CrossFit LongIsland Logo

May 1st

Welcome to May folks! The single greatest month of your life to date. Unless you've been living under a rock, you've heard about all the cool stuff going down over the next few weeks. Scroll down to yesterday's post to check out a list of dates, or ask a coach!

Remember, if you are in the Paleo Challenge you need to schedule a time to get measured and pics. Below are the remaining times:

Tuesday 5/1: 4:30-5:30pm w/Ian 6-7:30pm, 9:30-10pm w/ Brianne
Wednesday 5/2: 6:30-7am, 10:30-11am w/ Brianne 6-6:30pm w/ Ian
Thursday 5/3: 4:00-5pm w/Ian (before Baseline Option 1) or 8-9pm w/Brianne (after Baseline option 2)

You'll need to be here to complete the Paleo Baseline either right before the seminar at 5pm, or right after the seminar (approx 8pm). If you cannot make these times, email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) to schedule a make-up for Saturday.

Scoreboard Update:

Cavewomen: 28
Cavemen: 16

The men are clawing their way back! Still a few verbal commitments on both sides that are not official yet. Team up! Get on each other and make it happen!

Here is a re-post of the LI Pulse article featuring CFLI and other local CF programs. Use the FB and Twitter tabs at the bottom to share it!

Workout for Tue, May 01, 2012

1) Bar muscle ups


12min AMRAP:
3 Bar muscle ups
9 KB swings (70/53)