CrossFit LongIsland Logo


Ok folks we are rockin' and rollin' into a big week! Here are a few quick things:

1) FREE sports massage!

Tomorrow afternoon/evening (Tuesday) there will be a chance to get a free sports massage either before or after your workout. Come down to the Gold Gym between 4:30pm and 8:30pm to get a free 20-minute sample of a sport massage by Gretchen, a local massage therapist who works with CrossFitters.

2) FREE Beach Workout!!

MDW is this weekend! It might not feel like it just yet, but that means the unofficial kickoff of summer. So what better way to kickoff Summer than a hard WOD on the sand? Ohhh yeahhhh, hard bodies meet hot sand at Smith Point Beach this Saturday at 8am sharp for a fun beach workout. This class is "All Levels", FREE for everyone (doesn't count towards your weekly training sessions), and will be in place of the normal Saturday morning schedule. Award for best CFLI wardrobe! Ok so let's repeat:

1 - Class STARTS at 8am, be there by 7:45am please (class will be 1hr 15m - 1.5 hrs)
2 - This class is completely free and DOES NOT count towards your usual membership
3 - There will be no regularly scheduled Saturday morning classes
4 - We will meet at Smith Point Beach in Shirley (home of the world famous Smith Point Lifeguards)
5 - Optional dip in the water afterwards (it's effin cold!)
6 - There is no limit on class size, let's flood the beach! (Members only please)
7 - Best CFLI themed wardrobe wins a prize (be creative!), members of the running clinic are also eligible for the prize!

Between the running clinic and the beach class, I think CFLI can get 100 people on that beach on Saturday....that's a challenge!

Workout for Mon, May 20, 2013


Double Unders


Back Squat