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Let’s “Pull” It Together

First thing first:

All classes will meet at the BLUE GYM today. See you there!

Now, the fun stuff:

Two big things coming your way! Something that the coaches and I have been talking about for quite some time. Skill clinics. We are proud to announce we will be hosting our first two Skill Clinics in the upcoming weeks. If you are unaware, the Skill Clinics are specialty classes in which we will focus on one specific movement for the entire class, bringing you through all the in's and out's, tips and tricks, and hopefully having some major breakthroughs. Each time we will focus on new movements and common areas of struggle.

This month's focus? Pull-ups and Muscle-ups.

These are going to be two very detailed classes focusing on as aspects of each movement. No matter what experience you have with either movement you will leave with a series of tools and knowledge under your belt to practice and progress even more. Whether you’re working on your very first band-pull-up or trying to string together those deceiving muscle-ups we will have you covered. Working on getting your first one? There's no better time for a breakthrough than here, this could be the big night.

Each class will be 1.5 hours long focusing on step by step progressions. It will include even more skills and drills, some progressions we don't normally have time for in a regular class, 1-on-1 time to focus and fine tune, LOTS of practice, and of course a mini-WOD to test those new skills. Each class will be taught by 3 coaches allowing for plenty of 1-on-1 time focus and video feedback.

Pull-Up Clinic
Friday, June 21st
7:30-9:00pm in the Blue Gym.
Limit: 20 athletes
Cost: $30

Muscle-Up Clinic
Friday, June 28th
7:30-9:00pm in the Blue Gym.
Limit: 20 Athletes
Cost: $30

Registration will open on Monday morning and it will be first come first serve. We will post the sign-up sheet on Monday's web post. We will not hold seats or open extra spots.

Special Notes:

1) You are not limited to 1 class. However, not needing any assistance to do a kipping pull-up or ring dip is usually considered a pre-requisite to the muscle-up as well as it’s progressions.

2) We obviously cannot guarantee you will get your first pull-up or muscle-up during the clinic, but we can guarantee you will walk out that door more knowledgeable and further along in your progression. You can also bet your bottom dollar you'll improve much more if you attend the clinic rather than sitting on your tookus all night.