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Might As Well…JUMP!

Strap on those helmets because you might just hit your head on the rafters. Oh yes ladies and gentlemen, it’s max height box jump day! Try to set a new personal record as you soar over your expectations and land on a higher level than ever before. Many of you have been doing the paleo diet for a whole day now. So, you must be able to jump at least a foot higher than yesterday. Right? Go hard, go fast, commit to your jump, and tuck those knees to land. Most importantly, I think we can certainly agree on one jumps, like golfing, is all in the hips.

If you have some free time and really want to drastically improve those box jumps, give this a look. It breaks down the general box jump. Once you have a strong foundation in the movement, you should see strides in your max height as well.

First submissions are due today by noon through Google Docs. If you are having any issues, contact your team captain and he or she will be able to help you.

Temptation already getting to you? Remember to keep a paleo approved snack on you for when you get a surprise craving. The snack may not be exactly what you crave, but it should prove to be a suitable distraction. If that doesn’t help, it’s never too late to clear out your pantry. Just do it the right way!

Welcome to the Cave

Paleo Challenge:

Day 1 in the we go! You should have received your score sheets by now. If you don't see it, check your spam folder, then email your representative if it's not in there. The email addresses are as follows:

Pro's - .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Female Joe - .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Male Joe - .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

You'll be getting further information throughout the week, for now just starting hunting and gathering! Here are a few basic tips to get you rolling:


New Schedule:

Ok folks, going to have to be a buzzkill for a minute. I know we are all psyched up for the new gym to officially be open and for the new schedule to launch, but we are going to have to push back the date slightly. I'm sorry, but we are still waiting for some vital equipment to arrive and some construction needs to be finished. Instead of starting on Wednesday May 1st, we will begin on Monday May 6th (1 week from today). Sorry about this, I hope you'll understand.

While we are on the topic, the new schedule we announced last week has been adjusted slightly. There were a few issues we overlooked and I believe we have straightened everything out. Check out the link below for the full details. And just to remind you, this will begin Monday May 6th.

2013 Spring Schedule (2 gyms) - Begins Monday, May 6th

CFLI Kids:

Don't forget that the Kids/Teens program is re-starting next week as well! Email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) or call him at 909.4849 ext 303 for the full details or to register for the class.

Check out the program details here:


You can also find the registration form here:

Weekend Prep

Way to bring last night Paleo Joe's! Paleo Pro's don't forget it's your turn tonight at 6:30pm. Whether you’re a Joe, Pro, or schmo you need to be prepared for this thing. Take the weekend to clean out all the junk food and get some caveman meals in that fridge. I’m talking fruits and veggies, nuts and seeds, and some sabertooth burgers. Don’t wait until Monday to get set! Be prepared- not just your cabinets but mentally as well! Lets do it!

“I’m ready!”

Runners take your mark. GO! Don’t forget Pat’s Running and Endurance class starts tomorrow. Please be there on time and ready to roll. This is going to be an hour and half of non-stop fun but it is going to start at 8am sharp! Bring the kicks, some water, and your game face.

25,654. Any guesses? Well the checks cleared and the money was finally sorted through out in Cali. This is the Grand total of money that was raised for St. Baldricks by “Fog’s Fighting CrossFitters” here last month. $25,654! Can you believe it!? I know it’s 6 weeks later- the dust has settled and a bunch of us have real hair again instead of peach fuzz. But it still amazes me with how this community responded to such an amazing cause and what we were able to pull off in just 45 days. I Truly feel blessed to not only be a part of such an amazing group of individuals. I know I speak for the entire coaching staff as well. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Thank you. You all really do rock.

Deads and No Breads

It is not news that CrossFit Long Island is evolving rapidly and more changes are yet to come. For example, when you come in today, you may notice something unfamiliar on the ground. These are the Battling Ropes. You may have seen these while watching HBO’s Hard Knocks or NBC’s Biggest Loser. Maybe you have even seen them in your previous fitness facility. We incorporated these ropes into today’s “On Own” warm up. Feel free to give them a shot if you would like. Keep slight slack in the lines and let them rip. There are various workouts that can be done with these simple pieces of equipment, but keep it simple to start. For now, your movement on the ropes should look something like this:

When you truly master the battling ropes, your workout options are limitless.

Warning: What you are about to witness is being performed by professionals. Do not attempt this at home (or at CFLI) without at least one or more trainer on hand.

You didn’t really think we would reveal all of the battling ropes secrets yet. Did you? All in good time my friends. All in good time...

The “Health Lift”

Many people don’t know this, but the deadlift was once named the “health lift” and there is good reason. The deadlift is a heavy multi-joint movement that triggers our bodies to release hormones that, put simply, aide our whole body in acquiring strength. Like squatting, performing deadlifts allows us to excel in all other areas of weight lifting as well. So, take a gander at some ideas that may help you maintain beneficial body position while going heavy.

To All You Bearers of the Loincloth:

6:30pm Tonight: Joes’ pep rally and baseline at CFLI Gold Gym

6:30pm Tomorrow: Pros’ pep rally and baseline at CFLI Gold Gym

10am-12pm Saturday: Pros & Joes pictures and measurements at CFLI Gold Gym

If you haven’t registered yet, ya’ll best get on that! Just check out that sweet paleo challenge link on our sidebar!

Paleo, Kids & Murph

Hey gang, a few quick reminders/announcements geared towards "Big Things Spring!"

Paleo Peeps- Last day to register is THIS FRIDAY! Get it in and get on board. "But registration is sooo hard. I have to print out like, an entire page and thennnn I have to write my name on it and stuff." Damn good point that is tough. So, starting this afternoon we will have a stack of registration forms in the lobby. You'll still have to write your name and "stuff," but this saves you the battle of using that mean spirited printer. Thank goodness! "but even still why would I want to win money and prizes, lose a few lbs, and look great for the beach season." Hmmmm yeahhhhh I don't knoww...? DUH! It's a no brainier! This is you're only chance to get on the nutrition plan that will make YOU feel great while you have an entire community right behind you helping you through it. Let's go!
*The White board in the Main Blue Gym is now a list of everyone who pre-registered for the challenge separated into their divisions. See who's in it and get your own name up there!

Thursday, April 25th @ 6:30pm is the Paleo Joe's Pep Rally with the Baseline Workout immediately following. (New Gym)
Friday, April 26th @ 6:30pm is the Paleo Pros Pep Rally with the Baseline Workout immediately following (New Gym)
Saturday, April 27th from 10am-12pm is Pictures and Measurements for Everyone in the challenge (New Gym)

'CrossFit Kids- Okay parents. So between last weeks announcement, yesterday's e-mail, and everything in between I've gotten about 1,475,075 e-mails about Kids. We're steadily making it through that list. If we haven't gotten back to you just yet, sit tight. Hopefully yesterday's e-mail cleared up a lot of things. IF by chance you didn't get yesterday's e-mail there is a Two step process I want you to follow in order to get it.
1. Check your Spam Mail-Often mass e-mails get dumped here even when it's from your fun and friendly coaches--yeah go figure.
2. If it's not in spam E-mail .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) and simply say "Give me that e-mail!'. The registration form is in this e-mail and on the Pro-Shop at the Blue Gym.
Done deal. Remember Kids Registration has officially opened today and will end next Friday, May 3rd for any students who want to be in on the first day (Monday, May 6th)
Here's the breakdown:

Little League- Ages 4-6 on M&W @4:30pm
Junior Varsity- Ages 7-11 on M&W @4:30pm
Varsity- Ages 12-16 on T/Th @7:30pm

"Murph"-What a day. A bunch of badass peeps coming down for a badass WOD at a badass new gym. Still sore anyone? Thanks again to everyone who made it down and everyone who donated. From that 1 workout we were able to raise $853. Awesome! Days like that truly illustrate what the CrossFit Community is all about. And what a great community we have. Thanks again!


The Dreaded Time Cap

As of right now, all of our classes have a duration of one hour each, but that is not why we set a time cap on our workouts. Many times, people have difficulty choosing how to pace their workout. The idea is to go as fast as you can without burning out prematurely. Let’s look at a few examples. If we gave you 20 minutes to finish “Fran”, none of us would use that entire amount of time because we know that the workout was designed to be treated as a sprint. However, today’s workout is not a familiar one, and often, that could be deceiving. Take a quick look at it, think about how you would attack it, and come back to read on.

I imagine that many of you saw the numbers 20, 30, 40, & 50 and immediately thought that this workout should be treated as a chipper. This is not the case, you should be moving hard throughout this entire workout and take minimal rest, if any. A set of 20 front squats at a moderately heavy weight will not be as difficult as you anticipate. Likewise, the box jumps are high, but we only have to do the set of 30 once. At that point, the kettlebell swings and wall balls will become a test of will. How many will you be able to do unbroken.

So, choose challenging weights/heights and get through each movement as quickly as possible. If you stop, take a quick breath and get moving again. Chances are that your body isn’t as tire as your mind is telling you. Good form and a positive mindset will take you far today. Just remember that the clock doesn’t stop for any of us and try to finish well under the time cap!

The Cave is Calling

Heart Disease
Various Cancers
Neurological Deterioration
Countless Pathogens

These are only a few issues that many of us could face by putting our faith in modern day diet. Tests have shown that inflammation within our bodies has increased exponentially, and this can lead us down some pretty dark paths. I'm sorry to be blunt, but although ignorance is bliss, you deserve to know how to prolong your lifespan. It is vital that we return to eating how we did as our bodies developed into the creatures that we are today. Modern medicine has allowed us to survive without a clean diet, but we are not living to our true healthy potential.

Here are your options:

1) Continue to roll the dice and hope that you are within the lucky few that will be protected by genetics, yet never thrive as a truly healthy indivitual.

2) Research and adjust your diet on your own and cut down on the factors that promote inflammation.

3) Join our lifestyle change support system by clicking the Paleo Challenge Link on our sidebar. You hill receive a higher level of motivation, strength in numbers, and answers to all of your paleo questions, amongst many other things!

Big Thing Spring!

That’s right folks, it is official “BIG-THING-SPRING”! What do we mean by that? Well, it’s simple really….we are doing BIG THINGS BABYYYYY!
Between the Paleo Challenge, Pat’s running clinic, the return of CFLI Kids, and of course the unveiling of the secret expansion, we are setting the stage for a monumental couple of months.

If you don’t have the mind-set and the motivation to do BIG THINGS with your life right now, you might get left in the dust.

First, we’d like to thank everyone who came out yesterday for the “Murph” fundraiser and the revealing of our secret expansion project (aka Operation Secret Gym), that we’ve been working on for the last month or so. Obviously this is a major change to our program and we are super excited about the opportunities it will bring and how the extra space will enable us to take our service and coaching to the next level.

As you also probably expected, CFLI has re-opened its doors to new members. At this time we have two upcoming CF101 classes that have room still available. One course begins today, and the next on May 6th. If you have friends or family who are interested in getting started here, I would notify them right away. Because of the recent lay off in new membership, we have several slots that are reserved for people on the waiting list, and we are expecting the rest to fill up quickly.

Understandably, there have been a lot of questions on how we are going to adjust in order to run both classrooms simultaneously. I must admit that I think it will be a little challenging at first, but we believe we have a good plan of attack to not only meet, but exceed our needs. You will receive the schedule and all of the necessary information on the changes within 24-48 hours. Please try to hold questions until then.

Going into this new era of CFLI we want you to take one idea with you….BE INVOLVED. We are working around the clock to offer things that we truly believe will benefit you. This community is a place for you to be brave, adventurous, and break down physical and mental barriers. We strive for this to be THE BEST place in your life outside your home, and will do what it takes to achieve that.

I cannot express my excitement enough for the future with this Tribe of amazing individuals. We are thankful for every person involved in our program and look forward to our future together!

Rest Day

There are no sessions today due to scheduled maintenance and minor construction. See you tomorrow for Murph!

Few things about the "Murph" fundraiser on Saturday:

1) Opening ceremony is at 10am. The gym doors will open around 9:30-9:40, no earlier.

2) There are no regularly scheduled Saturday morning sessions.

3) This class will NOT count towards your usual weekly attendance/membership.

4) If you missed Pre-registration, you may participate anyway. Be ready to go at 10am!

5) We will be having an impromptu BBQ following, feel free to bring some food and beverages. This time we will be providing the grill and some food, but with the crowd we are expecting, we'll need the community to pitch in!

See you there!


Rest Day Perhaps?

All of tomorrow’s classes are cancelled because our facility will be closed for maintenance purposes. If we were to neglect the periodical attention that any establishment requires, we would be doing our members a great disservice. In fact, we guarantee that you will return to a noticeable difference that will make your experience with us even more enjoyable than it is now. We apologize for any inconvenience but we also know that you will all understand. Thank you in advance!

Currently, Our Biggest Event Yet:

If you don’t workout tomorrow, you should be pretty fresh for this weekend. As you know, we have organized a hero WOD and we already have over 75 members planning to participate. This number doesn’t even include those that are coming to watch. One way or another, you don’t want to miss this one! Since the doors will be locked tomorrow, today is your last chance to sign up for “Murph” on our event board. If you don’t come in today, or signing up just slips your mind, it’s okay. When you show up unannounced on Saturday, we will throw you right in the mix. This does not count as a class off of your membership package, but just remember that we are asking everyone to provide a $10 donation for the Disposable Heroes Project. So bring your sneakers, bring your weight vest if you have one, and bring a raincoat if you want because we are going rain or shine!

Potentially, Our Biggest Event Yet:

Be excited...B-E-excited! There will be two separate pep-rallies for our paleo challenge this time through. We’ll have a rally for the Joes and a rally for the pros. The Joes will be meeting on Thursday, April 25th. The pros will gather on Friday, April 26th. Come on down, learn a little, ask questions, and channel your inner cave-dweller. In fact, since you can’t wait to get involved, print out and complete your registration form right now! Since introducing the levels of both pros and Joes will makes this our most inviting paleo challenge to date, this event could get huge!

CrossFit Kids, Murph and Paleo

Parents-The moment you've all been waiting for! Well, almost...The best after school program is back and ready to roll. CrossFit Kids will be making their debut for the 2013 year soon-very, very soon. WOOO! Okay, okay settle down this is just a teaser. All the real information is going out this Monday, April 22nd. ALL THE INFO. They'll be a post about it and you'll even get a e-mail as a back up just in case (we know you check the website all day everyday). However, here's what you can do until then. If you or anyone you know are interested in CFLI's CrossFit Kid's classes you can give Ian a quick e-mail with a little bit of info-Name, age, some contact info, and if they've ever been in the class before. Our program will include classes educating the youth on fitness from the ages of 4-16. Here's the e-mail (.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)) The real info is going out MONDAY!

"Murph" So far we're closing in on 60 people for this Hero WOD on Saturday. I know it looks crazy (and believe me it is) but just a few quick reminders: The 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, and 300 Squats can be partitioned as needed- Break it up! 10 Rounds of 10, 20 30 anyone? Oh yeah, and SCALING is always an option. If you came here on regular programmed day and saw this workout would you leave? Cut everything in half? 5 Rounds of 10, 20 30 anyone? Half mile maybe? Still hard-but it's suppose to be. Get your name on the board if you're on the fence because "it's too hard." See ya Saturday at 10:00AM.

If you're on the fence about "Murph" then you must be on the fence about the Paleo Challenge. To me this looks way scarier. 40 days in the cave!? Again, it's going to be difficult but just like the Hero WOD it's going to be way worth it. Just talk to anyone who has done any of our challenges here in the past. Life changer. It's 40 days what do you have to lose? Except maybe a few lbs for the beach season. Worst case scenario. And you know you're going to have the best support system in the world to get you through it! Let's go Cavemen.

"I'm not telling you it's going to be easy, I'm telling you it's going to be worth it."

Our Tribe

There are many things that make us different than other fitness establishments. A major contribution to this is our sense of community. We would like to give credit where it is due and thank all of our members for everything that they do for each other, our coaches, and the surrounding community. Whether you helped another person in a time of need or just made someone feel comfortable in their first CFLI class, you are reinforcing what makes us special!

It is no secret that CFLI has been growing, and a small village is generally more tightly-knit than a large city. Through our increased membership, you have continued to maintain a strong community both in and out of our classroom’s walls. Sustaining this with a large volume of athletes is a true testimony of the incredible character that you all portray on a daily basis.

So, let’s keep it going! It is sometimes difficult to get to know the people on different schedules. People attend classes at different times of the day and even at different phase classes. Participating in an event is one of the best ways to branch out. Even if you are yet to attend a CFLI event, don’t let that stop you this time. Some others haven’t missed a single event that we have organized. Keep the streak alive!

So what now? We have introduced a few opportunities to better anchor your place in our community. We strongly encourage that every member partake in one, or both, of these events.

Murph is a hero WOD that honors hometown hero Lt. Michael Murphy for his selfless acts and ultimate sacrifice in Afghanistan. We will be meeting at our facility this Saturday to perform “Murph” for charity. This will be an “all levels” event and can easily be scaled to your needs. See Friday’s post for some great information. Once you’ve decided that you will attend, get in here, warm up your wrist, and sign your name on our event board!

CFLI Paleo Challenge V: Paleo Pros vs. Paleo Joes
So summer is on its way and there is no chance that you want to sport that spare tire as you walk the beach. You also know that it is time to retire that “tankini” and slip into something a little more stylish. Yikes! It looks like you’re going to have to hone in on tightening up that figure. We have good news! Rumor has it that there is a new phenomenon on the scene called diet and exercise. You all come here to work out, so maybe our diet could use a little tweaking. The secret... Eat food! We’re talking actual food. The stuff that nature provides for us and not the edible garbage that we have invented since businesses hit the scene. Check out more information on our website’s sidebar!

Workout Tips

Double Unders

Spanish Wrap Rope Climb

Russian Wrap Rope Climb

Monday Announcements

Hey Tribe, lots to talk about! Let's get into it...

1) Congratulations to Kirsten Carlock and Alex Triani for achieving the "Black Shirt" on Friday! Both have been working on this coveted prize for quite some time and all the hard work finally paid off! Kirsten put the final check on the list with a 5:05 Fran on Friday, and Alex put 250+ overhead at the Open Lift to finalize his list. Great job to both...well deserved!

For Alex, this was a bitter sweet moment as he was able to achieve his goal, but it was also his last training session with us for quite a while. Alex is shipping out to Air Force Pararescue training camp today. We wish you the best of luck Alex, we know you represent CFLI and the United States very well!

2) We will be closed all day this Friday, April 19th for scheduled maintenance and repairs. This is something we do only once every 12-18 months. Check your email for full details.

3) Saturday will be our next Hero Fundraiser WOD! We will be doing "Murph" on Saturday morning at 10am. There is a sign-up board posted in the gym! We ask that you make a donation of $10 for the Disposable Heroes Project if you are participating. There will be no other classes that morning.

4) Please read all the info for the next Paleo Challenge on the left hand side of the page. We have an unofficial registration page linked below. Please fill it out as soon as you are ready so we can start planning the back-end details. Thanks!

5) Today's WOD demo with former Strongman Sarah Hopping

The Protector

"Hey, are we ever going to do "Murph."? Yes. Yes we are. Hoorah boys and girls because the biggest baddest hero WOD of them all is back.

On Saturday, April 20th (1 week from tomorrow) we will be hosting our next Hero Fundraiser with the one that started it all. Many of you have seen our memorial here at the gym under the American Flag. Under that flag hangs the name of men we have honored right here at the home base by completing some of the most challenging workouts we have ever done. These men gave their lives for us and this country and in turn we show them the slightest bit of honor by pouring our heart and soul out here on a workout that will forever engrave their memory in the CrossFit world. The first Hero Fundraiser we have ever done here was none other than Lt. Michael Murphy. And he has returned...

May 1st, 2011 was the first time we did "Murph." A beautiful day with energies high and patriotism even higher. With a better turnout than expected you couldn't ask for a better day...Until right before the workout out a woman and a young man walk through the door. An unfamiliar face meant an introduction. We soon came to know it was Lt. Michael Murphy's mom and his younger brother here to witness our honoring of their fallen son and brother. If that doesn't make you move just a little bit faster I don't know what will. She explained that this was the perfect weekend for such a cause. The following weekend was Mike's birthday. To honor him she was heading down south to Christen his Navy Destroyer- The USS Michael Murphy. Yeah he was that kind of guy.

Here's the crew that day with them all the way to your left hand side:
murphWhat a day.

And it gets better...

Blood, sweat, and yes some tears were shed that day after such a grueling workout and such a wonderful cause. After only a few hours of competing the WOD the President of the United States of America interrupts all of commercial television. The message: "Osama Bin Laden is Dead." Jaw dropping in itself, but to have just honored the American and hometown Hero Lt. Michael Murphy the same day!? T hese are the things I think about whenever this workout comes up. Whenever his name is mentioned. Whenever I look at that memorial we have under the American Flag. The vast majority of you were not there that day. This is why you need to create your own memories next Saturday.

For Time:
1 Mile Run
100 Pull-Ups
200 Push-Ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run

Scale as needed, work hard, and show your patriotism that day by honoring one of the greatest. This workout will be done Saturday, April 20th at 10am in lieu of all our regularly scheduled Saturday morning classes. Come Monday their will be a signup board in the gym just so we can get an idea of attendance. We ask that all participant please donate $10 that day. All proceeds will go directly to The Disposable Heroes Project.
See you there.

Official Citation:
Lt. Michael P. Murphy USN

"Each of these heroes stands in the unbroken line of patriots who have dared to die that freedom might live and grow and increase in its blessings."
-- Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Other Announcements:

1) Do-Terra: Tomorrow is the Do-Terra Essential OIls information class at 2pm. If you have not RSVP'd to the phone number on the flyer, please email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) immediately!

2) Paleo Pre-Reggie - Obviously you have heard that we are going into the cave again! Check out the link on the left hand side of the page for full details and be sure to read ALL the documents. We also ask that you please "pre-register" on the google doc linked below. This is an unofficial registration, but will give us an idea of what to expect. Details about official registration are in the documents.

3) Open Lift- The 7:30pm Open Lift class on Friday nights has returned! This is for P2 athletes and above. See you there!

Pushing and Pulling

Today’s bench press videos are very important. There will be less for you to read so that you may focus your time on the role of the spotter.

Horizontal Push (In relation to the body in an upright position)
The biggest focus in our classes today will be safety! Clear up the time to watch these videos on the bench press and proper spotting. If you have seen them before, please review them before you come in for your class.

Want more bench press? See Mark Rippetoe’s eight-part video series here.

Horizontal Pull (Do not read on unless you have seen the videos above!)
Rowing should be a thing of beauty. Being well conditioned will certainly help. Likewise, having mongoloid strength can’t hurt either. However, good form, including posture and proper pulling technique, will make all of the difference in the world. CrossFit Concept 2 rowing extraordinaire, Angela Hart, has shared some great points to focus on while rowing.

Those of you that like to understand how or why things work, like myself, should click the link below. (You know I had to sneak in some science.)
I want the fastest 2K row time in CFLI history!

Upside Down and Walkin it Out

K pasta tribe? Getting right at it today with 2 videos.
First Clip: Handstand Walk Progressions. Watch it, learn it, love it. You'll need it today.
Second Clip: Highest score in the world on 13.5. It's just straight badass. Absolute mind-numbing. Oh yeah and it was a chick. Lindsay Bourdon repping it for the ladies and rocking the the lime green CrossFit Lifters! Say Whaaaaat.

Get at em:

Lindsay Bourdon - 256 reps on 13.5 from The Outlaw Way on Vimeo.

Weaken Your Weaknesses!

Everyone that does CrossFit does it to better themselves. We may have different focal areas, but whether it’s image, health, or performance, we just want to get better. I don’t have to tell you that CrossFit is not easy. So, we want to see results. It may not be the most fun, but we have to remember to attack our weaknesses. The best CrossFitters in the world get that way by working on what they don’t do very well. If you are not concerned with being the best, you should still want to be able to handle anything that life throws at you. Confront those weaknesses head-on and get better at everything!

The ten domains of fitness (cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, agility, balance, coordination, accuracy) can be improved through weight lifting, gymnastics, and general conditioning. If you have a physical weakness, it will fall within these three main areas. Since some of us may not want to wait for our biggest weaknesses to come up in a WOD, you do have other options:

Open Skill
Are those gymnastic movements giving you a difficult time? At 3:30pm on Tuesday and Thursday, our facility is open for an hour to members in all phases. It is open gym time and you may come or go as you please. There will be at least one coach to work with
you if you would like some pointers. This class is also a great time to work on mono-structural movements as well.

Open Lift
Open lift is back! If getting stronger has been on your mind for a while and you want to dedicate an entire class to going heavy, Friday’s 7:30pm open lift will accommodate your needs. Come in and work on barbell technique for a while if you would like. A coach will be there to help you out. If it is heavy and you want to move it, this is your class. This class is open to phase 2 only. You must have a strong foundation in weight lifting before working on your own!

Running and Endurance
Spring is here and it’s time to put a little spring in your step as well. Are yhose damn lungs always slowing you down? Do you feel downright awkward when you run? Well, CFLI’s running and endurance program is back by popular demand! Starting in late April, you can be spending your Saturday mornings with Coach Patty Scribs! Be warned, this is a specialty course and there is only room for sixteen people. People are already talking and spots will fill up fast. Click the link under the “CrossFit Events Section” of our website’s sidebar for more information. Here’s a taste of what you may experience:

For the whole video, CLICK HERE

Remember, if you still aren’t satisfied with your options, you may see a coach to set up a private training session.

End of The Open

Ok folks, it's official. The fat lady has sung on this years competition. The Open was action packed and a lot of fun for all. We all have our own feelings on our personal performances but as a Team I am extremely proud of everyone accomplishments and effort throughout the 5 week event.

Let's take a minute to recognize our highest place finisher, Peggy Scribner! Peggy placed 19th in the Northeast in the Masters 50-54 division! Awesome job Peggy!

Unfortunately, CFLI will not be sending a team to Regionals this year. Of course we are a little disappointed in this but we knew going in we had our work cut out for us this season after some injuries and roster changes. Regardless, we will still be having an in-house competition in the near future. The dates have not been set yet but we will get the information out shortly. Obviously this won't be a "try-out" like we originally planned, but it be conducted under a similar format. All qualifiers will be notified shortly and the full details are coming soon!

For those that are thinking about hitting the Open next year, next season starts today!


Don't forget, the FREE Do-Terra Essential Oils class will be held this Saturday at 2pm. This will be a very informative class for all those who have expressed interest in the products. Check out the flyers below for full detials and don't forget to RSVP to the phone number on the flyer!


See you there!

The Open’s Closing…Wait, What?

Hey Clan,
Gotta go gotta go! Two nastily fun WOD's on the horizon so let's chat. Openers-This is it. Last Open WOD tomorrow at 6pm. Tribe, today we'll be doing last week's Open WOD. Let's chat about both:

Open WOD 13.5- Well you didn't think the never ending "Fran" could get any worse from last year but she did. Ouch. For most of the world this is going to be a 4 min AMRAP. If you fall into this category that's fine. The plan of attack stays fierce just the same. Four minutes OF Thrusters and C-2-B pull-ups better leave you on your ass or something went wrong. We're still squeezing in every single rep possible, still hitting this like we're right on Froning's tail, and still doing this because you don't want the guy/gal next to you in your heat getting 1 more rep than you did. NO WAY! Make sure you prep: Hips & Shoulders are a must and you better have the best damn Front Rack position of your life tomorrow!
Here's Paoli with a breakdown:

Open WOD 13.4- Come on you had to have seen this coming by now! C'monnn Mannn. If you have already took a sneak peak below you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't go check it out...Seriously go ahead I'll wait..go!....yeah increasing that means Toes-to-Bar... yeah only 7 Minutes: Thanks, now we're all on the same page. We're talking core activation, some good shoulder prep, and some sheer determination.
Here's Paoli again with last weeks breakdown.

Members: Last Open WOD tomorrow at 6pm. Come show your support and come help cheer on everyone competing for the Last Open WOD of 2013. You'll also get to see the unveiling of our Secret Sponsor! Hustle down!

How Our Effort Measures Up

Everything that we do within our walls is measurable, one way or another. Clearly, the weights, number of reps, and range of motion are measurable. What most people don’t realize is that intensity can be measured as well. Intensity is FORCE times DISTANCE divided by TIME. There are a few ways to look at this term.

Intensity is power. Power = Strength + Speed (Applying force to move an object with reasonable quickness)
Intensity is the amount of work done in a certain amount of time.
Intensity is moving large loads long distances quickly.

We don’t expect you to calculate the total intensity when you work out, but you know if you are moving challenging weight that is appropriate for the workout. You know if you are reaching full standards and moving as quickly as you can. If there is room to improve any of these areas, you will have the potential to increase your intensity.

I put great emphasis on this because CrossFit Headquarters points out that, “Intensity is the independent variable most commonly associated with optimizing return.” In other words, intensity is what determines how quickly we approach the results that we want. If you want to look, feel, and perform better, it isn’t news that we have to work for it. Just make sure that your work is done quickly and in large quantities!

Take a Look If You Haven’t Seen Our CrossFit 101 Page Recently

You Can Feel When You Are At Peak Intensity

The views of Fitness Lonnie do not necessarily reflect the opinions of CFLI.

Games Competitors:
13.5 is here! This week, I am going to let you formulate your own thoughts. Look over the final WOD of the open and leave your comments below!

Today: 3:30pm - Open Skill
Tomorrow: 7:30pm - Strategy Class
Saturday: 5:30pm - Game Time! (5:30 will begin coaches heats. Be here before your heat begins. Heats will be released on a later day.)

Remember that this event will be open to family, friends, and all members. As usual, we will have a sponsor during the event. If you would like to find out which big name in fitness will be with us this week, you’ll just have to show up!

Home Stretch

Sup Squad? The final Open workout will be released tonight. 5 Weeks have come and damn near just about gone. For many of our members here this was the first but definitely not last Open they'll ever do. For many others it falls under the category of "shoulda, coulda, woulda" and it has already sparked a fire for next year. Either way the 2014 Open will be here before you know it and you know what you need to do to contend. Practice weaknesses, stay in shape, and mentally get yourself prepared. "But what if something comes up that I can't do?" "I'll never make it to the Games!" It doesn't matter.. Check it out:
The Significance of The Open:

"We have 125,000 people in over 100 different countries doing the same thing we're doing right here today."
-So Awesome

Our last Open Event will be this Saturday at 6pm. Our 5th and final sponsor is will be announced at that time to help you get ready to tear the roof off. Non-Competitors: Come down and seed what it's all about. If you watched the know one of the biggest and best aspects of the Open is the community! See you there!

Quest To Be The Best

Gather ‘round my fellow partakers of the WOD. Lend me your minds and behold a tale of great excitement and tribulation. It is the tale of six warriors of fitness and their epic quest toward the sought out acquisition of a regional crown. They had trained for many a fortnight leading to the arduous tasks that would be bestowed on them on that fateful weekend. This is the story of CrossFit Long Island and their vigilant Regionals.

Twas a balmy Memorial Day weekend and many had arrived from far off lands to win the hearts of thousands. Each would have to withstand two days of tasks that would test them from their physical limits to the capacity of their mental strength. Beyond the athletes’ village, fields of green had been covered with various devices that would be used for a fierce battle of fitness. Our protagonists had been abundantly prepared for this moment. Those in the name of CFLI raged hard into competition and fought valiantly.

But the sky grew dark one day. As CFLI dreamed of conquest over their opponents, the gods did not oblige. Water abruptly poured down from the heavens upon four of the six competitors fore-mentioned and all would be lost lest the the air grew dry at that very moment. But dreadfully, it did not. In lieu of most favorable conditions, the earth below their feet was that of marsh, and chalk became reminiscent of mud. Not even he with tightest grip of gauntlet could command the obedience of his or her barbell. Iron hands would prove to be ineffective. Those that hailed from CrossFit Long Island could but simply peer on as those before them would reap the spoils of mother nature and her whimsical elements.

As the chalk dust settled, the echos of groaning had ceased, and the ground was no longer riddled with bodies, CFLI was honored by many for their impressive performance. The prize may have eluded them on that fateful weekend, but their spirits never had. Legend has it that some can still be seen training within our very own walls.

This morrow, we shall honor those of our saga and relive their adventure. Who will join us through the bond of pain, sweat, and undying determination?


Hey folks welcome back! I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter Sunday and we are ready to rock again.

Here are a few quick videos to help you prepare for today's lesson:

This first video will help you prepare for our warm-up "ab" routine:

This video will help you get a head start on our mini-competition that will take place after the WOD today: