CrossFit LongIsland Logo

Last WOD of 2012!

That's right folks, today is the last WOD of 2012! Remember, we are closed tomorrow on New Years Day and today we are running a morning schedule only:

5:30am - All Levels
9:30am - P1
11am - P2

No afternoon / evening sessions


It's a tough time of year for our immune systems and a lot of people are getting sick. If you are sick, do not come in. Let me repeat, do not come to this gym if you are not feeling well. Why not?

1) If your sick you need to rest. Beating your body down with a grueling workout is not making anything better.
2) You are not going to be able to perform well anyway.
3) Any of us who are lucky enough to be avoiding the spread of these sicknesses do not want to hinder our chances by being surrounded by contagious zombies all day.

Rest up and get back only when you are 100%!!

We Did it Again!

You know 2013 is going to be a good one when CrossFit Long Island sweeps all three categories in this year's "Best of Long Island" contest.
Three 1st place finishes! WHAT!?
CrossFit Long Island took 1st place under the category "Best Gym"
Women's Boot Camp took 1st place under "Best Boot Camp"
And last but not least Brian Costello had another 1st place finish under the category "Best Personal Trainer".
Holy moly I can't believe it! Thanks to everyone who took the time to vote and make this possible. We are so grateful for having such outstanding members here at CFLI building the best community we ever thought possible. Thanks again! You all kick ass.

Important Reminder:
Tomorrow there are 4 classes scheduled in order to accommodate you and the goals you've set for the end of 2012. Things might get a little hectic but if we all cooperate and work together I'm sure everyone's going to be smashing those goals right here at the very end. Remember you are only to attend ONE class; no ifs, ands, or buts. If you have no idea what I'm talking about see yesterday's post!

Important Announcement:
Monday, 12/31 (the very last day of 2012) we will only be having our morning sessions:
5:30am - All Levels
9:30am- P1
11:00am- P2

Tuesday we are closed! Happy New Year!


Hey folks, the end of the year is quickly approaching, and a lot of us have some goals left unbroken. So what should we do about this? Have another GOAL CRUSHING EXTRAVAGANZA of course! If you weren't around for the end of 2011, we had a Saturday dedicated strictly to smashing personal records and checking goals off your list. It was such a hit, we've decided to bring it back for the 2012 finale this Saturday.


You must choose 1 session to attend. ONE. No exceptions. Like last year, we are expecting a big turnout for this event, and we have to keep it orderly, organized, and safe. Each session will be split into two 20 minute sections. The first 20 minutes will be for skill based goals like double unders, HSPU, muscle-ups, pull-ups, etc. The next 20 minutes will be designated for benchmarks and weightlifting. This is where you have to pay attention, because each time slot will have designated benchmarks or lifts. Again, EVERY session will have time designated for "Open Skill Goals" like mentioned above, but each time slot will only allow for certain benchmarks/lifts. Narrow down your most important goals and show up ready to go!

Saturday 12/29/2012

8am - Part 1: Skill Work Part 2: Deadlifts (1RM, 3RM, etc) or "Jackie"

9am - Part 1: Skill Work Part 2: Olympic Lifts (snatch, C&J, and variations) or "Helen"

10am - Part 1: Skill Work Part 2: Running/Rowing Time Trials (1 mile run, 2k row, etc) or Overhead Lifts (PJ, Split Jerk, BTH Split, etc)

11am: Part 1: Skill Work Part 2: Squats (FS, BS, 1RM, 3RM, etc) or "Fran"

So narrow down your most important benchmark goals and get ready to blow them away this Saturday. How many sessions can we attend? ONE. We are not having registration for this, because we would hate to see anyone get closed out of their time slot. But be prepared to work together, cheer each other on, and have some good ole fashion fun!

**Note: I think it's obvious, but this schedule is in place of the usual Saturday schedule**

Remember, there are still a few spots remaining the Strongmen and Strongwoman classes now that we've expanded. Click the link on the left and get registered today. Remember, this is our highest rated class of all time and was given a 10.0 on the Fun-O-Meter. Get in now.... YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT!

Back on the grind

Hey folks, back on a regular schedule today. Thanks again to everyone who came out for the Holiday Toast on Friday. It was a blast and was great to see everyone outside of the classroom for once.

I hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas celebrations and only ate the healthy options like me (haha). Back to regular training and proper nutrition in 3..2..1..GO!


1) Throughout the course of this week and next you will be receiving a few emails about some of the new changes coming your way in 2013.

2) The Strongman/Strongwoman Class has opened more slots and there are still some available.

Here are the times and registration links. These last few spots won't last long!!

Strongmen – Saturday's 12pm: (5 spots remaining)

P1 Strongwomen – Sunday's 9am: (5 spots remaining)

P2 Strongwomen – Sunday's 11am: (1 spot remaining)

You can either sign into the Turboroster website through Facebook (recommended) or quickly create a username and password. Once registered, you may see that the names on the roster don't match the class you've registered for, that's ok. Just register at the link above and show up at the time listed and you're good. See you in January!

Today we also bid farewell to long, long time CFLI die-hard, Jess Kazaks as she leaves us for sunny Denver, CO. She will be greatly missed and good luck to her as she continues her CF journey out there!

Merry Christmas!

Remember folks, there are only 2 training sessions today:

9am - P1

10am - P2

Have a safe, joyous, and very merry Christmas!

End Of The World As We Know It!

Don't let the wind and rain scare you. It's just your final moments on Earth...
Maybe..If not we'll see you tonight!

Our "End of the World, Holiday Toast, P1/P2 Mixer" starts tonight at 7pm sharp with the big toast at 8. See you there!


On Monday (Christmas Eve) we will be running two classes that morning similar to how we had it for Thanksgiving.
The time slots are:
P1- 9:00am
P2- 10:00am

While we're on a festive note- I just finished putting up my Christmas Decorations, Check it out.


Remember, morning sessions only tomorrow - 5:30am, 9:30am, and 11am. No afternoon/evening sessions due to the Holiday Toast.

See you there!


1) Strongmen/Women: We will re-open registration with the new time slots by tomorrow. Check your email for the update.

2) Apparel: If you missed the pre-order form, don't worry, we ordered several extras of each item for you to purchase for yourself or a last minute gift idea. Grab a coach right away if interested, they won't last long!

Check out the picture above of a great guy named Mike I met while traveling. He's rockin' his CFLI Original Grey T all the way in New Zealand! This picture was posted on his home gym's blog here:


80 peeps on the list for the Toast! It's gonna be a great night! Get your name on that list before it's too late....

Remember, this event is completely free, in order to help keep it that way you are encourage to bring some food or drinks.


Hey Tribe, I want to make a quick congratulatory announcement to Nicole for receiving her CrossFit Level 1 Certification last weekend! You've probably already seen her smiling face around the office, answering emails and crushing logistics, but now get set to start seeing her in the classroom either co-coaching, leading some skill instruction, or possibly even coaching your session. Congrats Nicole!

Can you spot her in this pic?

Holiday toast is only 3 days away! If you didn't register yet, do it today! We need to prepare so the sooner we know the numbers the better. Remember, it's members only this time... and feel free to bring a dish!

Monday 12.17.12

Well the weather outside is frightful,
but this WOD is so delightful.

Sup fools? What a great way to start the last full work week before Christmas..With some beautiful weather and everyone's favorite lift- the Overhead Squat. Before we get to the WOD, a few quick things..

Thanks to everyone who took the time and participated in voting for your Long Island's favorites through the Long Island Press's "Best of LI". We love the love!

The free $100.00 CFLI Gift Card still a great last minute Christmas gift for anyone you know who wants to get their BeastMode on. See Friday's post for more details.

The Holiday Toast is set for this Friday at 7:00pm! Get your name on that board if you plan on attending. Last possible chance to sign up is Thursday by 12:00pm. We need an official head count so we can prepare. We already have over 70 members planning on being here so don't hesitate. Because there are already so many people attending, we're going to keep this to a members only event. Normally, the more the merrier. However, with this many in attendance and still 4 days left to sign up we need to monitor the numbers some how. This also means no PM classes for Friday. If you want to get your swell on hit up an AM sesh and get it done nice and early. Cheers!

Let's take a look at the Overhead Squat- The good, the bad, and the ugly.

1. The first image on the left is the desired position. The barbell is directly over the shoulder blades, mid-thigh and mid-foot.
2. The second image in the middle demonstrates strong shoulder flexibility, but is unsafe and will likely fail at higher loads.
3. The image to the right, the athlete is in a very dangerous position and the shoulders are unsafe. This demonstrates a lack of flexibility of the shoulders.

P1- 5-5-5-5-5
P2- 5-5-5-10
P3- B.W. x 3

For Time:
30 OHS (95/65)
9 Muscle Ups
20 OHS
7 Muscle Ups
10 OHS
5 Muscle Ups

Dress Warm ;)

Howdy folks! Who's ready to end the week with some fun? Might want to bring your favorite pair of mittens and some ear muffs for this one though. It's a bit nippy outside. I'm sure you'll be fine though wink

Let's talk about Fun Friday's for a sec. We all know that today is going to be super fun (just scroll down and see the WOD below). However, next Friday is going to be Super Dooper fun! Like..a whole lot of Super with a ton of Duper...Yeah, that fun. That's because I'm talking about CFLI's first ever "Holiday Toast, Christmas & New Years, P1/P2 Mixer, end of the World Party"...(whew this title gets longer and longer everyday). Not only do we have 65 of the coolest people we know signed up, but we have over 25 of them bringing some grub. Go back to the title and throw "Feast" to the end of it. Now 65 would be good if we were only looking for 1/3 of our members to show up..but we're looking for FULL PARTICIPATION. Throw your name up on the board, bring a dish if you'd like, and get ready to toast to the New Year and everything we've accomplished in 2012 at 8:00pm. 1 week from today!

If you haven't signed up for your free gift card for a friend...well what are you waiting for!?

New Apparel orders are in! Come and get it!

What's so important about December 14th and December 15th 2012?
They Are The Last Two Days To Vote!!

5 RFT:
7 Deadlifts (225/155)
200M Run

Dennis Keeley

Mark Nine


Yo yo yo, LOTS of stuff going on right now. We have 2 DAYS LEFT OF VOTING for Best on Long Island, so you best be getting those votes in before it's too late! We also have the Holiday Toast right around the corner, are you signed up on the whiteboard yet? (PS- we decided against the online reggie, just go old school and throw your name up on the board).

To keep the list going, don't forget about our awesome Christmas Gift Card special. The Google Doc is right here if you haven't claimed your're almost out of time!!

And last but not least, the Strongman/Women class. As we already know, the Women blew the roof off and filled their class in record time. The men, well, are simply a bunch of wimps. We might be the only box on the planet that has a waiting list for a Women's StrongMAN class, yet the men don't have the Atlas Stones to try something challenging. Maybe we can get a knitting class going to give them something to do instead.

ANYWAY, since the Women are revved up about this, we are looking for a way to open another time slot. If you are a woman who missed out on the registration and are interested in the class, please email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) right away to get on our waiting list. There are no promises here, but we are going to try and make something happen. We need at least 8 Women who are 100% committed in order to pull this off, so if that's you, email Pat right away to get on the list.

Thanks again to everyone who helped out with the clothing drive... a great success!


WHOA! If today isn't the end of the world with that date I don't think we'll have to worry about our "End of the World, Holiday Toast" on the 21st. I could be wrong though. Evening classes stay tuned in case it's the apocalypse. Hopefully the internet's still up so we can cancel classes on facebook.

Speaking of the Holiday Toast (Friday, December 21st from 7-9pm wink ) make sure you sign up! The whiteboard in the gym has over 40 names on it already and there's been a section added for anyone who wants to bring a delicous dish. Just sign your name and get ready to parrrrtyyy.
It's going to be Legen—wait for it... and I hope you're not lactose intolerant because the second half of that word is.. dairy!
BOOM! Legendary

There are only 3 DAYS LEFT to vote for
1. The Best Gym
2. Best Coach (trainer)
3. Best Bootcamp
Scroll to the top and click the link for "Best of LI 2013." Thanks!

Push Press 1RM
2 OTM for 7 Mins @ 85%

Wall Sits

Max Hold Weighted Wall Sit

"If everything's under control, you're going too slow."
-Mario Andretti

Raise your glasses…

Hey Gang,

As you know Big Bossman Brian Costello has been hanging with the Aussie’s for a while now. When he left he gave the rest of the coaching crew full control of the reins to run this place as we see fit. Things have been going great and that’s all thanks to you guys and gals! To show our appreciation and to help bring in the Holiday Season with one of our “last hoorah’s” for the 2012 year is going to be a PARTY!

That’s right, it’s time to leave the grippies and spandex at home for a night and come celebrate the holiday’s and the new year with your CrossFit Family. On Friday, December 21 st we’re having CFLI’s first official “Holiday Toast” to thank you, the members. It’s going to cost a grand total of $0.00 for you. But that doesn’t mean we don’t want your help (we are a family you know). Anyone who wants to contribute we’re asking to make your favorite dish and bring it along. Paleo, non Paleo, or anything in between, I’m sure it’ll go fast! We’ll provide the drinks and the fun as we also welcome back the Bossman himself (keep it on the down-low though it’s a surprise! Pretty sure they don’t have internet in Ausralia so we should be okay). So clear your calendars, get ready to mingle with the rest of the clan, and have a drink in your hand at 8pm as we toast all of our accomplishments in 2012 and get ready to see what we have in store for 2013. You won’t want to miss out! Thanks! Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from CrossFit Long Island.

For an official headcount, we will have an online RSVP page up within the next few days.

On another note. The CFLI Strongwomen class SOLD OUT in less than 12 hours. The men still have some spots left (partially because of minor computer glitch which is now fixed) but I'm sure they won't last.

The registration link is on the side bar on the left, just click the heading above the midget lifting the gigantic rock.

Strongman is here!

Ok folks the day has finally come. Registration for Strongman Sunday's officially goes live right now! The link to the registration page is below, so head there and reserve your spot right now, or keep reading for some more info first.

So, you've heard everyone ranting and raving about this awesome class, but what's it all about? Well the Strongman Sunday is a 12-hour intensive skill course in which we learn and practice the fundamental "Strongman" movements. What are these movements? You may have seen them on TV before, things like yoke carries, farmers carries, keg lifts, axle bar lifts, tire flips, log presses, sled pushes, Atlas stones, etc. These movements are challenging beyond belief, yet exciting and rewarding all in the same. As you can probably guess, we aim to move larger amounts of weight than normal in these sessions, hence the "Strongman" name, but like always, everything is scalable. This class is suitable for anyone with at least 2-3 months of CrossFit experience. Like I said, everything is scalable but we still need you to have a solid understanding of the fundamental CF movements before making them more complex (i.e: If we are going to teach Clean and Jerks with a keg, we need to know you understand the fundamentals of a standard clean and jerk first).

Now of course we will be learning tons of new and exciting stuff, but it wouldn't be a CFLI class without some good, hard workouts too. Along with solid instruction, each session will include at least 2-3 WODs/challenges/tests. Be prepared for 2 hours of action!!

January 13th- February17th

There are 3 sections of the class:
1) Stongwomen - Sunday's at 9am
2) Strongmen - Sunday's at 11am
3) Strongman Elite* (mixed gender) - Saturdays at 12pm

*Strongman Elite is designated for returning members of the original Strongman class who excelled and handled prescribed weights (or close to) and/or advanced level CrossFitters. It will meet on Saturdays from Jan 12th-February16th*

Each class has 10 slots available. That's it. Don't be number 11!

Register here: (or use the link on the left hand side bar)

**If you have Facebook, please login through there (and share it on your wall!), if you do not, you must create a login name by clicking "Register Now" in order to login**

Fee- $149


Everybody loves Friday right? I mean c'mon, last work day of the week, everyone is riding high looking forward to the's a great day for a great day.

What would make it even better? How about if we hit you with a super fun partner WOD to take it up a notch? Ok let's do it!


1) Check your email over the weekend for a very cool Christmas offer!

2) Strongman Registration will go live on Monday (I know I said this week but we will wait until Monday). Get in quick! WE WILL NOT OPEN EXTRA SLOTS, no matter how much you beg and cry.

The Moment You’ve Been Waiting For

Drum roll please.....
And the 2012 Paleo Spirit Award goes to..

Erik Gorman

The people have spoken! Congratulations Gormo! Completing this challenge with no cheats, every bonus done, and inspiring others to continue and finish the long and grueling 63 days in the cave earned you a spot at the top! Did I mention that Erik came in 1st in the Northeast Region for the Lurong Living Challenge? Double congrats! We're super excited to see what you come up with for Spirit Award WOD!

For your entertainment please enjoy Erik's CrossFit/Paleo Testimonial that is printed in the lobby.

P1: High Bar Back Squat 1RM
P2/3: Low Bar BAck Squat 1RM

EMOM For 5 Mins 2 Squats @80% of 1 RM

Wednesday 12.05.12

The Final Countdowns..
Paleo Peeps: Last chance to vote today for the Spirit Award!
10 Days Left to Vote: For the best gym, coach, and boot camp on LI! (Scroll up and click away!)
27 Days left of 2012: Get the Goals done!

Push Jerk
P1: 5-5-3-3-1-1-1
P2: 5-5-3-3-3-3-3
P2: 2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2

For Time:
5 Push Jerks (135/95)
10 Burpees Over Box Jumps (24/20)
15 Kb Swings (53/36)
10 Push Jerks
20 Burpees Over Box Jumps
30 Kb Swings
15 Push Jerks
30 Burpees Over Box Jumps
45 Kb Swings

Last Done 10/11/12

Hangin’ Out

Hey Tribe, let's take a second to acknowledge something that is quite awesome, yet got a little overlooked. I'm talking about the youngsters.

As you may remember, we ran a Kids and Teens Paleo Challenge alongside your challenge. Not many kids this day and age want to step up to a challenge like that and make the sacrifices required to live such a healthy lifestyle. And to be honest, not many did. But we did have a few brave youngin's who stepped up to the plate: Jack and Luke Bokina, and Autumn Auriemma.

Not only did these 3 kids take the challenge head on, all 3 of them had a perfect score for the entire 30 days! These kids rocked it. Since the challenge ended, Jack and Luke have been brought up to the Varsity level for their wrestling team, and Autumn continued the challenge with her mother (and eventual champ) Vickie for the full 63 days voluntarily.

The kids demonstrated determination and discipline well beyond their age and the results are showing. Great job to the 3 of them! I'm sure next time around we'll have more kids involved.

CFLI Strongman Sunday's
Sunday Jan 13th- February 17th

Registration details coming by the end of the week....ARE YOU READY?!?

Countdown to 2013!

It is December folks! That means the countdown to 2013 has officially begun! That means you have less than 1 month to accomplish those end of the year goals and hit those big numbers.... Get after it! (Might want to come to class ready with one today wink)

It also means there are only 12 days left of voting for Best on LI! Scroll to the top post and get your votes in EVERYDAY between now and the 15th. Every vote counts!

The World's Greatest Coach is in this picture...can you spot him?

So about that Spirit Award.. Unbelievably we have another tie. This time it's between 3 people (Go figure). So the coaches were going to be the tie breaker over the weekend but we decided to leave it up to you for the final decision. Remember we have a pair of Nano's and a WOD named after the winner at stake! So we're having a re-vote! This time there's only 3 names to chose from. All 3 might I add killed the challenge and are well deserving of this award...
Here they are, your top 3 choices for the Spirit Award:
Autumn Auriemma

Erik Gormman

Lynn Strictland

We want to announce this award by this Thursday, 12/6. Get them in by Wednesday!
Tell a coach or e-mail .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) ASAP to get in your nomination!

4 Min AMRAP:
15 Push-Ups
10 Toes-2-Bar

1 Min Rest

4 Min AMRAP:
15 Jumping Squats (45/35)
10 Pull-Ups

1 Min Rest

15 Press's
10 Box Jumps (24/20)

The Jumping Squat:
(Pretty Straight forward-you'll get the idea by :45 secs in)

“Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.”
- Henry Ford