CrossFit LongIsland Logo


Hey you CrossFit fools, it's April!! Welcome to a new month that should be jam packed with beautiful weather (hopefully) and awesome WODs (definitely).


1) We need anyone who has borrowed a lacrosse ball from us to please return it. I know I encourage you guys to take them home and use them if something's bothering you, but you can't keep them forever! We had about 25 and I just saw this morning we're down to 6. I know Cali chewed a couple so we got rid of them, but not that many! Please bring them back in right away so we can use them together as a class on certain days (like today).

2) There will be no 6:30pm class this Friday evening. We will be holding part of our in-house try out for the Regional Team. Unfortunately this is the only weekend we can hold the try-out because our Roster needs to be submitted next week. With Sunday being Easter, that's out of the question so we must start on Friday night. If this effects your usual training schedule please see a coach about making up the session. Thank you for your understanding.

In-House Try-Out Events:

Event 1: Friday 7:15pm

5 Min to establish a 1RM Squat Snatch
1 Min Max C2B Pull-ups
1 Min Max Wall Balls
1 Min Max Burpees

Squat Snatches must have a clear distinction of immediate squatting. Power Snatch + OHS will not be accepted.
Your score will be the weight lifted in pounds + reps completed.

Event 2 & 3: Friday 8:15pm

2) For Time: 1000m Row
1 min Rest
3) 3 min to establish 1RM overhead lift

These workouts will be scored separately. You will have a rack for the OH portion.

Event 4: Friday 9:15pm

For time:
100 Double Unders
followed by 3 Rounds of the triplet:
15 Pistols (alt legs)
20 T2B
Followed by:
100 Double Unders

Your score will be your time or total reps completed before the time cap. Time cap not yet determined.

Event 5: Saturday 1pm

For time:
40 calorie Row
35 KB Swings (53/36)
30 Pull-ups
25 Overhead Lunges (45/25)
20 Push Press (115/75)
5 Rope Climbs
20 Push Press
25 OH Lunges
30 Pull-ups
35 KB Swings
40 Calorie Row

Your score will be your time or total reps completed before the time cap. Time cap not yet determined.

Event 6: Saturday 2:30pm

8 Min to establish a 3RM Touch-n-go Squat Clean

Once the set has started, the athlete will have 30 seconds to complete 3 successful Squat Cleans in which the bar does not rest on the floor. Again the movement must clearly be a Squat Clean. Power Clean + Front Squat will not be accepted.

Event 7: Saturday 3:15pm

For Time:
Increasing Distance / Decreasing Weight Prowler Push
Plate Sprints
Increasing Height Box Jumps

This workout is impossible to explain verbally but is actually quite simple to demonstrate in person. It will make perfect sense once you see it.

There is approximately 400yrds of Prowler Pushing during the workout at the following weights:
Men: 215 - 165 - 115 - 65
Women: 165 - 115 - 85 - 65

There are 28 box jumps total, increasing in height and decreasing in reps. The height for men will start at 30" and finish at 42", the women will start at 24" and end at 32".

The weights will be stripped from the prowler and added to the box as the workout goes on. Time cap not yet determined.

Event 8: Saturday 4:30 pm

For time:
20 Power Cleans (185/125)
20 Muscle-Ups

You may partition the reps however you'd like. Any form of ground-to-shoulder will be accepted. Your score will be your time or total reps completed before the time cap. Time cap not yet determined.

Event 9: Saturday 5:30pm

With a 9 min running clock, complete the following:
1 Mile Run
Max rep deadlifts (275/185)

Your score will be your total reps on the deadlifts.

These 9 scores, plus the 5 scores from the Open will determine your final standing. The top 4 men and 4 women will be on the initial Roster for Regionals, and the 5th and 6th male and female will be invited to the team training sessions over the next 2 months.

Workout for Mon, April 02, 2012


5 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
30 Wall-Balls (20/14)