improve. It’s the push up! That’s right folks, but it’s not just any push up. Our push ups, as always, are CrossFit standard full range of motion. There will be no nonsense push ups that you might see of people taping themselves on YouTube. We will have none of those 3rd grade phys. ed. push ups. Every single time, it will be chest to the deck and pressing to elbows being locked out with a rigid body.

Fire Discoverers
Here is today’s paleo link:
Yet another killer CFLI suggestion

What’s This New Cross-Fitness That Everyone Keeps Talking About?
This is a question that I keep hearing constantly. Our “underground” fitness regimen has been going mainstream, and that’s a good thing. Just remember that each affiliate is privately owned and will be run differently. We want everyone to make a decision that is the most appropriate fit for their needs. That's why we strive to be the best option day in and day out. We work hard, but believe that we have you to thank for what you all put into our community. Now, here is your chance to reach out into your personal community!

As you all know, each coach on our staff is a competitive lifeguard and we have seen a variety of figures at the beach. Of course everyone wants to look good in a bathing suit, but it's human nature to procrastinate. There is good news, because it’s not too late! Summer is right around the corner and nothing yields positive results faster than hard work within a CrossFit package. One month may not get everyone into supermodel shape, but it is enough to start seeing and feeling significant changes.

So, spread the word to your friends. I have heard many people declare that CrossFit has changed their lives. You can be the spark that gets a friend or two to better their lives as well. If you love what you experience with us, share the wealth, because CrossFit isn’t a secret anymore. As usual, our CrossFit 101 class is always open to everyone. So, if you know anyone that wants to make a change, but doesn’t know how to take that first step, let them see our program for themselves. If it's you that needs the first step, here are some options:

- Tell a friend about your experiences with us. Be detailed and share our website or phone number with them.
- Use a guest pass to give a friend or family member a taste of what we are about.
-Get Social: Share our CrossFit 101 link through email, text messages, facebook, or any other social media. A simple copy and paste can be the catalyst to change someone else’s life!

Workout for Thu, May 16, 2013

Push Up Test

For Time:
800m Run
50 Push Ups*
800m Run

*Standards Will Vary With Each Phase

Post WOD:
10 x 100m Sprint (EMOTM)

Post by Erik


Yo yo! Big Bossman checking in here. I know you're not used to hearing from me on here on Wednesdays, but we like to keep you on your toes.

Anyway, we are powering through a tough couple of weeks and everyone is kicking serious ace. We are settling in nicely into the new 2-gym system, and I believe we have worked out most of the kinks. Make sure you have a copy of that schedule printed out and sitting in your car to avoid any last second confusion.


1) Running Clinic meets at Sunken Meadow State Park this week.....have fun! (hahaha)

2) Paleo Peeps are more than half way through this week's Bonus Challenge, next weeks challenge will be out by the end of the week

3) CF Kids meet today:
Little League - 4:30 (Gold Gym)
JV - 4:30 (Blue Gym)

I believe that's it for today, short and sweet. If you haven't seen the clip below from last weeks episode of NCIS, check out CrossFit getting plugged on primetime national TV. It's pretty good!

Workout for Wed, May 15, 2013

For Time:

25 OHS (135/95)
50 Pull-Ups
75 KB Swings (53/36)
100 Double Unders

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