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Friday Fun

Hey Tribe,
It seems like summer is in full effect! As the days get hotter the WOD’s feel harder. Please remember to bring a small towel and plenty of water on these scorchers. Be smart about the heat. If you are not hydrated you will not perform well and on a more serious note can hurt yourself. Push it, but don’t push it.

Other Things:

Thanks to everyone who participated in last nights Paleo Potluck! The food was amazing! Pictures are on the way.

Tuesday & Thursday morning classes will now be held at the Blue Gym starting next week.

Saturday: Want to sleep in a bit, workout, annnnd do a little shopping? Tomorrow at the Tanger Outlets Reebok will be hosting morning workouts at 10am, 11am, and 12pm. Anyone who participates will receive 40% off all merchandise in the store right after. Go get some!

Runners: Pat and Lo’s Running Clinic will meet at Smith Point Park tomorrow bright and early. Be there by 7:45am or you’ll have to pay the parking fee. Please meet in front of the main pavilion.

CF 101- Our next CrossFit introduction class meets this Monday at 8:30pm. All prospects please by here by 8:15pm. Slots are still available but limited. See ya’ll Monday!

And Tonight . . . We Feast!

Tonight’s classes will be running on an adjusted schedule. More details are listed below.

All Members
The Gold Gym will only be open to workouts during our morning sessions. All afternoon and evening classes will be provided at the Blue Gym. You may have to adjust your usual schedule, so take a good look at tonight’s lineup:

3:30 -- P1

4:30 – P2

5:30 – P1

6:30 – Varsity

7:30 -- P3 (1 hour class)

8:30 – All Levels

Primordial Potluck
So you wanted to perform better. You wanted to look better. You wanted to feel better. I can see that, but I know the real reason that you signed up for the CFLI paleo challenge. You wanted a spot at the table for our paleo potluck dinner. Well, you have dedicated yourself to finding the perfect recipe and the night is finally here.

The gym will be filled with food that is supposed to be in our bodies. So, if you registered for our challenge and would like to hit up this macronutrient mash-up, be at the Gold Gym at 6:15 tonight. Your cost for admission is to bring a paleo dish that will be shared with the group. Get crackin’! (Nuts and eggs are both acceptable.)

Prehistoric Procrastinators
Try this link for some last minute ideas!

Please view this video on the snatch. This is a great visual for understanding the requirements of this lift. You will also see familiar movements that we ofter practice. Understand that these variations are used so that we can improve our snatch. So, know the snatch first. Then realize that the complementary movements are slight modifications to the that base lift.


Wednesday already? Wow, this week is moving quick. Between the Beach WOD on Monday and the Stones yesterday, time really does fly when you're having fun!

Few things:

1) Paleo Pot Luck Dinner

The Paleo Potluck dinner will be Thursday night at the Gold Gym at 6:15pm. All Cave peeps are invited and we just ask for everyone to contribute 1 Paleo dish to contribute to the group. There will be no afternoon/evening classes in the Gold Gym tomorrow and the Blue Gym will be running the following schedule:

3:30 -- P1
4:30 – P2
5:30 – P1
6:30 – Varsity
7:30 -- P3 (1 hour class)
8:30 – All Levels

2) Gretchen's World Famous Sports Massage

Gretchen was in again last night and will be in every Tuesday. Last week she had a line out the door and the reviews were unbelievable! Unfortunately last night we didn't do a great job of spreading the word and because we were at the Blue Gym most of the time, she didn't get much action. Next week we will get the sign-up sheet out early and make sure everyone has a chance to book their massage. Just a note: This isn't a candles and harp music type of massage. Gretchen is here to treat and prevent any sport related injuries or aches and pains. She's good!

3) Paleo Bonus Challenge

Ok so this week's challenge is definitely tough, especially the "Footprint" portion. Just please understand that you need to use your best judgement in circumstances that are out of your control. For example, we don't want you to starve to death because you didn't want to unwrap the plastic off of your steak. Know what I mean? You shouldn't be producing any excess waste, but if someone else does, you need to use your best judgement. If you want to have a coffee from a cafe, don't skip it because THEY used a paper filter, but YOU should be using a re-usable cup. Do your best!

Stone Cold Strength!

In ancient Greece, it was believed that the titans were the firstborn sons of Earth. Much like ourselves, both the titans and the gods were often victims of their own emotions. They each often made spontaneously passionate decisions. This was no different for the giant known as Atlas.

In loyalty to Cronus, an elder member of the titan race, Atlas led a revolt against the gods. When the titans were unsuccessful and defeated, the gods’ king Zeus dealt Atlas a fitting punishment for his treason. Although in common retellings, Atlas is sentenced to holding the celestial heavens and Earth apart for eternity, this is not the only version of the tale. One variation of the story that has been passed down for millennia depicts Atlas as the physical supporter of our world. He forever props the globe up upon his shoulders.

Since the literal translation of Atlas is “bearer” or “endurer”, we will touch upon bearing some stones and perhaps a little endurance as well.

Getting Stoned
There may be nobody closer to an Atlas in the CrossFit world than Rob Orlando. When it comes to CrossFit Strongman movements, Rob O is the one to follow. Check out some of his tips on lifting Atlas Stones!

Stone-Age Lifestyle
Yet Another Paleo Link

Rainy Day Blues

Okay folks, slight change of plans for Memorial Day Weekend (just in case you didn’t check your e-mail).
We adjusted Saturday’s and Monday’s schedule due to gloomy weather predicted for tomorrow. Saturday we are back to our regular class schedule and Monday we will hit the sand for our fun beach WOD.
It looks like this:
Regular Schedule Classes: 7am – P1 & P2, 8am WBC P1 & P2
Running Class – still meeting at Smith Point Beach, 8am (rain or shine)

Beach WOD!!
Smith Point Park – 8am All Levels

- Parking Fees start at 8am.
- We will be meeting in front of the main pavilion.
- Class may be up to 1.5 hours
- Best CFLI Spirited wardrobe wins a prize! Be creative!
- Class is FREE and will not count towards your weekly total. Extra training sesh for the unofficial first week of summer anyone? See you there!

The Power Clean
P1 - Take a quick peak:

P2/3-A little more emphasis on the jump:

"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift."

For YOU The Bell Tolls

Sorry if I excited any of you Metallica or Hemingway fans. I am referring to, of course, the kettlebell. The ol’ KB can do so much more than just swing. Kettlebells are incredibly versatile tools that present us with a multitude of weightlifting options. You may have used these for various swings, snatches, push presses, SDHPs, goblet squats, weighted pistols, Turkish get ups, juggling, and more. In some cases, they can even increase the difficulty of our gymnastics movements. You may have seen people do pistols on the handles or use a pair as parallettes during deficit handstand push ups. Like many things in life, the tool itself doesn’t make the major impact. It’s how you choose to incorporate it into your task.

Jeff Martone is CrossFit’s “Kettlebell guru.”

Are you a true believer in the power of the kettlebell?
Read Jeff’s Book
Take Jeff’s Course

Future Homo-Sapiens
Have a family to feed? Are grilled steak and steamed veggies loosing their luster? Here is another resource. Just remember to filter out anything that doesn’t fit with what you can eat.
Check out this link!

Mid-Week Updates

Ok so everyone is getting revved up for the big Beach WOD on Saturday...that's awesome! Remember, we are starting at 8am at Smith Point Beach in Shirley. Few things to know:

1- The park starts charging a parking fee at 8am, so make sure you are there a few minutes early to avoid the fee (and not be late for class)
2- We will meet right in front of the Beach Hut. If you've never been to Smith Point before, this is the main pavilion area and will be very easy to find. It's really the only pavilion area.
3- Class may run a little longer than usual (figure 1hr 15m - 1.5 hrs)
4- Best CFLI themed wardrobe wins a prize! Be creative! Wigs, face paint, etc are all encouraged.
5- If we have more than 100 members attend class (including the running class), the coaches will all jump in the ocean after class!! (and the water is barely 50 degrees right now)
6 - This class is completely free (does not count towards your weekly training sessions), but for members only. No guests for this class please.

Memorial Day:

We will be running 2 morning sessions at 8am on Memorial Day (Monday).
P1- Gold Gym
P2/3 - Blue Gym

There will be no other training sessions on Monday.

Custom Fit / CavemanToGo:

Don't forget to grab your meals from the fridges once they arrive! They will expire if not eaten quick enough...

Thank you to Gladys for this wonderful cake! The detail and decorations are so awesome I almost felt bad eating it..... but once I tasted it I didn't feel too bad's delicious!

Oh Yeah…It’s For You Too!

CrossFit is for you. We sometimes forget that people have all different levels of obstacles in their lives that they have to overcome on a daily basis. Let’s take a step back today and reflect on a few people that have allowed CrossFit to open the door to a new life for them. We have presented success stories before, but each of these are so different that, when viewed together, they truly illustrate the vast range of people that our sport of fitness can influence. View some or all of these stories to help you to not lose sight of the power that our global CrossFit community and our very own passion can both produce.

You may see a young man that chooses to fend off poor choices and turn his life around in an area where undesirable temptations are plentiful. Perhaps you will learn about a young girl with a medical condition that made her feel like an outcast at one time. A family on the brink of losing everything after a major financial adjustment might catch your eye. You might just become fascinated with one man’s comeback from losing his leg.

We are naturally social beings and we are innately kind-hearted. However, somewhere along the way, as civilization has made us more self-reliant, we have lost sight of what is important. Yet, in our community, we have reintroduced what is important in life. It’s not wealth. It’s not popularity. It’s the happiness of ours and those around us. I prefer to think that we are all unique, but through CrossFit, we can all unite!

It’s for everyone: Have Some Extra Reading Material

Contemporary Cavers
Here is Another Paleo Link


Ok folks we are rockin' and rollin' into a big week! Here are a few quick things:

1) FREE sports massage!

Tomorrow afternoon/evening (Tuesday) there will be a chance to get a free sports massage either before or after your workout. Come down to the Gold Gym between 4:30pm and 8:30pm to get a free 20-minute sample of a sport massage by Gretchen, a local massage therapist who works with CrossFitters.

2) FREE Beach Workout!!

MDW is this weekend! It might not feel like it just yet, but that means the unofficial kickoff of summer. So what better way to kickoff Summer than a hard WOD on the sand? Ohhh yeahhhh, hard bodies meet hot sand at Smith Point Beach this Saturday at 8am sharp for a fun beach workout. This class is "All Levels", FREE for everyone (doesn't count towards your weekly training sessions), and will be in place of the normal Saturday morning schedule. Award for best CFLI wardrobe! Ok so let's repeat:

1 - Class STARTS at 8am, be there by 7:45am please (class will be 1hr 15m - 1.5 hrs)
2 - This class is completely free and DOES NOT count towards your usual membership
3 - There will be no regularly scheduled Saturday morning classes
4 - We will meet at Smith Point Beach in Shirley (home of the world famous Smith Point Lifeguards)
5 - Optional dip in the water afterwards (it's effin cold!)
6 - There is no limit on class size, let's flood the beach! (Members only please)
7 - Best CFLI themed wardrobe wins a prize (be creative!), members of the running clinic are also eligible for the prize!

Between the running clinic and the beach class, I think CFLI can get 100 people on that beach on Saturday....that's a challenge!


Hey Gang,
Regionals are upon us! This weekend when you're chilling out maxin and relaxin all cool why don't you flip on the laptop outside by the pool. Then you'd be able to check out some of the baddest mofo's in the NorthEast compete for the opening week of Regionals. It will be streaming live on the Games Site. be there or be square!
Northeast is Live!

Speaking of Regionals...Did you know that today's WOD is a take on one of the Individual Events? chyup. Let's see what you got. 3,2,1...GO!

Paleo Peeps: I hope your feeling refreshed and maybe even started your summertime glow with that last challenge. Getting more sleep and spending time outdoors!? Sounds like a fun one! Although difficult, we recommend trying to keep a similar system as you continue the challenge and your everyday go-abouts. Get some sun and get some sleep. Next weeks challenge is making it's way out by the end of today so stay tuned and good luck.

CF 101- Next class meets this Monday, May 20th. See you then!

The Good Ol' Days-2012 Regionals

Strike a Pose!

It’s a great day to be outside. So, we’re hitting the road and working out in the sun today. Extra vitamin D can’t be a bad thing. Maybe you are a paleo competitor that wants to work out how nature intended. Perhaps you are in Coach Pat’s running and endurance clinic and you want to apply what you have learned into a general class. You may just be sick of being cooped up inside for most of the spring. In any case, today’s workout is great for everyone! Everyone can improve their endurance, because even the world’s best runners still train hard to get better.

If you aren’t in the running and endurance clinic, here is one small pose running sample that you may be missing out on.

But wait...There’s more! It’s another classic fitness movement that we can always improve. It’s the push up! That’s right folks, but it’s not just any push up. Our push ups, as always, are CrossFit standard full range of motion. There will be no nonsense push ups that you might see of people taping themselves on YouTube. We will have none of those 3rd grade phys. ed. push ups. Every single time, it will be chest to the deck and pressing to elbows being locked out with a rigid body.

Fire Discoverers
Here is today’s paleo link:
Yet another killer CFLI suggestion

What’s This New Cross-Fitness That Everyone Keeps Talking About?
This is a question that I keep hearing constantly. Our “underground” fitness regimen has been going mainstream, and that’s a good thing. Just remember that each affiliate is privately owned and will be run differently. We want everyone to make a decision that is the most appropriate fit for their needs. That's why we strive to be the best option day in and day out. We work hard, but believe that we have you to thank for what you all put into our community. Now, here is your chance to reach out into your personal community!

As you all know, each coach on our staff is a competitive lifeguard and we have seen a variety of figures at the beach. Of course everyone wants to look good in a bathing suit, but it's human nature to procrastinate. There is good news, because it’s not too late! Summer is right around the corner and nothing yields positive results faster than hard work within a CrossFit package. One month may not get everyone into supermodel shape, but it is enough to start seeing and feeling significant changes.

So, spread the word to your friends. I have heard many people declare that CrossFit has changed their lives. You can be the spark that gets a friend or two to better their lives as well. If you love what you experience with us, share the wealth, because CrossFit isn’t a secret anymore. As usual, our CrossFit 101 class is always open to everyone. So, if you know anyone that wants to make a change, but doesn’t know how to take that first step, let them see our program for themselves. If it's you that needs the first step, here are some options:

- Tell a friend about your experiences with us. Be detailed and share our website or phone number with them.
- Use a guest pass to give a friend or family member a taste of what we are about.
-Get Social: Share our CrossFit 101 link through email, text messages, facebook, or any other social media. A simple copy and paste can be the catalyst to change someone else’s life!


Yo yo! Big Bossman checking in here. I know you're not used to hearing from me on here on Wednesdays, but we like to keep you on your toes.

Anyway, we are powering through a tough couple of weeks and everyone is kicking serious ace. We are settling in nicely into the new 2-gym system, and I believe we have worked out most of the kinks. Make sure you have a copy of that schedule printed out and sitting in your car to avoid any last second confusion.


1) Running Clinic meets at Sunken Meadow State Park this week.....have fun! (hahaha)

2) Paleo Peeps are more than half way through this week's Bonus Challenge, next weeks challenge will be out by the end of the week

3) CF Kids meet today:
Little League - 4:30 (Gold Gym)
JV - 4:30 (Blue Gym)

I believe that's it for today, short and sweet. If you haven't seen the clip below from last weeks episode of NCIS, check out CrossFit getting plugged on primetime national TV. It's pretty good!

Take It Back Now Y’All

Reverse! Reverse!
Hold your horses gang. We will get to the reverse part in a moment. Today we are coming at you with a ladder-style AMRAP. You will have six minutes to cycle through three movements. After each cycle, you will add one rep to each movement and do it again. You must try to ascend to the highest round possible before your time runs out.

However, what goes up must come down. When on top of a roof, sometimes the hardest part is taking that first step back toward the ground. So we will give you two minutes to compose yourself, but then it’s going to be 3...2...1...Go! Ready or not, we are going back down.

From here, you will start wherever you left off and make your way down again. Just like that...**Poof**... Your workout is now a decreasing ladder. You will now perform your rounds in reverse all the way back down to one. Give it your best shot, but just like before, you only have six minutes. How low can you go?

Istanbul was Constantinople*
Many things have changed overtime throughout the beautiful lands of Turkey, but one thing has remained constant. The ancient turks were so incredibly tough, that they refused to rise from a resting position without some style of resistance. Thus, the Turkish Get Up was born. Rumor has it that many Turkish residents still sleep with dumbbells, kettlebells, or even cinderblocks just to stand strong and begin their day with a sense of accomplishment. This behavior is so impressive that we shall emulate it on our side of the world.
*The corresponding segment is a complete fabrication.

Wheel Inventors
Here is something to think about:

chal·lenge [chal-inj] noun, verb, adjective
1. a call or summons to engage in any contest, as of skill, strength, etc.
2. something that by its nature or character serves as a call to battle, contest, special effort, etc.: Space exploration offers a challenge to humankind.
3. a call to fight, as a battle, a duel, etc.
4. difficulty in a job or undertaking that is stimulating to one engaged in it.

Does anything here lead you to believe that a challenge should ever be easy? Do you think that survival for the hunter/gatherers was a simple task? We may have different daily stressors, but we also take for granted just how convenient daily life is for us. In fact, every single person that is a member of our CFLI community is living a more privileged life than many people in developing nations today.

With that being stated, we are not asking anyone to suffer. However, if we extend a bonus challenge to you, always expect it to live up to the key term challenge. This is exactly why any bonus is optional. The paleo challenge is all about dedication and lifestyle change. If you can’t make these bonus challenge work for you, you can still try them in moderation. However, let it be clear that you will be doing this in an attempt to form good habits and not just to gain an advantage for a competition. In short, it would be best for you to participate in the bonus challenges, but if you do not follow them to the specified standards, you will be awarded no points.

Today’s Paleo Link:
I need another resource for the CFLI challenge!


Cavemen and women: Today is the first day of your first challenge! Get out and about then get some rest! This is your chance to earn some big points for the challenge. We're two weeks in and still seeing some people with full points. Outstanding! If you haven't e-mailed your buddy yet get on it! There is a lot of venting going on between these groups and the coaches are loving every minute of it. Take your frustration out on the keyboard not in the junk cabinet. If everything's going fine then just tell them! Big Pr's, outdoor adventures, whatever. This can only help you in the challenge. Remember you lose 10 points every week if you don't do it!

Little League (4-6) Meets in the Gold Gym (11 Old Dock Rd.) today at 4:30pm
Junior Varsity (7-11 Meets in the Blue Gym (54 Old Dock Rd.) today at 4:30pm

Some of us will be "Shankling" today:

Short and Simple Vid on the Snatch Deadlift (12 seconds)
-Hips are much lower than your typical deadlift
-Hips and shoulders still rise at same time.
-Quick reset at bottom is ideal to ensure good form.

Week 1 of Double Gym's is officially in the books. Kids are back, P3 is back, and there's a whole lot more opportunities to come train. Well, what did ya think? How'd it go? Post comments below!

Fiesta del WOD

Fiesta del WOD:
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: Social gathering to "WOD out"
Synonyms: WOD Party, WOD amusement, Super-fun awesomeness.

“When are we going to do “Fran” again? I want to do this badass Hero WOD. I want to do the CF Total. I WANT TO JUST LIFT HEAVY SH*T…” And it goes on…Well now you can! Introducing the “WOD Party” here at CFLI. Friday nights at 8:30pm are now going to be an available option to come down with YOUR friends and hit a WOD of YOUR choice. You pick the gym, you pick the people. It’s that simple.

Here’s the details:
This is a first come first serve basis. To reserve your spot will require a $100 deposit.
The Gold Gym will host Parties for 8-10 people @$25 Per Person
The Blue Gym will host parties for 10-12 people @$20 Per Person
*The minimum amount of people per gym is also the minimum cost per party ($200).

This can be a totally “self-sufficient” party where the person in charge (whoever makes the deposit)
• Hand selects every person
• Provides Warm-Up
• Provides Skills/WOD/Strength etc.
• Provides Music of choice
• BYOB (for after of course)

Or you can have some help with it:
• Have the coaching staff help promote your party (Website, Facebook, During classes..)
• Have a Warm-up and Skills planned by a Coach
• Have Instruction for Any/All Movements
• Playlist Provided

For example, Our good friend and long time member Billy Burpee is talking with his friend Brianne Box-Box Jumps. Billy hasn’t done “Fight Gone Bad” in like…forever. Brianne has never done it! They decide they want to throw a WOD party next Friday and do FGB. Billy calls coach Fogs (Ext. 303) and says “Yo Fogs-I wanna party.” Coach Foggy replies with a “Sure Mr. Burpee but I just had a another member said they were interested as well. They are still undecided at this point. Would you like to make the deposit.” “BILL ME!” said Mr. Burpee. Done Deal. Billy says he wants to FGB next Friday but Brianne Box-Jumps is his only friend. “Can you help me fill the class Fog’s? I want to bring in my own playlist for the night-You can take care of the warm-up and please just review the WOD movements for us and all the standards.” “Sounds like a party to me,” Coach Foghat replies. “I’ll put an announcement on tomorrow’s website and blow up Facebook like it’s my job to try and help you get some more peeps to do FGB with you guys.” And let the fun begin!

---Either way YOU pick the WOD and how the party will run. These WILL be open to non-members. We recommend however, that they have a CF Background. Remember you’re running the show. Don’t have someone new to the experience do “Murph” on their first WOD and no nothing about scaling, or have no clue on how to do any of the movements. All parties will be an hour and a half long and will end at 10pm. Finish a bit early and want to crack open a few at the end? Hey, it’s a party! To schedule you’re first WOD party please call the office (909-4849) and dial Ext. 303 to reach Ian. You can e-mail but remember its first come first serve!

PALEO PEEPS: Bonus Challenge starts Monday! Get some rest wink

1st week of Kids Classes are officially in the books. We're closing in on the class cap for Junior Varsity, but there are still a few spots in Little League and Varsity. Don't delay call us today!

Snatch Catch

The catch position on any variety of snatch can make or break the lift. Just because the barbell is moving upward, the lift will not suddenly become easy.

Are you catching by returning to hip flexion?
Are your elbows locked out while receiving the barbell?
Are your shoulders active and externally rotated?
Are you maintaining an upright torso?
Are your feet at a natural landing width below your shoulders?
Are your heels planted with a stable foundation?
Are you landing without shifting forward?
Are you getting into position quickly?

There are many points to execute when developing the catch portion of your snatch along with all of its variations. You may master all of these in time and not have to think about them any more. However, to have a natural and fluid snatch, you must first put your faith into these highlighted technique areas. If you don’t have trust in them, you can't expect to ever achieve them.

Flexibility Issues?

Daytime Classes
Please remember to park behind the Gold Gym during the day today.

Primal Population
Here is another paleo link worth checking out!


Hey y'all, 2nd delivery of CavemanToGo food has arrived and is ready for pick-up in the Gold Gym. Remember, both food delivery services are up and running at this point and can be ordered here:

or (Use code: 'longisland" for 10% off first order)

Get those orders in soon!

Paleo Peeps:

Get ready, Bonus Challenge #1 should be hitting your inbox either later today or tomorrow....good luck!

This video could come in handy today!

You Call That a Push Up?

The only way to know if you are making progress in fitness is to compare your amount of work with the amount of work that you have done in the past. First, you will need to recreate some type of concrete guidelines to follow for both your beginning and end states. In CrossFit, we do this through the use of benchmark workouts. If everything is consistent, we can get a true measure of progress.

However, it’s not that simple. In order for a workout to be measured, everything within that workout must be measurable as well. Every movement has a standard and if we don’t follow them our results will vary. One of the simplest sets of standards are those of the push up. Lower your chest to make contact with the ground (or a raised target) and bring your arms back to full extension with a rigid body. Yet, since we learned in physical education that shallow push ups are ok, many people people revert back to a standard-free push up. How do you know that each push up is covering the same range of motion? More importantly, how will you know how deep to go next time?

If you have poor push up habits, break them today. Get a true measurement of what you do in your workout. Write in your journal that you hit the full standards every single time. If you are still a bit confused, check out Annie Sakamoto as she demonstrates acceptable push ups to brain melting music.

Free Parking
We are still making first impressions with some of our neighbors at the Gold Gym and we would love to establish good relationships. Out of courtesy to them, we ask that our daytime and early evening classes park in the back of the Gold Gym. Keep in mind that standard business hours are often somewhere between 8am - 6pm. Your effort and cooperation would be greatly appreciated.

I’m keeping it short and sweet today. Well, for paleo purposes, let’s call it short and savory. You may have noticed our very own Katherine Fritz sporting a T-shirt or two that depicts a pigtailed little girl with meat on the brain. You might not have realized, but she is the mascot for another great paleo site. Check it out!
Nom Nom Paleo

New Schedule!

Hey folks, today is the day we finally begin our new Spring Schedule. As you all know by now, this schedule is going to incorporate both gyms simultaneously. As you might imagine, this has the potential to be slightly hectic for a few days until everyone adjusts, but I know we'll make it work. Here are a few tips to helping everything run smoothly.

1) Print out a copy of the schedule (found below) and keep it in your car. I would also suggest a second copy for your fridge. Either way, please do your best to know where you are supposed to be before you get here.

2) Let's try to avoid a "Gold Rush". By this I mean please don't try to re-arrange your schedule to be at the Gold Gym on day 1 or 2. Please just choose the class that best suits you and be patient. You will all get to see and experience the new gym very soon, don't worry. Also be advised, there will be a 12 person cap on the classes*.

3) Use the off-the-floor coaches for assistance. During the evening "busy" hours and most morning hours, there will be a designated staff member in the reception area who is there to answer any questions you may have. Things regarding memberships (upgrades, etc), CF Kids registration, upcoming events, and things of that nature should all be directed to the coach who is not on the floor. Thanks in advance.

* - the new class cap will be 12 athletes. This will apply very strictly to any class in which the same level class is being held in the next hour. Example: If your are the 13th person in the 5:30 P2, you will be asked to wait until the 6:30 class on days when that option is available. If it's the last class of the night for that level, the coach may allow up to 14 or 16 depending on which gym it is being held in, and what the lesson is. This is the coaches call. With so many new classes offered we do not see this being a problem, but just want everyone to be aware.

Here is the schedule:


Other reminders:

1) The Spring Apparel has arrived and is waiting to be picked up by all who pre-ordered. The additional items we ordered are all available in the Gold Pro-Shop today, as well as many pairs of kicks from the Spring Reebok Nano line.

2) Paleo Challenge Day 7 scores, as well as the "Buddy" email are due at noon today. First week in the books!

3) CavemanToGo meals are available for pick-up in the Gold Gym for all who ordered last week. Mmmmmm....

4) We are super excited about everything that is going on around here lately and so thankful to all of you for being supportive through the busy transition. We have the best CF community in the world!

It’s Among Us..Big Things Spring!

I hope you're prepared for what's to come. Today is officially the last day that we will ONLY be having classes at what we're now calling the Blue Gym (well technically tomorrow is but today's the last weekday). Starting Monday CFLI Gold will be open for business. You should have gotten the schedule via e-mail, but don't worry within the next 24 hours it will also be posted in the schedule tab right up above. Just a heads up- we're preparing for some confusion and some adjusting for the first few weeks. If you feel like you're getting left in the dust with everything going on fear not: We're here for you. Just shoot your favorite Coach (probably Ian) an e-mail or give him/her a call and we'll get you settled down and squared away. It might be a little chaotic at first but don't worry...We got you!

Coaches Contacts:
(631) 909-4849
Ian-Ext: 303
Pat-Ext: 305
Nicole- Ext: 304
Brianne-Ext: 302
Erik: Ext: 301

Brian said if you need him his extension is 911...I need to look into that a little bit more though.

Runners in Pat's Running and Endurance Class- See you tomorrow at South Haven Park bright and early at 8:00am. If anyone would like to Caravan Pat will be leaving CFLI Gold gym at 7:40am SHARP. Be there by 7:30 ready to roll. Otherwise see you at South Haven.

CF Kids- See you Monday!

Rack Attack!

We know that the front squat isn’t as glamorous as the back squat. It’s true that people tend to favor having the barbell behind their head, but CrossFit puts a big emphasis on the front rack position. The vast majority of barbell work that we do roots from olympic weightlifting. If you are unfamiliar with them, they are the snatch and the clean and jerk. Both of these lifts require that we receive the barbell in a full squat position. The cleaning component of the clean and jerk will always lead us into the bottom of a front squat. Standing from this bottom position is commonly known as “coming out of the hole” and requires a certain level of strength and technique. The best was to prepare us for this situation is to keep hitting heavy front squats!

To get more familiar with the bar's orientation, try some Frankenstein squats.

The front rack position is uncomfortable for many, but it is vital toward becoming proficient at front squats. A good front rack position should allow us to bear a load and still emulate out air squat with minimal adjustments. If we maintain the bar position within the frontal plane (over the feet), our lifts will continue to progress. Get that bar high on your shoulders, keep it comfortably against your throat, and establish high elbows. Just work on keeping that front rack identical at both the top and the bottom of your lift.

Neanderthals (They went extinct, but you get the idea.)

I now bestow unto you a couple of my favorite paleo resources. Don’t be fooled. One may not be flashy, but it is very useful. If you get a chance, check out these two links...

Sweet Cheeks (Thanks for noticing. I go to CFLI.)

Coach G-Mo’s Super Secret Paleo Recipe Link

Just double check the recipes’ ingredients, different people may have conflicting interpretations of true paleo dieting. You want to be sure that everything that you consume is CFLI approved!

Who Checks in Daily?

We want everyone to be checking out site daily if possible. This is your chance to make us proud outside of the facility just like you do during our classes. If you read the whole post today, mark your visit with a thought on the following question:

The air squat, front squat, and overhead squat are all within the 9 foundational movements of CrossFit. Why do you think that the back squat is not listed?

Pushin and a Pullin

Howdy crew,
Quick Reminder: The new schedule starts Monday May 6th. Originally we had plans to start today but we had a few minor set backs. New gym, new schedule, new classes start this Monday!

"New classes or more classes Ian?" Hey good question it's actually both. We are incorporating a whole new phase into the program, adding a ton of more classes, and starting our CrossFit Kids program back up. "Gee golly gosh Ian that sounds amazing! Kids can do CrossFit too?" You mean the constantly varied functional movements you've been doing to get in the best shape of your life? Of course! Except our youth program promises to be a whole load of fun too (not that you don't have fun here or anything smile ) "Awesome, sign me up!"

Reminder that the Kids classes start Next week and the deadline for the first class is this Friday.
Little League: Ages 4-6 @4:30pm on M&W
Junior Varsity: Ages 7-11 @4:30pm on M&W
Varsity:Ages 12-15 @4:30pm on T&Th

For all you Adults out there we're also back open for business. Our temporary population cap we hit while we were working on our top secret project across the street has officially ended and we're open for new members. Our next 101 starts this Monday as well!

Paleo Peeps. By now everyone should be squared away with Pics, measurements, and baselines.The third day is among us! If you're not e-mail your captain ASAP. Last chance is today!