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For YOU The Bell Tolls

Sorry if I excited any of you Metallica or Hemingway fans. I am referring to, of course, the kettlebell. The ol’ KB can do so much more than just swing. Kettlebells are incredibly versatile tools that present us with a multitude of weightlifting options. You may have used these for various swings, snatches, push presses, SDHPs, goblet squats, weighted pistols, Turkish get ups, juggling, and more. In some cases, they can even increase the difficulty of our gymnastics movements. You may have seen people do pistols on the handles or use a pair as parallettes during deficit handstand push ups. Like many things in life, the tool itself doesn’t make the major impact. It’s how you choose to incorporate it into your task.

Jeff Martone is CrossFit’s “Kettlebell guru.”

Are you a true believer in the power of the kettlebell?
Read Jeff’s Book
Take Jeff’s Course

Future Homo-Sapiens
Have a family to feed? Are grilled steak and steamed veggies loosing their luster? Here is another resource. Just remember to filter out anything that doesn’t fit with what you can eat.
Check out this link!

Workout for Thu, May 23, 2013

P1/P2) Kettlebell Snatch and Push Press
P3) 1RM Dumbbell Snatch (1 arm)

12 Minute AMRAP*:
1 Snatch + 2 Push Presses (x3) Right Arm
1 Snatch + 2 Push Presses (x3) Left Arm
10 Swings

*All Movements Performed With A Kettlebell (53/36)

Post by Erik

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