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Fantastic Friday Partner Fun!

What’s up WOD-Bots?
We want to take this time to introduce you to a few peeps and remind you about our community. As you all know CrossFit Long Island is steadily growing-Not too fast and not to slow. This means you are guaranteed to see a new face once in a while! “Hey what’s up I’m Billy Burpee what’s your name?” That’s all it takes to make a new comer feel welcomed in this giant home we have built. Do you remember your first class? Besides did we forget about Burpee Law!?

By the way we've NEVER enforced the 50 Penalty Burpee Law for not introducing yourself BUT there is a first time for everything! Don't be the first or we'll start a "Sad Face" board with your picture on it next to these guys and gals.

Real Quick:
Cavemen and Women: The WINNERS....Will be announced on Monday's post. Two groups came down to the wire and scores were close to say the least. The entire coaching staff wants to take this weekend as an extra opportunity to review everything and make it official. And the waiting game continues...

Guest Days: We have two of them coming at the end of the month. Wednesday, June 26th and Thursday, June 27th will be designed to bring a guest. Have that special friend, brother, sister, mom, uncle, neighbor..that just hasn't taken the plunge yet and you know they would love it!? Here's an easy opportunity to have them come try CrossFit with you as your guest. More details to come next week but lock those dates in!
KIDS: You're guest days will be the same week Starting Monday June, 24th and lasting until Thursday, June 27th!

Thrust A Load And Hit The Road

Did you know that the front squat and the push press are best friends? Of course you did! They absolutely love spending time together. In fact, they love each other so much that their unity has taken on an identity of it's own. You know it as the thruster. Just as the front squat loves the push press, we equally love the thruster. However, at times, there is "trouble in paradise." You may not realize that the push press tends to get very jealous when the front squat gets together with the push jerk. Sure, they look okay together, but don't be fooled. These two movements do not share the same harmony as the FS + PP and could compromise the beauty of the thruster itself. It is up to you to maintain the integrity of the union between these movements. Today, SAY NO TO PUSH JERKS! Be careful the distinctions between these movements can be very subtle.

Take a look!

Everyone Loves Christmas!
Abbott that is. Checkout Christmas Abbott performing a brief demo of the thruster for CrossFit flowmaster Chuck Carswell.

CrossFit Tip
Powerful F-Words
Speed + Strength = Power

To put up heavy weight, follow my three F-Words:

As the weight becomes heavier, do not neglect generating speed. With speed comes momentum. When we assist momentum with raw strength, power is born!

Otherwise, just growing an epic beard may do the trick!

The Language of CrossFit
I saw this article and I had to share it. This is a compilation of terms that may be used in any CrossFit box around the world. Drab you say? Let me put it this way...It's not to often that I let out a chuckle while reading, but this masterpiece literature had me laughing my med-balls off! I just hope that nobody "uppercuts" themself today.

Be warned that the language in some parts may be abrasive for some.
Learn the Lingo!

A gold star goes to anyone that can properly use a term in an original sentence below. Let's flood that comment section. 3-2-1-Go!

Let’s “Pull” It Together

First thing first:

All classes will meet at the BLUE GYM today. See you there!

Now, the fun stuff:

Two big things coming your way! Something that the coaches and I have been talking about for quite some time. Skill clinics. We are proud to announce we will be hosting our first two Skill Clinics in the upcoming weeks. If you are unaware, the Skill Clinics are specialty classes in which we will focus on one specific movement for the entire class, bringing you through all the in's and out's, tips and tricks, and hopefully having some major breakthroughs. Each time we will focus on new movements and common areas of struggle.

This month's focus? Pull-ups and Muscle-ups.

These are going to be two very detailed classes focusing on as aspects of each movement. No matter what experience you have with either movement you will leave with a series of tools and knowledge under your belt to practice and progress even more. Whether you’re working on your very first band-pull-up or trying to string together those deceiving muscle-ups we will have you covered. Working on getting your first one? There's no better time for a breakthrough than here, this could be the big night.

Each class will be 1.5 hours long focusing on step by step progressions. It will include even more skills and drills, some progressions we don't normally have time for in a regular class, 1-on-1 time to focus and fine tune, LOTS of practice, and of course a mini-WOD to test those new skills. Each class will be taught by 3 coaches allowing for plenty of 1-on-1 time focus and video feedback.

Pull-Up Clinic
Friday, June 21st
7:30-9:00pm in the Blue Gym.
Limit: 20 athletes
Cost: $30

Muscle-Up Clinic
Friday, June 28th
7:30-9:00pm in the Blue Gym.
Limit: 20 Athletes
Cost: $30

Registration will open on Monday morning and it will be first come first serve. We will post the sign-up sheet on Monday's web post. We will not hold seats or open extra spots.

Special Notes:

1) You are not limited to 1 class. However, not needing any assistance to do a kipping pull-up or ring dip is usually considered a pre-requisite to the muscle-up as well as it’s progressions.

2) We obviously cannot guarantee you will get your first pull-up or muscle-up during the clinic, but we can guarantee you will walk out that door more knowledgeable and further along in your progression. You can also bet your bottom dollar you'll improve much more if you attend the clinic rather than sitting on your tookus all night.

Nutrition Is Forever

So member participation has come to a close on our fifth paleo challenge and every class seems to be crawling with super-humans. If you didn’t sign up and feel like you missed the boat, think again! Our challenge is just a way to help people get the ball rolling on a lifestyle change. Ideally, this will be ongoing behavior that will have a longterm influence on positive healthy decisions. It is important to know that, although we subscribe to the paleo lifestyle, there are other options out there as well. Any way to avoid sugars or anything that will result in sugar production will be helpful. Here is another popular option:

The coaches are getting down to the nitty-gritty and crunching the final numbers. All you have to do is hang tight, get in a workout or two, and try to stay on that wagon! Results will be out soon. Those of you that are getting new cravings or others that want to sample paleo life, here are some resources that you may have missed:

Cook It!
Paleo Plan
Nom Nom Paleo
Everyday Paleo
Sweet Cheeks
Swiss Paleo
Paleo Parents
Paleo Girl’s Kitchen
Paleo Diet Lifestyle
Mark’s Daily Apple
Multiply Delicious
The Foodee Project
Paleo Magazine

Order It!
Caveman To Go
Custom Fit Meals
Steve’s PaleoGoods

This could be the snowball effect that leads to other healthy choices that span beyond nutrition alone. Eating better may lead to better sleeping habits, maintaining a quality hydration level, avoiding unnecessary stressful situations, or even becoming more active. Get out and play some sports, do a recreational activity, or do anything that you will find more enjoyable as the healthier new you!

While on the subject, we should all invest more time into body maintenance. There are tons of instructional resources available to you. Check the internet, check our facility library, or just check in at our in-house mobility room. Ready to take it to the next level? Try Gretchen’s World Famous Sports Massage. This is for high quality maintenance and recovery. This is not your usual dainty aromatherapy massage. The station will be set up at the Gold Gym and the CFLI member rumor mill submits that Gretchen is the “real deal”, so claim your spot before your slot fills up!

Gretchen's World Famous Sports Massage


Hey Tribe, late post. We are having some internet issues down here this morning due to Optimum working in the area, so I have to make this post short and sweet before I lose service again!

Saturday was a great "wrap-up" day as we finished up the Paleo Challenge and the Running Clinic! The Paleo Challenge is still being totaled but I can visually see the differences so nearly every competitor, my jaw nearly hit the floor a few times as I saw people come in for their Baselines! Winners will be announced by the end of the week!

The Running Clinic also wrapped up with everyone crushing their baseline Time Trials on Saturday morning....great work everyone! If you missed out this time, stay tuned for the Fall Clinic....


LAST DAY IN THE CAVE! Who's ready for baseline's tonight and a slice of pizza tomorrow!? No matter what you're planning for tomorrow, the next 40 days, a year from now just remember how good you feel today. I know many have enthusiastically stated that it's Paleo for life! "Mayyybe a cheat meal here or there." Just remember it's a slippery slope. A few cheats here and there and all of a sudden we're off the wagon. Eating mac a cheese 6 times a day, attending Paleoholics Annonymous ("Hi my name is Ian and I had a bagel this morning"), and becoming a full blown addict to candy corn (frankly I don't even know where to get them this time of year. If you know a guy though let me know I'm feigning). It's in your hands now! What's next?

**Adjusted Schedule For Tonight"
Gold Gym: Paleo Only

4pm-7pm (pics and measurement stations-(Please get these done BEFORE the workout-Not after)

Baselines will run every half hour at the following times:
4:30 / 5:00 / 5:30 / 6:00 / 6:30
These times are when the Baseline starts.

**Pro's-- you will complete the skills baseline on one time slot, and the other half of the baseline in the next slot.

Blue Gym:
3:30 - P1 (note this class is not usually on the schedule)
4:30 - P2
5:30 - P1
6:30 - All Levels

There is no Open Lift for tonight*

Running Clinic: Tomorrow is your last session of the program. It will meet right here at home base. Get ready to run those time trials!

No Pyramid Scheme

Now that our paleo diet challenge is coming to a close, there are some reasons that you may want to continue this lifestyle. Don’t be hesitant, but we are going to look at a pyramid. Try to suspend any skepticism and secede from any negative stigma that this simple geometric figure may cause you to conjure up. This is not a food pyramid! This is a structure that showcases separate areas of fitness/wellness and their relationship to each other. Notice what Coach Greg Glassman put at the base of the pyramid. If we falter with nutrition, everything else will suffer.

Remember that nutrition will also influence your health. There is a general concept illustrated in the Sickness/Wellness/Fitness continuum. In essence you must become well before you can become fit. Likewise, if someone ‘s fitness were to deteriorate, their wellness may become subject to follow.

If you are curious about some more general reasons to stick with the paleo diet. Here is Robb Wolf answering some FAQs and covering many topics from his popular book, “The Paleo Solution: The Original Human Diet”. Clear up some time because it is over an hour long.

Remember that paleo websites are not just about scooping up new recipes.
All Around Good Paleo Site

Hump Day!

It's Wednesday and the week is rolling! Chances are you could already be feeling a bit worn out after Monday's Bear Complex and yesterday's snatches. Make sure you are mobilizing and recovering properly every day.

What should I eat immediately following my WOD? Eric O'connor from CF Park City and the CF Training Staff has a few words of advice:

Question of the day: Why does he not recommend ingesting any fat calories in the period immediately following the workout? Answer in the comments below.....

(Note: he is just discussing the period immediately following training. Eric O'Connor is a smart man and knows that you should be eating copious amounts of good fat at other times of the day)

Here is a classic K-Star video that we've posted before. There is a reason for that of course, because it's great.... check it out for today's WOD prep:

This Is Our House!

Until further notice, all morning classes will be held at the blue gym.

Keepin’ It Clean
It is no secret that CrossFit Long Island is open to people of all walks of life. Everyone has a place at our facility. We put less emphasis on the fact that everything has a place as well. We constantly highlight our amazing community of members, so let’s remember to take care of each other. Putting everything back well organized and in its place can make things much easier for the members in the following class.

Take the Blue Gym for example:

Box and medicine ball spaces are all labeled. Check your equipment and find its space. It would even be a nice touch to store boxes with numbers facing out and med balls with laces facing out.

As we move along, we see that jump ropes and bands are grouped neatly with matching colors. Green boxes and Ab-Mats can easily be stacked below.

Come along as we make our way to the kettlebells. These crowd favorites are organized in ascending order and grouped by weight. They are best stored if they are packed tightly together. Keeping the tape side out is not vital, but makes for nice presentation.

Plates on both racks and carts have labels on them as well. Be sure to know what you are holding before you put them away. If everyone puts plates back exactly where they were found, it becomes a great convenience for everyone else. The same can be applied to returning barbells.

Finally, let’s keep out etiquette clean as well. It is very rare that this is ever an issue, but an occasional reminder never hurts.

Here is some information from yesterday:

Gold Gym
4pm-7pm (pics and measurement stations)

Baselines will run every half hour at the following times:

4:30 / 5:00 / 5:30 / 6:00 / 6:30
These times are when the Baseline starts.

**Pro's Please - You will complete the skills baseline in one time slot, and the other half of the baseline in the next slot.

Baseline/Pics Make-up: Thursday at 8:30pm at Gold (MUST CALL AHEAD!!)

Today’s Paleo Link
No, it’s not a sausage link!


HAPPY JUNE! Can you believe it!? “Big Things Spring” is officially in full effect as we’re heading toward “Super Summer.” We have our first 2 skill clinic’s scheduled for this month, a few WOD parties on the horizon, and whole lot of fun WOD’s as the warm weather is upon us. Hope You’re ready!

Oh did I forget to mention that our 40 day's in the cave is coming to an end!?
Paleo Peeps: It's the Final Countdown. Today starts your very last bonus challenge and Friday seals the deal! DAY 40!!! WOOHOO! Baseline’s will also be this Friday. Take a look at the adjusted schedule below.


Here’s your adjusted schedule for this Friday, June 7th:

Morning - Regular Schedule


3:30 - P1 (note this class is not usually on the schedule)
4:30 - P2
5:30 - P1
6:30 - All Levels
7:30 - Open Lift (subject to change. Working on coaching schedule)

4-7 (pics and measurement stations)

Baselines will run every half hour at the following times:
4:30 / 5:00 / 5:30 / 6:00 / 6:30
These times are when the Baseline starts.

**Pro's-Please- you will complete the skills baseline on one time slot, and the other half of the baseline in the next slot.

Baseline/Pics Make-up: Thursday at 8:30pm at Gold (MUST CALL AHEAD!!)

*Side Note*All Morning Classes will be held at the Blue Gym starting tomorrow.
That means the 7, 9:30, &10:30 am on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s!