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Rings and Things

Hey y'all, who's got a case of "keg shoulder"? Nice job throwing those kegs around yesterday, they can be frustrating!

Cave Peeps:

I made a slight mistake in the email I sent to everyone yesterday. The email addresses that you will be sending your daily scoresheet to will be .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) and .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). In the email I forgot the "CFLI" part...whoops! Your scores for day 1 are due today by noon if you haven't sent them yet. Hurry up!

Spring Cleaning:

Holy crap! With so much going on with the Paleo Challenge over the last 2 weeks, we've barely mentioned our upcoming event, Spring Cleaning. Registration for this event starts tomorrow. You will have until next Wednesday to register yourself, and until next Friday to register your guests. Get your friends and family down here to watch you throw around some serious weight, as well as enjoy raffles, prizes, music, and tons of food and drink. Gonna be the party of the year!

**Note: This is not a competition. All ability levels are invited and highly encouraged to participate. Don't be a baby!**


Workout for Tue, May 08, 2012

5 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
10 Pistols (alt legs)
15 Toes-2-Rings
20 Double Unders