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Hey Tribe, late post. We are having some internet issues down here this morning due to Optimum working in the area, so I have to make this post short and sweet before I lose service again!

Saturday was a great "wrap-up" day as we finished up the Paleo Challenge and the Running Clinic! The Paleo Challenge is still being totaled but I can visually see the differences so nearly every competitor, my jaw nearly hit the floor a few times as I saw people come in for their Baselines! Winners will be announced by the end of the week!

The Running Clinic also wrapped up with everyone crushing their baseline Time Trials on Saturday morning....great work everyone! If you missed out this time, stay tuned for the Fall Clinic....

Workout for Mon, June 10, 2013

For Time:
"Bottom to Bottom" Tabata Squats
followed by
1 mile run