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Wednesday already? Wow, this week is moving quick. Between the Beach WOD on Monday and the Stones yesterday, time really does fly when you're having fun!

Few things:

1) Paleo Pot Luck Dinner

The Paleo Potluck dinner will be Thursday night at the Gold Gym at 6:15pm. All Cave peeps are invited and we just ask for everyone to contribute 1 Paleo dish to contribute to the group. There will be no afternoon/evening classes in the Gold Gym tomorrow and the Blue Gym will be running the following schedule:

3:30 -- P1
4:30 – P2
5:30 – P1
6:30 – Varsity
7:30 -- P3 (1 hour class)
8:30 – All Levels

2) Gretchen's World Famous Sports Massage

Gretchen was in again last night and will be in every Tuesday. Last week she had a line out the door and the reviews were unbelievable! Unfortunately last night we didn't do a great job of spreading the word and because we were at the Blue Gym most of the time, she didn't get much action. Next week we will get the sign-up sheet out early and make sure everyone has a chance to book their massage. Just a note: This isn't a candles and harp music type of massage. Gretchen is here to treat and prevent any sport related injuries or aches and pains. She's good!

3) Paleo Bonus Challenge

Ok so this week's challenge is definitely tough, especially the "Footprint" portion. Just please understand that you need to use your best judgement in circumstances that are out of your control. For example, we don't want you to starve to death because you didn't want to unwrap the plastic off of your steak. Know what I mean? You shouldn't be producing any excess waste, but if someone else does, you need to use your best judgement. If you want to have a coffee from a cafe, don't skip it because THEY used a paper filter, but YOU should be using a re-usable cup. Do your best!

Workout for Wed, May 29, 2013


Push Press 3-3-3-3-3


"7 Round Jack"
10 Push Press (115/75)
10 KB Swings (53/36)
10 Box Jumps (24/20)

*Note: Jack is a CrossFit Hero WOD usually performed as a 20 min AMRAP. Today we will be altering the format slightly.

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