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Pushin’ and a Pullin’

What's happenin all you Cave-Dwellers and Spring Cleaners? I say that because everyone in here must be doing at least one of those right? YOU'RE NOT? What's the deal? Well by now it's obviously too late to jump in the 40 day Paleo challenge, but CFLI has another big bad-ass event coming up right around the corner! Saturday, May 19th at 11am kicks off our "Spring Cleaning" member event challenge! I've been getting some pretty interesting questions about this event coming up, so let's take the time and clarify a few things.

1. This is not a contest, and there is no "winner" (besides you're all winners in my book tongue wink). Everyone is going to have 8 minutes to lift as heavy as they can on one of the best movements ever; the Clean & Jerk. This is your chance to take full advantage of the supercharged atmosphere we're going to create and get that new PR you've been looking for! (Just an FYI- at previous events nearly 100% of the participants achieved a Personal Record).

2. It's okay to be nervous! In fact, when are you not nervous before a tough WOD or lift? Ask any coach in here how they're feeling before any big WOD and you'll find out we all get that same anxiety. That's normal! If you're not nervous or at least a little anxious for this event then something's up. Use that nervous energy and put it towards your lift! GO BIG!

3. Think of it this way..Think about the best class you've ever been to...ever..did ya get it? take another second.. There it is. Now multiply that by 100, add a buffet of food and drinks, and bring your friends and family...Yeah, it's that good.
Sign Up's in the lobby right when you walk in (for instructions on signing up, please see Brian's 3 simple steps on yesterday's post)

Here's a slow-mo demo of the Clean & Jerk for your viewing pleasure

Today's WOD

16 Min AMRAP:

15 Press (65/45)
20 Pull-ups
1 Min Rest

"Dominate the Day"

post by Fogs