CrossFit LongIsland Logo


HAPPY JUNE! Can you believe it!? “Big Things Spring” is officially in full effect as we’re heading toward “Super Summer.” We have our first 2 skill clinic’s scheduled for this month, a few WOD parties on the horizon, and whole lot of fun WOD’s as the warm weather is upon us. Hope You’re ready!

Oh did I forget to mention that our 40 day's in the cave is coming to an end!?
Paleo Peeps: It's the Final Countdown. Today starts your very last bonus challenge and Friday seals the deal! DAY 40!!! WOOHOO! Baseline’s will also be this Friday. Take a look at the adjusted schedule below.


Here’s your adjusted schedule for this Friday, June 7th:

Morning - Regular Schedule


3:30 - P1 (note this class is not usually on the schedule)
4:30 - P2
5:30 - P1
6:30 - All Levels
7:30 - Open Lift (subject to change. Working on coaching schedule)

4-7 (pics and measurement stations)

Baselines will run every half hour at the following times:
4:30 / 5:00 / 5:30 / 6:00 / 6:30
These times are when the Baseline starts.

**Pro's-Please- you will complete the skills baseline on one time slot, and the other half of the baseline in the next slot.

Baseline/Pics Make-up: Thursday at 8:30pm at Gold (MUST CALL AHEAD!!)

*Side Note*All Morning Classes will be held at the Blue Gym starting tomorrow.
That means the 7, 9:30, &10:30 am on Tuesday’s and Thursday’s!

Workout for Mon, June 03, 2013

Bear Complex:
P1: 3-3-3-3
P2: 1RM
P3: Double BC 1RM

8 Min Amrap:
1 Bear Complex (185/125)
5 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)

Post By Fogs

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