CrossFit LongIsland Logo

Monday 5/14

Yo yo yo happy Monday to you CrossFit lunatics! We got a busy week coming up, followed by a huge exclamation point know as "Spring Cleaning"! This place is going to be rocking as we expect at least 100+ athletes and fans getting down on the fun.

DO NOT MISS OUT ON THIS! I know there is a lot of apprehension about "performing" in front of spectators like always. Just remember a few things:

1) You will be divided into heats of similar abilities consisting of 6-8 athletes (you are not alone out there!)
2) No one is going to be criticizing you (trust me they will be very impressed at what you are doing out there)
3) It's all about fun! It is not a competition, you are here to hit your personal best, which we've had almost 100% PR rate at every event thus far.

As always, the gym will be closed on Friday 5/18 as a Rest Day to let your bodies prepare for the big event, and allow the coaches to set up and prepare for the big day.

Be sure to email .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) right now and let him know if you are bringing food!

One last thing about the event. If I hear one more person say "I'm not good enough" I'm going to make you stand on the corner of Horseblock Rd holding this:

And you will be automatically registered for this event instead:

Cave Peeps:

Bonus Challenge #1 starts today! If you did not receive the email with the info, please contact your team captain right away to get the deetz. And don't forget about the Double Secret Bonus Challenge as well...this could get interesting!

CrossFit Games Northeast Regionals:

As you guys all know by now, CFLI is competing in the Northeast Regionals next weekend in Boston. Because every single coach is competing, we are going to be closed for a few days. I'm sorry about this but every CF gym in the Northeast will be doing the same I'm sure. The full details of the adjusted schedule will be announced shortly.

The team is geared up and ready to crush! Check out the preview video for the event. We do not get mentioned in the video, but that just means one thing...... DARK HORSE! Thanks in advance to all who are coming to cheer us on!

Workout for Mon, May 14, 2012


Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3


3 Min AMRAP:
3 Power Cleans (155/105)
6 Push-Ups
9 Squats

Repeat AMRAP 5 times with a 1 minute rest period between each round.