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End of April

Holy shnizz it's the last day of April! But fear not, May is going to melt your face off. For those that have been following along, you've already heard that next month is going to be LEGEN....wait for it....DARY!!. Quick recap:

Saturday May 5th, 10am: Cinco de Mayo Mega Merchandise Madness Melee
Thursday, May 3rd: Paleo Seminar / Conquering the Cave Presentation
Monday, May 7th: Paleo Challenge Day 1:
Wednesday May 9th: Registration for "Spring Cleaning" begins
Wednesday, May 16th: Deadline to register for "Spring Cleaning"
Friday May 18th: Deadline to register guests for "Spring Cleaning"
Saturday, May 19th: "Spring Cleaning" Event! 1RM clean and jerk, food, drinks, music and fun for you and your family/friends.

For further information about any of these topics, scroll down through the last week or two or ask a coach!

Cave clarifications:

Ok folks, I want to take a few seconds to clarify a few topics surrounding the Paleo Challenge that may be confusing to some people.

1) Battle of the Sexes: This is an INDIVIDUAL challenge first and foremost. You will be competing for yourself and your own health and possibly prizes. The team scoring is a separate side challenge that has been added in for some extra excitement. NO OTHER PERSON IN THE CHALLENGE CAN EITHER HELP OR HURT YOUR INDIVIDUAL SCORE. There will be 1 male and 1 female overall winner at the end. There will be a weekly Team Winner each week based off of average scores, so if the number of competitors isn't exactly even, it's ok (although we want them as close as possible).

2) "I don't wanna do Paleo I'm trying to put on some size". Well you can stuff that excuse right up your a-...umm...nose. This is not a weight loss challenge. Your weight is not even part of the scoring. A strict Paleo diet does not automatically mean weight loss, unless you have some extra weight to lose. This lifestyle can most definitely help you gain some mass and strength as long as you are eating enough, and tailoring it to your specific goals. If you are in the challenge to increase mass, you must declare that ahead of time. If you don't believe me, ask Kenny Lamb. This guy has not only gained about 10lbs of muscle mass (to his already strong frame), he has burst onto the scene in the last few months as one of our top performers with increases in his strength and endurance. Throwing around insane weights and moving with machine-like endurance. The guy is untouchable right now.

3) "I've already been doing Paleo for _______, I'm doing pretty good so I'm ok". Ok, well your off to a good start, congratulations. But let me ask you this: How "good" have you been doing exactly? Do you have to tell a coach every time you "cheat", or do you let your team down each time you "slack off" for a day. Are you reporting how much water you drink to a coach? Or making sure you NEVER miss a day of fish oil and vitamin D? If you are 100% picture perfect, never cheat, and hold yourself this accountable, then maybe you are alright. If your doing 80 or 90% Paleo, or weekdays only, or Paleo except _____, well this might be the kick you need to take it to the next level and see the results your actually looking for. Think about it!

Current Scoreboard:

Cavewomen - 23 contestants
Cavemen - 11 contestants

Don't get comfortable yet ladies, there have been a whole bunch of verbal commitments from the men in the last few days, and I'm sure they'll be some last second sign-ups in typical male fashion. Remember the deadline to register is Thursday, but the earlier you get in the easier it is for us to get this thing set-up, so hurry!

PS-don't forget to email Ian and/or Brianne to set up an appointment for measurements and "Before" pics. Please view Thursday as a last resort if you cannot make any of the other time frames. We want to have as many people done as possible by then so we can just focus on the Baseline and the presentation.

Long Island Pulse

So some of you caught the article on Facebook already, but in case you didn't, click the link below to see a cool write-up about CrossFit in this month's LI Pulse edition. The article includes quotes from several local CF coaches, including myself, and pictures of our own Pat Scribner and Nicole Lo Meli. Check it out, and use the icons on the bottom to share on FB and Twitter!

Throwback WOD Demo with Brian and Brianne from March 2011:

Workout for Mon, April 30, 2012

1RM Bear Complex